After work, Lisa crossed the sidewalk in front of the Petersson Communication office to meet Clara at the Socialite cafe. Lisa walked in hastily. She looked around, looking for someone she had never even seen in the real world!

'What a bitch, does she think I know where her ass is!?'

Not long after Lisa was pacing around looking for Clara, her cell phone rang. Lisa picked up the call angrily.

"Tell me where you are, bastard!" She snapped on the phone.

The woman on the other hand answered calmly without any agitation, "I sat by the window, dressed in white,"

Lisa turned her head towards the window. There, she saw a table for two and a woman with long, straight hair fluttering in the wind.

The woman had delicate white skin, like silk. Her eyebrows were beautifully curved as if they were embroidered. Her thin red lips were like a rose. Her nose was sharper than Lisa's. Her black eyes gleamed beautifully. Her lashes were very thick and curvy.

Clara was incredibly beautiful.

Lisa was stunned when she stared at the woman from a distance. Her self-confidence started to drop dramatically!

The woman exchanged glances with Lisa. She waved, inviting Lisa to join her immediately.

Lisa walked over to the table by the window with normal steps. The woman got up from her chair and offered her hand to shake Lisa's hand. That woman was much taller than Lisa, without even wearing high heels! Her white dress wrapped her tall slender body gracefully. A diamond necklace perched on her neck. Clara really fit as a model!

When compared to her, Clara was much prettier and taller for sure. Lisa firmly believed this woman didn't have to go the extra mile to captivate the hearts of handsome single men in the capital!

For a moment Lisa thought, it's obvious that Oscar once liked the woman in front of her today.

"Hello, I'm Clara. Please sit down, have you ordered a drink?" That woman was truly unpredictable! She kept her composure and emotions under control. Clara was so scary!

Lisa, who had wanted to beat this woman's face, suddenly withdrew. Her self-confidence crumbled because of the woman's strong aura and unreadable emotions. Even Karina was nothing compared to Clara!

Lisa shook the woman's hand reluctantly. Even her palms were very smooth without blemishes. Clara's face and body care must be worth a million rupiah, she thought.

"What do you want to say to me?" Lisa asked harshly. She tried not to show her vulnerability in front of a woman who looked so much better than her. Lisa didn't want to lose just because Clara was much prettier and calmer than her.

"Relax, it looks like you need to sit down and have a cup of lavender tea!" The woman handed her tea to Lisa.

"I don't want to drink your used one! What do you want to say, hurry up because I'm tired after staying all day!"

Clara did not flinch at Lisa's way of speaking even though Lisa was getting rougher. She grabbed the teacup and took a slow sip. A faint smile appeared on her beautiful face. Her polite and gentle demeanor showed that Clara was highly educated and was born into a rich family.

"Lisa, I was Oscar's colleague when we were studying in Sweden. It's been 5 years we have a relationship. When we were in Sweden, we always took classes together. We always have lunch together during break."

Clara took another sip of tea.

"Every summer vacation, we are always excited to participate in the mid-summer celebrations. We always ended up getting drunk together and making love all summer nights."

Lisa frowned when she heard a sentence that Clara didn't really need to say. She didn't want to hear about Clara's sex life when she was dating Oscar.

"I still remember clearly at that time we always made love every weekend night. And, oh Oscar was indeed so great. Never seen a man so mighty in bed as him. You must know how he tastes, right?" She added, still with unreadable emotion. "You're his wife, after all,"

Even though the sentence she uttered was indecent, Clara was able to talk it out politely and gracefully. Lisa lost the courage to interrupt the woman sitting in front of her. She clearly lost to Clara in terms of social status!

It's hardly surprising if Oscar had fallen in love with Clara. Beautiful woman with higher education, smooth and polite speaking style. Clara was like a princess in the modern world!

"Listen, I don't want to listen to your past with Oscar. Isn't it embarrassing for you to tell me all out!? I am Oscar's wife now! His legitimate wife! You deliberately invited me to meet up just to show off your beauty and how cute you are, right? So that I get divorced?" Lisa said angrily.

Clara's long, slender fingers gently touched the edge of her teacup. Her legs were crossed. The expression on her face was still unpredictable. That woman seemed to only have one expression, which was always smiling blankly.

"Tell me Lisa, are you happy with Oscar?" Clara's pair of gleaming black eyes stared at Lisa closely. The woman was playing with Lisa's feelings.

Lisa smiled wryly and replied nonchalantly, "My happiness and Oscar are none of your business!"

Clara leaned back against the chair. The woman smiled faintly. Every response given by Clara was enough to make Lisa's heart feel torn.

"Do you know what Oscar's favorite food is? Do you know what coffee he likes? Do you know what kind of clothes he likes to see his girl wear to sleep? Do you know what his favorite sex position is?"

Lisa couldn't stand all the stupid questions Clara asked her. "Shut your mouth, you bitch! I may not know right now, but I'll know everything for sure! I'm sure my husband will open up to me in the future!" Lisa argued harshly and haphazardly.

"You don't need to pretend to be happy. I know Oscar will never love you. Oscar married you in an accident, right?"

Lisa's eyes widened, she was shocked to hear Clara's last sentence.

"How do you know I'm pregnant!?"

"Oh please Lisa, everyone knows," Clara replied still in a soft and calm tone.

"You talk too much! What do you really want to say! Hurry up and waste my time!"

Hearing Lisa's snarl, Clara leaned forward. Her black, sparkling eyes met Lisa's eyes that looked faint.

"I'm here to speak with you to tell you that Oscar doesn't love you. Oscar will only fall in love with me until the end of time," Clara replied coldly, her voice sounded intimidating.

"You really want to waste my time, don't you, Clar? You deliberately provoked me!"

"I know you are pregnant with Oscar's child, and I have to admit he's a responsible man. But Oscar didn't marry you because he loved you.. I am sure when your child is born, Oscar will divorce you."

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