"And even if you go to heaven with Lisa after this, don't think she wants to be alone with you. Until whenever, whether on this earth or even in heaven later, I'm sure Lisa will still hate you. So don't think that she wants to spend time with you!"

Every word that came out of Oscar's lips was able to tear Surya's heart to pieces. Oscar's words seemed to slap him hard on the cheek, reminding him that he couldn't have Lisa. 

Surya looked down as he felt the droplet trickle down his hand and into his arm. How shocked the man was when he saw the blood filling his palms!

His hands were shaking so much, the man accidentally hit Lisa's neck with the knife. But even so, Surya still aimed the knife at her neck.

The atmosphere in the room became even more tense as fresh blood began to run down Lisa's neck. Oscar stood frozen near them, not expecting what he was seeing. Lisa was still in Surya's arms, while the man didn't know what to do now.

If Surya accidentally kills Lisa, his future in this world will be ruined. His position in the company will be revoked, he will most likely be fired, after which he will rot behind bars.

Lisa looked at her ex-husband with a look that seemed to say that she was fine. If she died now, it wouldn't be a big problem. At least William was safe, and yes, she was sure Oscar would look after the boy for the rest of his life.

"Why are you just watching this woman slowly die? Well, it seems that your heroic action was just to improve your acting. Alright, if this is the way, I can kill her without any hesitation!" Surya said. The man then disgustedly bit Lisa's earlobe, as if purposely provoking the flames inside Oscar's heart to burn even more.

And just as Surya expected, the rage Oscar felt became more and more intense when he saw the man's actions. His eyes now look like a wolf looking for prey among the bushes. If Surya hadn't held Lisa captive, the man would have killed him mercilessly!

"If you don't want Lisa to die from loss of blood, quickly comply with my request." Surya repeated once again. He actually had no will to kill the woman. The man only needs money to survive!

Now Oscar's mind was foggy. He doesn't know what he would do if the woman is killed before his own eyes. Finally, the man agreed to Surya's request.

"Okay, I agree. Do you want some money and a brand new car? Okay I can give you all of that. But first, you have to let Lisa go!" Oscar replied firmly.

"Wow, you think I'm an idiot who would believe your bullshit?" The corners of Surya's lips lifted upwards, "How do I know if you can give it all to me? Give me your debit card, then we can talk with a clear mind."

Before Oscar could open his leather wallet, Surya opened his mouth again, "Sorry I forgot, but before you gave me your debit card, the newest car should be in front of me before the sun rises tomorrow morning."

"Son of a bitch!" Oscar muttered as he took out his cell phone from his pocket. Had it not been for William waiting for him in the car, he would have committed a crime that very afternoon.

Oscar turned around while dialing the phone number he had memorized by heart. He purposely stood far enough from Surya and Lisa so that they would not hear anything he was about to say.

A few minutes later, he turned around again and hung up the phone. 

"I've taken care of everything. What you want will be ready before sunset. Please give me a minute, I promise the things you want will be in front of you in a matter of hours." 

Hearing that for some reason actually made Surya feel anxious and unsure. Half of him seemed to be trying to tell him something was wrong, while the other half was excited that he was about to become a rich man. 

"Let's wait for the luxury car after this." Surya replied calmly even when cold sweat was starting to run down his back.

10 minutes later, Dani entered the house that looked almost collapsed with a serious expression on his face. As soon as he received a phone call from Oscar, he immediately mobilized all his men to gather around Surya's house. He asked them not to mess up this plan, and take steps according to Oscar's orders.

It's not just his crew. Dani also called all the police on duty around Surya's house to gather. He decides to use a helper if Surya is acting crazy and might do something he doesn't want to do.

This time, Dani was already wearing a much more casual outfit than Oscar. The plain white shirt accentuates the man's muscles perfectly. His broad chest looks protruding, and the way he walks looks straight like a soldier. His tall boots made a firm sound every time he took a step.

"Sir, everything is ready!" Dani reached into his pocket and pulled out the glossy black debit card. He handed over the card with both hands and continued, "The car and the money that the man wanted have also been prepared outside, Mr. Oscar!"

Oscar cleared his throat in response then took the debit card from Dani's hand. The man then walked over to Surya. His eyes often fell on the tip of the knife that was still touching Lisa's smooth neck. 

"The money you want is already in this card, while the newest car has been parked nicely in front of your house." Oscar said coldly. 

Surya walked backwards while still dragging Lisa, "Put the card on the floor! Do not come close!"

Oscar could only chuckle in annoyance and throw the debit card carelessly near Lisa's heel. 

Without letting go of the tight hug on Lisa's body, Surya looked down and took the debit card with his bare feet. A satisfied smile began to grace his face, and a feeling of relief slowly filled his body.

"Well, what's so difficult about obeying my request?"

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