"Mama, you can be honest with William about your feelings for Papa. I promise I will not leak this to Papa or to anyone else!"

That night, in a cold room thanks to the large windows of the apartment being opened wide, not to mention an empty stomach and a head full of workloads as well as the thoughts of Oscar and Indri making love to each other, Lisa felt stupid. So stupid that she immediately believed William's words and said everything.

"Promise me you won't tell Papa about this, okay?" Lisa asked quietly, her voice was so low that William thought he had heard wrong.

"Yes!" William replied quickly.

Lisa took a deep breath, "Do you think it's weird if I feel sad and angry because Papa went with another woman? You know, Mama and Papa don't have a special relationship anymore…"

"Ah, I think I'm too young to know about love problems, so when Papa comes home later, I will ask him, okay!"

"William! Don't ask Papa about it! Gosh, you've just promised you wouldn't tell Papa what I said to you!" 

Hearing that made William blinked his eyes slowly. From the look on his face, Lisa already knew that this was actually William's plan. Sometimes, she forgot how smart William was. Now she kind of regretted it for always trusting the boy and pouring out her heart to him.

"William, you've promised Mama not to tell Papa about it, right? I was just confused, I don't know if my jealousy towards your Papa is okay or not…"

"Ah-No! No, just forget it." Lisa replied quickly while shaking her head, "Anyway, you can't ask or say anything about the matter earlier!"

William pursed his lips, "So what if I said that to Papa? You actually missed Papa but you don't know how to tell him, right? That's why I'm being kind and willing to help Mama solve the problem!"

"If Mama still loves Papa, or misses him, Mama should have told Papa." William continued.

"Alright, alright, let's order something to eat now." Lisa said quickly, trying to change the topic of their conversation. "William, what do you want to eat? There is fried rice, oh, and a bento. What do you want—"

William sighed, "Mama, you're not fun, ah."

At a time like this, Lisa felt worried. Worried because her son deserves to know what really happened to their little family. Maybe the boy really expected his parents to reconcile so he was always looking for opportunities to bring up such a sensitive topic. 

But on the other hand, Lisa felt uncomfortable discussing the matter with William. The boy is still small and should not interfere in the affairs of his parents. 

But knowing William, who was young and would be cranky if he heard the answer he didn't expect, made Lisa give up.

She reached out and pinched William's chubby cheeks, "Dear, this matter is between adults, okay? You're still too young, so you don't have to worry about matters like this. The most important thing now is, I want my favorite child to grow up well and healthy. So that you can grow up well and healthy, I strictly forbid you to think about anything that's not related to children your age! Agree?"

But William just cleared his throat, giving a short answer to his mother. 

According to him, his Papa and Mama are both stupid. Stupid adults. If they both still love each other and want to reconcile, why not just tell the truth? Why should they go round and round and avoid their feelings?

Adult life is indeed complicated! If possible, William would not want to grow up for the rest of his life and continue to sit in kindergarten!

Finally, after discussing for quite long, Lisa decided to order a rice bento since William didn't want to choose his own food. The rice bento menu was pretty large to the point that Lisa keeps some of the side dishes in the fridge.

After finishing the dinner Lisa ordered, they rushed to the bathroom to get ready for bed. It was already half past nine in the evening and now it was time for William to rest. The boy still has school tomorrow, and Lisa still has to go to work.

Vira's apartment, which Lisa now lives in, is not too big, especially Lisa's room. The single bed made her and William have to sleep hugging each other. But even so, both William and Lisa couldn't stop joking and laughing out loud. The usually quiet accompanied by serene song Lisa played was replaced with the sound of their laughter.

Vira's apartment is not as big and luxurious as Oscar's house. But Lisa still feels grateful because tonight, and the next two days, she can spend time with her baby.

Oscar's house is not only big, but also luxurious and comfortable, making anyone who visits it not want to go home immediately. William's room, specially made by one of the best interior designers in Indonesia, is designed to look spacious and comfortable. Actually, William has two rooms. One is for resting and studying, while the other is filled with his toys.

Seeing the boy fast asleep beside her made Lisa's heart warm. Warm but also filled with guilt and pity. William should be resting in a bigger and more comfortable room now, not like this. 

At a time like this, Lisa felt useless. If only she were diligent enough in saving money, surely she could spoil William now. 

Feelings of guilt began to fill Lisa's hearts.

Lisa reached out from under the blanket and stroked William's chubby cheek. That night, she vowed to work harder and harder so she could give William a better life than now.

Oscar is a rich man who still serves as president of a large company in Indonesia. Of course his current position allowed him to give William a luxurious and splendid life. But Lisa still felt dissatisfied with it all. She doesn't want to depend on other people to make her child happy. 

She is determined to work even harder so that she can pamper her boy.. Her only child deserves all the good life this earth can offer.

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