At first, Lisa could breathe a sigh of relief because Oscar finally let go of his tight hug. But before she could curse the man, she felt her body being turned around and her cheeks being grabbed.

"I'm not lying to you. Gosh, how much longer do I need to tell you that you're the only one inside my heart?" Oscar whispered. From the look on his face, the man looked like he didn't know what else to do. "What do I have to do to make you believe everything I say?"

Maybe because Lisa was too embarrassed to face Oscar, the woman accidentally hit his hand which had stitches on it. Oscar then let go of his hand on Lisa's cheek and stroked his arm almost immediately.

"Guys like you don't deserve to be trusted, and obviously, you're such a waste of time!" Lisa snapped.

Now she didn't want to spend any more time in the office building. It's better if she's allowed to go home early. Perhaps she will be scolded severely, then hide in her room. Because of Oscar, her enthusiasm for going to the office just disappeared!

Lisa descended the stairs with hasty steps. From behind, she could hear Oscar keep shouting her name. Not long after, Lisa felt her wrist being pulled by the man again.

"Listen to me first! Why do you always run from me?" Oscar snapped no less loudly than Lisa. The man's breath was roaring, not because he was tired of running after her, but because the annoyance he felt was so great. 

"Do you really think that I lied to you? My feelings for you never die out. It only gets heavier and makes my chest tight!"

"Wow, you really don't plan to give up huh! Look, I salute you because your acting is really good, even better than Leonardo DiCaprio! Seems like Oscar Petersson needs to move to Hollywood soon!"

Oscar frowned, "Don't dodge. Stay with the topic!"

"Should I care about that?" Lisa asked back.

Without giving Oscar a chance to answer her question, Lisa continued, "Well, I'm too lazy to argue with you, you damn white! Now go to your girlfriend and ask her if I'm allowed to go home early. I don't want to stay here any longer!"

"And oh, don't you dare to follow me!" Lisa continued with a fierce look.

Dumbfounded by Lisa's rapidly changing attitude, Oscar was still standing still on one of the steps. It was only when he heard the door near the stairs open that he came to his senses and ran after Lisa from behind. The man didn't care about his surroundings and continued to shout Lisa's name.

Lisa deliberately ignored the golden haired man and quickened her pace. Stupidly, the woman forgot to bring her belongings, especially her tote bag. So now she doesn't carry her cellphone, wallet, and ID card!

In fact, Lisa could have turned around and took her bag. But since she was too angry and embarrassed, the woman chose to leave her bag at the office. After all, she will still go to work tomorrow and the cleaning service might've kept her bag.

Arriving in front of the office building, Lisa turned right and merged with the sea of ​​people who happened to also fill the sidewalk. 

Oscar squeaked in annoyance because the stitches on his arm were sore and he couldn't see Lisa. Without thinking, the man immediately rushed into his car which was parked not far from the building.

"Find Lisa now!" Oscar ordered Dani who was sitting casually in the driver's seat.

Dani, who was originally reading the newspaper while sipping the cold coffee he had bought at a nearby supermarket, suddenly closed his newspaper as soon as he heard Oscar's order. The man hastily started the car engine and agreed to his master's order.

"Okay, Mr Oscar!"

Oscar hoped that using a car would easily lead him to Lisa's whereabouts. At first, he just told Dani to follow the woman from behind. But before Lisa could turn and enter the narrow alley, Oscar suddenly shouted.


Dani followed his boss' order and stepped on the brake deeply. Even though he heard the sound of horns coming from time to time as a result of his action earlier, Dani still stopped the car. If he didn't remember that Oscar was his boss, he wouldn't have done what the man asked of him.

Not far from where the car stopped, there were traffic signs that seemed to be glaring at him because he was in a no-parking zone. In addition, he also saw several cops on patrol.

Oscar rushed out of the car and shouted, "Stop! Lisa! Stop!"

In the eyes of passers-by, they might think that Oscar and Lisa are shooting a soap opera. Having such thoughts, the few people who were accidentally run over by the man couldn't help but remain silent. 

For a few moments, Lisa turned around and tried to see who was telling her to stop. Of course the owner of that voice was none other than Oscar, the man she wanted to avoid the most! Realizing this, Lisa quickened her pace even more while frowning. 

Oscar's long legs allowed him to match the woman's steps in a matter of seconds. This time, he threw away all the hesitancy that enveloped his body and grabbed Lisa's wrist again!

"Hey, are you crazy!?" Lisa screamed hysterically.

Oscar ignored her shout and waved his hand to the side, "Dani, over here!"

It wasn't long before the jet black car stopped near the sidewalk. Without explaining or letting go of Lisa's wrist, Oscar walked over to his car. He opened the door with his left hand while trying to get Lisa in.

"Let go of me before I scream any louder—"

But unfortunately, before Lisa could finish her sentence, Oscar had managed to open the car's door. In the next second, Lisa felt her body being forced to sit in the passenger seat.

Oscar closed his car's door loudly and gave the order, "Hurry up!"

The car immediately sped up, and because of it, the view of the building and pedestrians seen from the window looked blurry. Lisa even had to hold the handle!

"Neither of you are sane! Oscar! You're crazy!" Lisa shouted in disbelief. The woman then saw Dani's face from the rearview mirror, "Hey Dani, stop right now!"

"Sorry Mrs. Lisa, I can't stop until Mr. Oscar said so!" Dani replied uncomfortably.. Now, he really felt like he was shooting an action movie.

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