Lisa was silent for a while while looking at the documents in Surya's hands. If she accepts her superior's offer, somehow she must keep her distance from him. She won't drop her guard just because of this project and let the other employees see them as having a love affair! 

'Anyway, Lisa, you take that golden opportunity and keep your distance from your boss!' Lisa thought to herself.

Having such thoughts made her snatch the documents from Surya's hands fast. And sure enough, as hse expected, the pig was just using it as an excuse to touch her! But without letting the sweaty hands touch her, the woman hurriedly put her hands behind her back.

The man laughed dryly at Lisa's actions. "Okay. Have a look at the project. Who knows you might be interested and want to work with me."

"Thank you, sir. If you allow it, I'll leave first, I still have a lot of work to do." Lisa replied stiffly, she didn't know whether to smile or shudder in horror.

"You can leave now, don't forget to stop by my room after work, okay? I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer!" 

Surya lifted his pants which kept sagging even though he was wearing a leather belt. The man then turned around and sat back down, smoking a cigarette.

Lisa tried hard not to roll her eyes at Surya's order. She nodded her head and left the room which made her chest tight. She didn't want to stay in Surya's room any longer, her lungs might turn black!

"Crazy! Working under that pig? What the hell has this world come to?" Lisa grumbled as she walked towards her desk. 

She kept moving forward, ignoring suspicious glances that were thrown at her. At the beginning of working at the Better Life company, Lisa already felt unwelcome. Especially after the incident with Surya's blazer and shirt, she felt even more like a stranger.

Whispers of gossip are always heard wherever she goes. Whether in the pantry or even in the workspace, the woman always heard gossip about herself. But as usual, Lisa played dumb and pretended to not know what they were talking about.

When the lunch break arrived, Lisa chose to stay behind her desk. She was only accompanied by a cup of warm tea provided by Zaenal, the office boy at the company. While sipping the tea, her eyes stared deeply at blocks of reports that filled the folio paper.

The work project that Surya was referring to turned out to be a manufacturing production project. Apparently, the Better Life company will cooperate with a famous Japanese vehicle company. Every time a person buys a new car, the user will get free insurance. 

After looking for information on the internet and constantly reading the piles of paper in front of her, Lisa knew that this project was very big. She even wondered why the Japanese car company wanted to cooperate with this insurance company. It's just that there are many insurance companies that are far better than Better Life.

Even though Lisa still doesn't understand why Surya trusted her to work on this project, her heart seems to be telling her to accept the man's offer. For sure, she needed a few more people to help her, so she was sure this project would be a huge success. And one more thing, she did not want to be appointed as the manager.

Time went by quickly, the clock already showed 5 in the afternoon. Actually, Lisa wanted to pretend that she forgot to visit Surya's room before going home. But instead of making the problem bigger, she couldn't help but visit him.

Of course, Lisa didn't want to stay long in the room filled with cigarette smoke and body odor. But to fix her bad image as a new employee, she has to accept this project!

That afternoon, Lisa deliberately visited Surya's room when the office was not too crowded. Although there were still some of her co-workers who worked late that day, at least it was not as bustling as this morning.

When Lisa stepped into Surya's room, the man looked like he had been waiting for her for a long time. Judging from the way he sat upright, his desk was clean of scattered papers, and his broad smile, Surya was clearly impatient to talk about the project earlier.

"Oh Lisa, you finally came too. Come and sit down, let's talk about that amazing project."

Surya waited for Lisa to sit across from him before the man continued, "So what do you think? Do you consider this project good enough to make you interested? Tell me everything!"

"After I found out about the company we want to work with, I think this project is quite good, sir. By the way, the Japanese vehicle company is pretty famous now and has a lot of demand. By working with that company, more people will get to know Better Life. I even hope that foreign customers are interested in insuring themselves or their vehicles with our company."

Lisa tried to reassure herself again and continued, "So I thought I was interested in joining this project."

Surya stood up from his chair, adjusting his blazer while slowly nodding his head. He walked behind the swivel chair that Lisa was sitting on and pretended to be interested in what the woman was going to say next.

"Well... Since you said you were interested in working on this project, can you tell me what made you want to work on this project?"

Inhaling the smell of sweat that made her feel nauseous, sweats started to run down Lisa's back. The woman immediately sat up straight and hoped the disgusting man wouldn't do anything weird.

"Hmm, why did I choose to work on this project? I'm a new employee here, I want to prove to my co-workers that I really deserve to work here."

"But sir, to be honest, I can't work on this project alone. I hope you send some more who can help me with this big project…"

As long as Lisa was voicing her ideas, she already knew that her boss wasn't listening at all. Of course her mind was on other things, not work.

"How is it, sir? Do you agree with my request about adding more people in this?" Lisa asked as she looked up. In her heart, she was truly disgusted because why was that man so close to her!?

Surya folded his arms on the back of Lisa's chair and looked up at the ceiling. From his posture, the man seemed to think hard about Lisa's request.

"Actually, I totally agree with your idea. But why can't you do this alone? I thought you were competent enough to do this big project on your own?"

While asking that, Surya's hand fell from the back of Lisa's chair. The woman already knew what the disgusting man would do. His sweaty hand touched Lisa's shoulder which luckily was covered by the blazer, making the woman stand up quickly.

So fast, the chair that Lisa accidentally pushed Surya's body away. Perhaps because of his fat build, he was unable to balance his legs and so the man fell down and hit his head on the floor.

"Ouch!!" Surya shouted in pain.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do it sir!"

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