The next day, the sun's rays made their way through the not-so-thick window blinds. The lamp next to Oscar's bed automatically turned off following the light from outside.

Even though there was a bed in the VVIP room, Lisa still faithfully sat beside Oscar's bed. She knew that she would wake up with an excruciating pain in her neck, but still she didn't care.

Lisa's head was on Oscar's bed and her hand was still holding the man's palm. 

Even though she said that she could find food on her own yesterday, Dani still snickered to come to the hospital. The man brought her a dish made by Mrs. Rusminah and a few bottles of water.

The woman managed to never separate from Oscar's side. After eating, she simply placed the utensil on the table, washed the spoon and sat back down next to the man.


Not long later, while Lisa was still asleep, Oscar's eyelids moved. His fingers moved and after a while, the man's eyes opened.

Oscar could only lie on the bed doing nothing. It seemed that the anesthetic and painkillers had disappeared in his body and his chest began to feel sore.

The man saw Lisa's uncomfortable sleeping position and wanted to carry her body to sleep beside him. However, Oscar didn't dare to do that. The slightest movement of his body felt so hurt, so let alone getting down and carrying Lisa.

Finally, he just lay motionless and watched Lisa silently. He didn't want her to wake up because maybe she couldn't sleep well last night.

Not long after, after Oscar decided not to wake Lisa, the woman was awakened by the door being opened from outside. Then the doctor and a nurse came in.

"Good morning, Mr Oscar! Wow, it looks like you're getting better today!" 

Wait, what is this doctor so enthusiastic about? It's still 8 in the morning but this doctor was so cheerful, which somehow made Lisa jealous.

Usually, she has to drink coffee or wait until 10 am before she can feel excited.

"Morning." Oscar replied hoarsely. The man's voice still sounded hoarse from not moistening his throat for more than 10 hours.

At first, Lisa didn't realize that Oscar was awake. Since she had just woken up, and of course with a sore neck, she only saw the doctor and nurse enter the room with blank stares.

But as if struck by lightning, Lisa widened her eyes when she saw that Oscar had regained consciousness.

"Are you awake?! Since when!? How come I didn't know!?" Lisa asked repeatedly.

Oscar just smiled faintly, "It's fine. I just woke up."

After the examination, the doctor said that Oscar's body was fine after the operation. In fact, his healing process was much faster than ordinary people. It's just that Oscar is not allowed to go home before the surgical wound is completely dry.

The doctor examined Oscar for about 10 minutes then left with the nurse. Lisa ushered the doctor and nurse out of the room, then sat back down next to Oscar.

Lisa looked at the man with reddened eyes and short breaths.

At first, it was normal for Oscar to see Lisa looking at him with that look. He thought it was only natural that she felt touched because she finally woke up. But when he saw the tears running down the woman's cheeks, Oscar couldn't help but rush.

"Oh my, Lisa, why do you have to cry in everything? I'm fine! You heard that the doctor said that I'm doing fine, right? I'm just waiting for my stitches to dry!"

Lisa had always been a child in a grown woman's body for him. Easily crying, adorable, and stubborn. Even more stubborn than William.

And now, seeing Lisa's reddened eyes and tear-soaked cheeks, the man felt warm.

Since Lisa didn't answer his question and was busy wiping away her tears, Oscar couldn't help but chuckle. He raised his hand and stroked the back of her palm.

"Hey, did you stay up late last night to look after me here?"

"Yeah, how can I leave you here alone? You had to be sent to the hospital because of my mistake." Lisa retorted, her tone was not very clear because of her sobs.

Even though she had thought about apologizing and treating Oscar well, for some reason, her mouth couldn't cooperate with her brain. Her body seemed to have gotten used to treating Oscar harshly.

Hearing that made Oscar's expression change drastically. He was already happy because Lisa was willing to not come to work and look after him here, either out of love or worry.

But as it turned out, she was still the same as before. Lisa waited for him here because she felt guilty and had no other choice.

"Oh, so you're here waiting for me just because you feel sorry for me? Not because of anything else?" Oscar asked coldly. The man's hand was no longer resting on the back of Lisa's palm.

Again, Lisa's mouth did not want to cooperate.

"Yes! Yesterday, Mrs. Rusminah couldn't take care of you because she had to take care of William at home. Then, Dani also had other work, so he couldn't take care of you. Anyway it's pointless to discuss it further, so just shut up and let me do what I have to do!" Lisa said curtly, "So what if I'm here to take care of you? It's nothing extraordinary."

Hearing Lisa's tone that sounded serious and her face that looked flat made Oscar lazy. The man averted his eyes and tried to grab the TV remote.

"Ugh, fine. You can go home now that I'm awake. Thank you looking after me last night. Next time you won't have to bother doing that."

Lisa sat dumbfounded beside Oscar hearing that. Suddenly, her heart was engulfed by a thick black fog. Feelings of annoyance began to fill her body after hearing Oscar's words that sounded rude.

She had to stay up watching Oscar until her neck hurt, and not to mention she had to wait for 3 hours until the man finally came out of the operation room, and this was the reply she got? 

A thank you that sounds pretty much insincere?

"If you still have a brain, be grateful of what I did for you, you insolent fool!"

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