Vira stood in the doorway, folding her arms across her chest. The light illuminating the apartment room shone out, making Lisa's vision clearer.

"Vira? How come you're home?"

Hearing that made Vira raise her eyebrows, "Since this afternoon, I've been trying to call and send a message to you. Did you not read my message?"

"Oh sorry sorry, I'm a bit busy this afternoon so I don't have time to look at my cellphone at all." Lisa's reply was short. She hoped that Vira would not give her strange questions that would make her go awry.

However, what she feared actually happened. Vira's eyes looked at her and Oscar in turn. Not long after that, the woman asked, "Sis Lisa, Mr. Oscar, are you-"

"No!" Lisa interrupted quickly, she shook her head and cast a threatening look at Vira, "We don't have any problem!"


When Vira pointed at Lisa's messy hair with a sly smile, Lisa's hand suddenly straightened her hair. The woman gave Vira a look that seemed to say, 'Don't ask anything weird!'

In contrast to her panicked expression, Oscar stood quietly behind Lisa. The man's expression was cold and stern, as if to say that they were in trouble.

Vira had known Lisa long enough to know that the woman was lying. Usually, when a woman is lying, she will move her hands quickly and her face looks panicked. Even a fool would know that a woman is not good at lying.

"It's okay, you don't have to lie so much. Don't add to your sin." Vira teased while still smiling slyly. If Oscar weren't here, maybe Lisa had beaten that woman down. "Can you explain to me why you guys fight in the apartment hallway at night like this?"

Lisa's face immediately turned red because the thing she was trying to cover was exposed as well. "Well... what else should I explain to you, Vir?! This guy doesn't know himself and follows me home like a pervert!"

Then, after saying that, Lisa walked past Vira. As soon as her feet stepped inside the apartment, she immediately felt relieved. At least in this place, she felt comfortable and could throw Oscar away at any time. Since she owned half of this apartment, she could expel any guests that she didn't want to host.

Seeing Lisa's childish behavior made Vira feel bad. She didn't know whether to close the apartment's door or let Oscar in. On the one hand, she wanted to let Oscar in, because she knew it's rude to kick him out of there. But on the other hand, she felt bad for Lisa.

As if knowing what Vira was thinking, Lisa turned her head for a moment. "Close the door!"

"Oh, yes yes." 

Just when Vira was about to close the door, she saw Oscar's strong hand blocking the door. Not only were his hands trying to hold the door, his feet were also trying to keep the door open.

"This bastard I swear...! If I say go home, just go home now, don't bother me all the time! I didn't just bluff, I can call the police now and tell them that a perverted guy is following me home."

This time, Lisa's voice was not as loud as before when they were still in the corridor. She didn't want the other neighbors to come out and scold her for being too loud. The woman's voice was not too loud but was able to make Vira stunned for a moment. She had never seen her roommate this angry.

But now, Oscar wasn't looking at Lisa. The man actually looked at Vira, as if trying to ask her to help him. And Vira is a weak woman for a handsome man like Oscar.

Finally, Vira turned her head and said, "Sis, shouldn't we ask Mr. Oscar to come inside? Who knows he has important things to talk about."

"Vira," Lisa said in a cold tone. The woman turned around and looked at Vira closely. "Whose side are you really on? Me or Oscar?"

How could Vira say in front of her face that she couldn't wait to host her friend's ex-husband?


If Vira let Oscar inside, that man would definitely eat Lisa alive. Especially considering what he did to her in the apartment hallway. Lisa couldn't imagine what would happen if they were in a closed room. 

Not to mention that now Oscar and Lisa don't have a special relationship anymore. Oscar is with Indri and now, Lisa is busy 'dating' with her work. So why did Lisa have to listen to Oscar's explanation?

Moreover, Lisa had seen with her own eyes that Oscar and Indri had dinner at an expensive restaurant. Why is that man actually here and not accompanying his girlfriend?

Sometimes, Lisa doesn't understand the man's way of thinking.

Did Oscar think he could get two women at once just because of his good looks? Did he think he could have both Indri and Lisa herself at the same time? Had he lost his mind?!

Such thoughts made Lisa chuckle in annoyance. Suddenly, the woman walked quickly towards Vira and pushed the door hard. She didn't feel guilty in the slightest even though Oscar was roaring in pain from getting his fingers caught by the door. 

"Oh my gosh, sorry!" Vira said when she felt a small gust of wind due to Lisa's fast movement.

Without giving Lisa a chance to answer her question, Vira continued, "Are you really fighting with Mr. Oscar?"

Lisa sighed and walked towards their small kitchen. She took a small plastic cup, filled it with water, then drank it quickly. The incident in the hallway and in the apartment made her head feel like it's fuming.

Hearing Vira's question actually also made Lisa think. What exactly was she arguing about with Oscar earlier? Apart from the fact that the man was playing with her heart, their fight was nothing serious.

"No, we're not fighting." Lisa finally replied.

It's not Vira if she's not going to pry for information. As the queen of gossip, she can't let Lisa leave her in the dark like this!

Vira plopped down on the sofa and chuckled. "Don't even think you can lie to me like this, Sister Lisa!"

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