Hearing Oscar's answer made Lisa sit dumbfounded while staring at the man's innocent face. She had explained at length, but not a single word entered his brain?

"Oscar, geez, I really give up! I've talked at length explaining to you the rules for taking this block of medicine, but you still don't understand!?"

"I…" Oscar's tongue suddenly felt stiff, unable to move. He let the woman's scathing gaze look at him. Although his face looks flat, he feels such great joy and happiness because he managed to make her angry with him.

"Once a day! Take the vitamin once a day. Do you understand?" Lisa snapped impatiently. 

When viewed from a distance, the former husband and wife look ridiculous. How not? The woman looks like she is teaching a 6 year old child about math lessons.

If Lisa hadn't remembered that the man was still injured and worse because of her, she would have slapped Oscar in the face!

Oscar nodded his head quickly, this time he really listened to the woman's explanation, "Understood…"

"Okay, now you know everything, don't you?"

At the same time, Mrs. Rusminah came with a tray containing two cups of warm tea and some plates of biscuits. The middle-aged woman knelt for a while then put the two cups of warm tea on the table.

"Please enjoy, Mr Oscar and Miss Lisa." Mrs. Rusminah said slowly. She threw an ambiguous smile at the two who were now sitting across from her.

"Thank you, Mrs. Rusminah." Oscar replied quickly, as if he wanted to get the woman out of the living room. 

After the woman walked away from there, leaving Oscar and Lisa alone again, the man nodded his head. Of course he did not understand all the rules for taking the right medicine. But instead having Lisa slap his cheeks until it turned red, Oscar chose to pretend to understand.

After all, he could contact the hospital and ask further questions.

"After this, I will tell Mrs. Rusminah to help you change the cotton. I'll also tell her that you can't get water on your stitches, then in a week, you have to go back to the hospital for a check-up..."

Lisa continued to talk nonstop, not letting Oscar reply. This time, the woman's hand was already holding her cup of warm tea. The puff of steam from the tea made the bottom of her nose sweat.

Oscar cleared his throat, replying to Lisa's words that had not stopped until now. He didn't know how to tell the woman that he preferred her to help him change the cotton over Mrs. Rusminah. He also didn't know how to get her to come back to live with him and William.

Long ago, Oscar had wanted to fix his little family. William is still in the phase of needing his mother figure in his life. But he also doesn't want to be a selfish man who doesn't care about Lisa's feelings. The man knew very well that Lisa did not want to mend their little family relationship. How could he force his will on her then?

Lisa's tone now sounds like a mother scolding her child for playing with friends until late at night. If Oscar wasn't afraid of that woman's slap, he'd probably be laughing out loud by now. His stomach tingled to hear the woman constantly scolding him.

About 10 minutes later, after Lisa emptied her tea cup, and some of the biscuits had disappeared from the plate, the woman got up from the sofa. She picked up her tote bag that was on the table and adjusted her skirt.

"Alright, you need to rest now. I will go back first. Don't forget to pick up William at school!"

Oscar yawned while resting his head on the headboard, "Don't worry. I'll definitely pick up William later."

This morning, Lisa had asked permission at the office to go home early, with the excuse that there was a family event that she couldn't skip. Since she finally had more rest time than usual, she planned to go home soon and sleep as much as she could. But why did she find it hard to leave Oscar alone at home? Half of her still wanted to stay at the man's house a little longer and have a little chat.

What happened to her? Why is she acting so weird now? Though she is usually reluctant to be alone with her ex-husband.

'Lisa stop! You have to go home now!' Lisa grumbled in her heart.

She tried to convince herself that she still wanted to stay longer at Oscar's house because she felt bad for him. Yes, what other reason is more valid than feeling guilty?

With heavy steps, the woman carried herself out of the living room. But before she completely left the man alone, Lisa turned for a second and looked at Oscar over her shoulder.

"I'm going home first. Don't forget to take your medicine this afternoon," she ordered.

Again, Oscar could only clear his throat. He was afraid that if he replied to her, embarrassing words would slip out of his lips. Like, 'Wait a minute, don't come home soon I still miss you!'

Oscar's clear blue eyes followed Lisa's back which was gradually disappearing from his sight. He was trying very hard to swallow his plea that might sound like a whimper to ask Lisa to stay longer at his house.

Oscar's uninjured hand was tightly clenched in his lap. This was the only time he wanted a woman to accompany him without having sex. Usually, he'd think of a woman as something that's destined to satisfy his desires. But since he got to know Lisa, he realized that he needed time, attention, and affection from her. And not just sex.

Until now, Oscar still doesn't think he's in love with Lisa. It was nothing, it was just that she was the most stubborn woman he had ever met. Not only stubborn, her mouth is just as spicy!

In the past, he liked the type of woman who was gentle and could follow all his orders. But since he met Lisa, his ideal type of woman has changed drastically.

Now Oscar likes women who are stubborn, hardworking, and able to kill others with her harsh words. 

He meant, he preferred a woman like Lisa.

Or rather, his type was just Lisa.

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