"Never change? Don't talk as if you know me!"

The atmosphere in Oscar's kitchen instantly became hot. Not the heat of anger, but the feeling of shame and panic that grew inside Lisa's heart because her ex-husband was standing so close to her. Her cheeks and neck felt hot, she was sure it had nothing to do with the instant noodles she'd just made.

Oscar reached out his hand and touched the sink behind his ex-wife. Their bodies were so close that he could feel the heat emanating from Lisa's body. This smell… The smell of the shampoo that Lisa usually used made the man's heart beat fast. 

"Why do you have to be this nervous, hmm?" Oscar whispered the question right in Lisa's ear. Every time his lips moved, it always touched her ear. "Don't be afraid, I can't eat you. Unless you want to."

Suddenly, Lisa's cheeks and her whole body heated up hearing Oscar's voice that was filled with a sensual tone. If she stayed in the man's arms for too long, Lisa was sure she would lose her mind! 

With all her remaining strength, Lisa pushed Oscar's athletic body away.

"Oscar Petterson, what are you talking about?! Don't tell me because you're hungry, you're so violent like this!"

Oscar was dumbfounded, not expecting Lisa to push his body away. The woman then took the opportunity to walk away. Before her head exploded and her body temperature skyrocketed, she had to quickly get out of the kitchen!

"Finish your instant noodles. I-I want to see if William has slept yet!"

Without waiting for Oscar's answer, Lisa rushed out of the kitchen. As soon as she opened the door to William's room and sat on her son's bed, she could only heave a sigh of relief. Even though she had sworn that she had no feelings for her ex-husband, why was her heart still beating fast?

About 20 minutes later, Lisa ventured back into the kitchen. She could have gone straight home without saying goodbye, but nobody would call her Lisa if she wasn't careless. She left her tote bag and cell phone on the dining table!

Oscar had just placed the dirty bowl on the sink when he heard footsteps behind him. The man immediately turned around and laughed with satisfaction when he saw the woman's face was adorned with pinkish color, seemingly shy.

There was a feeling of pride and relief that he could still make Lisa blush.

"Why are you smiling like that? After this, I'm going home. I just want to get my bag and my cellphone." Lisa replied without seeing Oscar's face. 

Oscar frowned, "Home? You want to go home after this?"

"Yes, yes I do. It's late, I have to go to the office early in the morning because—"

Oscar let Lisa push him away and now he leaned his back against the fridge. The man's eyes followed the movement of Lisa's hand as she was still washing the bowl.

"Why do you have to go home tonight? It's already this late. Or you can spend the night here—"

Lisa turned quickly, "You're really crazy, aren't you!"

Oscar gasped in surprise at Lisa's booming voice in the silent kitchen. 

Lisa's flat face now turned red again. She quickly averted her gaze, not wanting Oscar to notice the change in her cheeks. 

"Hey, do you think you're still in Sweden? People out there can spend the night at a male friend's house as long as they want, but this is Indonesia, you stupid! What will people say if they know that I sleep at my ex-husband's house!"

Oscar blinked his eyes at the splash of water from Lisa's hands, but the man still stood where he started. He folded his arms in front of his broad chest, and his eyes looked confused.

"Then what if you sleep at my house? You're William's mother, and William lives at my house. Is there something strange about a mother spending the night at her child's house?"

"You're one stupid Caucasian." Lisa grumbled in disbelief. It baffled her how she almost married this jerk.

She knew that no one would have a problem with her spending the night in the man's house. After all, she would sleep with William, her own son. But her status was arguably problematic. Ex-husband and ex-wife living under the same roof? People will scream at her face saying it's the end of time.

"Anyway, I don't want to spend the night at your house, even if I can sleep in William's room, in the guest room, or anywhere else, I still don't want to!" Lisa said as she closed the faucet. She turned around and took her tote bag along with her cell phone which was lying on the dining table.

Now, Oscar could only stand still and watch Lisa's back start to move away from him. The woman had never changed from the past, still stubborn as ever. Whatever trick he used, Lisa would still refuse his request.

When the woman was getting ready to leave, her watch showed that it was half past 11 at night. She knew very well that there were not many taxis operating at this hour. And that they mostly waited for passengers in the middle of the city.

But nobody would call her Lisa if she didn't insist on going home now! She's a bloody ex-wife. How could she spend the night at her ex-husband's house!?

Lisa ignored the sound of footsteps behind her as she smoothed out her messy hair. Before her hand opened Oscar's door, she felt her wrist being pulled!

With lightning speed the woman turned and showed a frown on her forehead. "Why are you tugging at my hand? It hurts! Let it go, I want to go home now or I won't get a taxi!"

"Lisa, I beg you to listen to my request for a moment. Just stay here, you can sleep in William's room or on the sofa, it's up to you. But I won't let you go home at this hour alone. As William's Papa, I don't want my son's mother to get hurt."

Lisa let go of Oscar's hand that was wrapped around her wrist while shaking her head. She stroked her wrist and still insisted on going home tonight!

"I don't care about you even if you're William's biological father. I still want to go home tonight. I have to go to work early tomorrow, and your house is far from my office. If I still have to get up at 4 so I can go to work from my current residence, can you imagine how many hours earlier I have to wake up just so I won't be late because I stayed at your house the night before?"

Feeling that Lisa really wanted to go home tonight made Oscar even more panicked. The golden-haired man finally told stories he made up so that the woman would want to spend the night at his house.

"Didn't you see the news last night? They said there was a woman who took a taxi around 11pm and was raped. Until now, the police have not found the disgusting rapist!"

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