"...We meet again?" Lisa asked in an unsure tone. Was she too tired today to hear such nonsense?

Who wouldn't be surprised to hear those words leave the lips of someone she'd never met before? The same happened to Lisa now. In a very familiar room, hearing a familiar female voice in her ears made Lisa a little nervous. Even though she had heard that woman's voice before, she still couldn't imagine who it was.

For a few moments, Lisa just looked at the back of the swivel chair with a confused look. However, in the next second, the chair spun around and revealed the face of the owner of the voice. 

Lisa rubbed her eyes, unsure of what she was seeing.

'What is she doing here!?'

Doesn't this kind of incident usually only happen in novels or soap operas that Andien usually reads and watches?!

So shocked by what she saw, Lisa couldn't say anything. She couldn't even make the slightest sound. Without realizing it, her lips opened wide enough that she was afraid that a fly would land on her tongue.

Seeing the shocked look on her face made the woman laugh with satisfaction. She propped her chin with her fist and hoped that the CCTV camera in her room could catch the ridiculous look on Lisa's face.

"Surprise...!" The woman exclaimed after she stopped laughing. "You don't have to put a surprised expression on your face. Are you shocked to see me here?"

The aura that the woman gave off was still the same as when she first saw her, firm and dignified. Her long hair was now allowed to flow freely over her shoulders. Her light blue blazer was combined with a white shirt and matching pants. 

Seeing her face made Lisa's forehead suddenly hurt. What had happened before made her shudder. Why is that evil woman sitting in the Finance Manager's room now?

"You..." Lisa shook her head, "How come you are here?"

In all her life, or rather since she started working here, Lisa never thought she would meet that woman here. Even since the first incident at Colors Advertising, Lisa hoped that she would never meet that tall woman again.

That woman, Maria Damayanti, looks more and more beautiful. When she got up from her work chair, her legs that were covered by light blue pants made her look tall. Moreover, the woman was wearing 5 cm high heels now. If she were not her mortal enemy, Lisa wouldn't have been able to stop worshiping Maria. From the way she walks to her knees, it shows that she was born to be a top model. 

Maria walked over to Lisa while couldn't stop smiling widely. She walked around the woman, watching who was now her employee from close, scanning how she dressed and gave a scornful look.

"What do you think, Lisa?" Maria asked when she stopped circling Lisa and stood right in front of her. "Do you think I only came here just to meet you? I applied for a job here, but who would have thought that now I'm your boss?"

Without realizing it, Lisa's hands were tightly clenched. Her heart ached when she found out that the cruel woman would be her boss. She couldn't imagine what would happen to her starting from now.

"Aren't you a graphic designer? Why did you suddenly swerve and apply to become a Manager in the finance division?" Lisa asked in a tone full of confusion. Ever since she set foot in that room, she never stopped feeling confused.

Maria laughed at Lisa's stupid question. The woman turned around and walked back to sit on her throne. She sat with her legs crossed, and the look on her face was pretty much arrogant.

"Lisa... Who said I swerved and gave up my job as a graphic designer? Am I not allowed to try a new field? Sorry, but I'm not you who can only be successful in one field." Maria said, taunting her.

Even though Lisa still couldn't believe what she was seeing now, the woman's presence and her ridiculing laughter reminded her that this wasn't just a figment of her imagination. As time goes by, her anger keeps soaring, making her look so pissed.

Who would have thought that her life would be like a soap opera with an embarrassing script?

Speechless, Lisa felt sorry for herself. After successfully expelling Surya from her life, she had to face her mortal enemy now.

She'd wanted to resign from the Better Life company because of Surya's attitude towards her, but now Lisa wanted to burn the company down with her own hands! Ever since she worked at the insurance company, her life has gotten worse and problems always came to greet her every day. 

Now her determination to resign is getting stronger. It is better for her to be unemployed for several weeks or even months to find a new job that is suitable for her, than to have to work in a company where her boss is her own mortal enemy.

Without saying a word, Lisa turned around and wanted to get out of the room. 

Before her hand touched the doorknob, she heard a voice from behind her.

"Lisa, don't leave before we settle accounts! Why do you just run away from your problems? This is not what you used to be!" The woman shouted in a shrill tone.

Lisa tried hard to suppress the urge to turn around and shouted, 'Like the old me? Do you really know me!?'

But since she was too tired to bicker with her, she just turned around and didn't say anything. She almost ran out of patience from staying inside the room.

"Are you happy that you are now my boss? Don't think just because you're my boss that I'll just bow down to you!"

The relationship between the two was not very good. Especially when it comes to the incident not so long ago where the stubborn woman punched Lisa in the forehead in front of many people.

Until now, Lisa couldn't understand Maria's way of thinking. The woman is a famous graphic designer who makes far more money than her. So rich that Lisa was convinced this woman could buy this company in the snap of a finger.


"Don't tell me.... You bought this company?"

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