Two days later, Lisa was still going through the same routine. Coming home from work at 8 pm, staying up until 2 or 3 am at home, consuming excessive caffeine and not forgetting to wear a face mask while having breakfast. In one full day, her laptop only rests for 2 hours.

In her entire life, whichever company she'd worked for in the past, Lisa has never experienced this kind of stress. It's so depressing that it makes her want to pull out her own hair and cry at the same time.

Just as Lisa took off her blazer and threw it onto the sofa, she heard the door getting unlocked from outside. Then in the next second, the sound of high heels filled Vira's quiet apartment.

"Just got home?" Lisa asked without looking up.

Vira propped herself against the wall near the entrance as she took off her high heels. She looked tired, but her face was full of enthusiasm. Like she couldn't wait to tell what happened in her office.

As usual, Vira will not spend a day without gossiping. She would always bring home gossip every day. Whether it's a cleaning service's love story, her colleague who gets into trouble because of clubbing every night, or even gossip about her colleague who bought the wrong clothes at an online store.

Lisa didn't know what gossip Vira brings, but what was clear was that every night the woman always spilled the hottest tea to her. Most of the time the story turned out to be funny enough that Lisa actually found it entertaining. 

"Sis, I think you won't believe what I heard earlier!" Vira exclaimed enthusiastically. Her hands were trying to untie the ponytail that tied her hair neatly, and her shirt looked flimsy.

And it looks like Lisa has to go through the same night routine tonight.

Lisa dropped her body on the sofa and waited until Vira sat next to her. She didn't need to say anything more for Vira to tell her everything, starting their evening ritual.

But tonight seems different. Vira didn't immediately sit next to her nor rush to tell her the gossip of that day. She actually stopped by the kitchen first to get two glasses of water. 

"You'll be in shock when you hear the gossip I'm about to tell you!" Vira said from inside the kitchen. 

Lisa just cleared her throat and let Vira take a long time to finally tell the gossip she meant. At first, she was not curious about the gossip that Vira would tell. After all, the gossip usually only revolved around the office that Lisa had also lived in. And that made her less curious.

"I swear, you will be heartbroken listening to this!" Vira added with a seductive tone.

That sentence finally made Lisa feel curious half to death. What's the gossip that makes Vira sound excited?

Vira walked out of the kitchen carrying two glasses of water. As she walked over to Lisa, the woman couldn't stop smiling contentedly. 

"I'm sure your heart is pounding, right!"

"Ugh, what gossip are you going to tell me about!? Spill it!" Lisa asked impatiently. 

Vira put the two glasses of water on the table in the living room then sat down next to Lisa. "Wait a minute, I'm really thirsty! The bus was packed. I had to stand for more than half an hour, you know!"

And again, before Lisa could reply, Vira had already dominated their conversation. "Surely you can't wait to hear the gossip this time!"

"Viira geez-" Lisa took a deep breath, "Come on!" 

The more Vira delayed the time, the more Lisa was curious. That feeling of curiosity made her sit up straight and look closely at Vira's side face. She looked at the woman with focus, who knows if she could read what was in her mind this way.

"Okay, so..." Vira said, delaying the words from coming out her mouth. She placed the glass on the table and wiped the corners of her lips with her arm. "I've got the information that you need."

Hearing this, Lisa was shocked. "Oh? How is it then?"

"Like I said before, the High Creative Ads company is really ruined, Sis! In my opinion, the company may not last long. They can survive for 10 years at most. I'm willing to bet that the company will close down! Some Senior Executives have different opinions, and then they are really stubborn…"

"In our company, there are usually many differences of opinion, but for that company, wow, you won't even want to imagine what's going on over there! No one wants to give in or listen to other people's opinions. They are too selfish to sit back and listen to the opinions of their coworkers. In the end, since the problem kept coming, the atmosphere in their office was always tense."

"Then, I accidentally read the cooperation plan between the High Creative Ads company and the company where you work. The reason why they never agreed to cooperate with your company turned out to be because they were too greedy! They don't want to accept a small amount from the cooperation."

Actually, Lisa had guessed the reason why the Better Life company and the High Creative Ads company had not been able to work together until now. She could already guess that one of the parties did not agree with the costs they had to spend and also received. But she didn't want to think badly of any of these companies and chose to remain silent.

And now, hearing a long explanation from Vira made Lisa realize that her thoughts were also true. No wonder the project has never been successful until now!

"Oh Vira, thank you very much for telling me all this. You've helped me a lot," Lisa laughed crisply and patted Vira's shoulder, "Whether this project is successful or not, I will definitely bring William here to play, okay?"

"Really!? Great!"

Lisa nodded her head firmly, "Yeah. You can play with him and rank up your game or whatever it's! It's up to you!"

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