There are two things that fascinate Lisa with her classmate who she now considers her friend. First, since the woman worked, she chose to live alone in the apartment. And secondly, her eagle eye and desire to gossip is very high, even higher than Lisa's desire to hunt for a job.

Lisa was stunned to hear Vira's blunt question. If she could guess, she must have come home from work earlier and chose to watch her from behind her apartment's window!

'You gossip-hungry woman!'

"Good grief, Vira," Lisa replied, shaking her head, "After the interview, I went with my friend. He insisted on taking me home, but I was reluctant. Then he insisted so that's why I went home with him. You don't have to think about it anymore, just go to sleep."

Lisa didn't want Vira or anyone else to know that the man who had brought her home earlier was Oscar. She just wanted to confirm that she had gone with her friend and then came back together. Nothing more.

Now, her only wish is to work hard and earn a lot of money so she can give William the perfect life. She didn't want to fall back in the same hole and fool herself with Oscar's sweet words again. Should she get married one day, it is certain that her life partner will not be Oscar!

Instead of obeying Lisa's request, Vira put her head on the woman's shoulder. She still smiled broadly and said, "Come on, can you have a friend who's willing to take you home if they don't have any particular feelings towards you? Moreover, the car looks like a luxury car! Are you sure you two are just friends?"

Lisa's cheeks instantly turned red when she heard Vira's reply. As she said earlier, she had already insisted on not going back to Oscar. A rich man like him is certain to only have temporary attraction to the other sex. Usually, rich men like him will be arrogant and assume all women will bend their knees in front of them!

"I already told you that he's just a close friend of mine. Ah, I'm tired, I want to sleep first. You too, just go to sleep early. You still have to wake up early because of work tomorrow."

Lisa pushed Vira's head away and rushed up from the sofa. She deliberately stepped quickly and then slammed the door to her room, showing that she was really tired and wanted to rest soon.

But the demonic woman was tireless and stood in front of her room. Vira knocked gently on the door and said, "Sis, don't think I'm still innocent. I won't believe everything you said earlier! I'm sure that you're going out with a rich person, right!"

Why is it that wherever Lisa goes, she always meets women who are thirsty for gossip? Like Vira and Andien. Both of them were the same type, they literally couldn't live without gossip. If they met, Lisa's peace of mind would be destroyed!

Talking about Andien made Lisa sigh. She sat on the edge of her bed and remembered the last time she called her friend. It had probably been over a week since she had last heard from Andien. She did not know if the woman and her family had felt better since the loss of a father figure in her small family.

At first, before Lisa changed into more casual clothes, she tried to call Andien but no one answered. After she changed clothes and washed her face, she tried to call her again and this time, the call was accepted.

"Hello, Lisa?"

Hearing Andien's hoarse voice made Lisa immediately know something had happened to her friend.

"Hello, how are you? Are you sick? Why didn't you tell me you were sick? I can visit you!"

For the next few seconds, Andien was silent. The only sound that could be heard was her heavy breathing, a sign that there was indeed a problem that befell her or perhaps her family.

"Andien, what's wrong?" At that moment, Lisa's heart skipped a beat. She stood up from her bed and was getting ready to come to her friend's place. Wherever her friend is, she will immediately come to Andien. "Where are you now? I'll come to you. What do you want? Let me buy you all."

"Lis," Now, faint sobs began to sound from the other side, "I-I'm getting married."

Lisa automatically sat back on the edge of her bed because her legs felt weak hearing Andien's answer. Her friend was getting married? Why all of a sudden?

"Hey, it's not funny, you know. Do you think I'm an idiot? I don't believe you." Lisa replied with an awkward laugh. 

"Lis, I'm not lying to you. How could I lie about a serious matter like this? I'm really going to marry! I'm getting married next month. The invitations have been sent…"

Andien's voice was getting hoarse. Sometimes, Lisa's ears could hear her friend's sobs.

The word 'shock' doesn't seem suitable to describe how Lisa is feeling right now. She hadn't contacted her friend for a week and now she got word that her friend got married? Why didn't Andien tell her first?

Andien is her close friend. And she knew Andien couldn't possibly hide such a big secret from her. She knows that woman very well and getting married so quickly without dating for less than 3 years is not her style!

As long as she knew her, she had never heard that her friend had a boyfriend. Even when she asked her to go for a blind date, Andien just didn't want to! How is it possible now that Andien will get married?

So confused by what she was feeling now, not a single word came out of Lisa's lips. She was stunned as she saw the door to her room, which was tightly closed while her ears continued to hear Andien's sobs.

After being friends with Andien for a long time, this was the first time she did not believe her friend's words.

Lisa opened and closed her mouth but no words came out. Her throat felt dry again and the tiredness that had been embracing her body was swept away by the wind.

"You must be joking right now, right? I know that if you are still single, you don't have a boyfriend yet! And now you're telling me that you want to get married? Who are you going to marry!?"

"Listen, I can't explain it to you right now. The point is, I'm getting married next month."

"Why? Hey don't scare me like this! Do you know that my heart is beating fast right now? Duh, I might have a heart attack hearing the sudden news from you!"

Andien sighed, trying to calm herself. "I'm serious, when have I ever lied to you? Can you come to my wedding? I'll send the invitation letter to your new address."

Andien sobbed louder and louder, making Lisa feel worried. Even though she is not next to Andien right now, she knows that her friend is trapped in a problem that caused her to get married.

For a few moments, Lisa was silent again, not knowing what to say. Many questions were on the tip of her tongue, but she didn't know where to start. 

"If you can't come to my wedding then it's okay, I understand. But like I said earlier, I'm really going to get married."

"Ndien," Lisa interrupted quickly, "I will come to your wedding. Lol don't worry.. When we meet, you have to tell me everything. No lies, okay?"

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