But for some reason, hearing those words leave Oscar's lips made Lisa feel relieved. Relieved? Relief for what? The woman herself did not know why she felt relieved.

This time, Lisa really didn't know what to say. Her hands gripped the blanket that lay beside their bodies. 

"Oscar…" Lisa opened her mouth, and was unable to continue what she wanted to say. Should she say what she felt for the man? Is this a good time to say that she actually wants to reconcile with him?


Lisa, have you gone crazy or what!?

Lisa and Oscar could never reconcile. Like oil and water, Lisa and Oscar can never unite. Even though she actually wanted to reconcile with him, she would never say it out loud.

She'd only keep it to herself.

And to be honest, Lisa still hasn't forgiven Oscar's actions until now. If she does, she won't want to have anything to do with him again.

Now she was still entangled with Oscar's presence only because of William. If the boy had not come into this world, it was certain that Lisa would not have any contact with her ex-husband.


Oscar lifted his body from Lisa for a moment. While waiting for the woman's answer, he buried his handsome face in his ex-wife's breasts. His hands were still under the woman's back.

But soon, Lisa seemed to be awakened by something. With a swift movement, she pushed Oscar's body away and rushed to her feet from the soft mattress!

As if she was being chased by a ghost, Lisa ran towards the door and glared at the man. Feelings of annoyance towards her ex-husband were getting worse when she saw the man's mischievous smile

"Oscar, how dare you kiss me huh!?" 

After saying that, Lisa quickly walked out of Oscar's room while wiping her lips. She opened the door then slammed it hard. The woman then took a deep breath as she walked away.

What had just happened? Lisa almost fell into the same trap!

After her breathing returned to normal and her hands no longer trembled, the woman sat down on the cold floor. Often she moistened her lips, trying to erase Oscar's disgusting traces.

"That guy is crazy… I should've just gone home instead of living in this tiger's cage!"


That morning around 5 o'clock, Lisa tried very hard to stay hidden in her room. She was reluctant to meet or make small talk with the owner of this simple but luxurious house. The incident from last night really made her unable to sleep well. Now she can only hope that her concealer can cover her thick eye bags!

When the clock struck half past six, the woman ventured out of the safest room for her. She descended the stairs on tiptoe so as not to make a sound and rushed to the kitchen.

"Oh Miss Lisa, good morning!"

Mrs. Rusminah's booming voice that morning was able to make Lisa startled. She put her index finger in front of her lips, "Shh, don't make too much noise!"

"Mr. Oscar has already left this morning, so don't worry." As if she knew what made Lisa have to tiptoe in the morning, Mrs. Rusminah smiled faintly. "Please have a seat, I've just finished cooking."

Lisa squeaked in annoyance even though she was actually relieved to hear that the violent man had left for work. Indeed, a successful CEO like Oscar is different from her. Her ex-husband must have left early in the morning for an impromptu meeting.

"Who the hell is looking for him? I told you to shut up so my child doesn't wake up!" Lisa replied quickly as she sat at the dining table. "I've already told you, just call me Lisa. You don't have to be formal, it just makes me more uncomfortable."

Mrs. Rusminah turned around and took a hot bowl of crab soup with corn to her. The steam rising from it has a fragrant aroma. Lisa's empty stomach trembled in no time.

"Sorry, sorry, I got used to it haha!"

15 minutes later, the bowl in front of her had been swept clean. Since she knew the trip to Vira's apartment would take a long time, she decided to take a shower at Oscar's house first.

After bathing and putting on her previous clothes, the woman entered her son's bedroom. A feeling of warmth and affection filled her heart as soon as she saw William's small lips parted from his deep sleep.

"Mama's child is really cute..."

Lisa slowly sat on William's bed and smoothed the blanket that covered her child's body. She could see the boy's eyes opened slightly and a look of confusion emanated from William's eyes.

"M-mommy?" William blinked his big eyes a few times, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing now. "Why are you here?"

Lisa's hand stroked William's head, hoping that the boy would go back to sleep.

"I woke you up, huh? Just go back to sleep again, it's still too early." Lisa said softly.

"Do you want to leave William again?"

His voice that was wrapped in a sad tone coupled with a look full of sadness made Lisa's heart melt. The woman shook her head with a faint smile.

"I have to go to work first, honey. I will visit you again later, okay?"

Perhaps since William was still too sleepy, he didn't mind his mother leaving now. The boy knew that his mother always kept her promise. His small hand gripped Lisa's fingers that were on his lap.

William cleared his throat, "Owkay."

Before getting up from the boy's bed, Lisa kissed her son's forehead lightly.


Before leaving for the office, Lisa stopped at the laundry near her office first. The woman initially tried to wash her superior's blazer and shirt by herself. However, the coffee stain didn't go away even though she had used bleach. Afraid that something bad would happen, she decided to wash it in the laundry.

Remembering the incident only flamed the hatred inside her heart towards her boss more. Ever since she found out that Aaron had a bad intention towards her, the woman felt more and more isolated.

Even though Lisa had used an inconspicuous bag, all of her coworkers already knew what the woman was carrying, especially Aaron. The man immediately threw meaningful glances at his friends.

As soon as Lisa was out of their sight, the workspace was in an uproar!

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