Lisa spent her whole day chatting and eating with Rangga. Apart from the cafe, they also stopped to enjoy some alcoholic drinks at one of the famous bars in the capital.

As usual, Lisa always ended up getting drunk whenever she went to the bar. Her face was very red, her head was dizzy as if she had been hit by a truck. Her vision began to blur.

Lisa tilted her head and then accidentally tripped over the edge of the table and got stung.

"Lis, are you okay?" Rangga asked, starting to get worried.

"I'm fine, just a little headache," Lisa answered softly. The alcohol started to take its effects on her body

Lisa couldn't raise her head anymore.

Worried, Rangga then invited Lisa to get up from the chair and take her home to Andien's apartment.

The night was so sparkling. Street lights illuminated every road Rangga's car passed.

Lisa's eyes were so blurred that she could not see the flashes clearly. She repeatedly rubbed her eyes, hoping that her vision would return to normal.

"Everytime I see street lights, how come I feel so nauseous, huh?" Lisa asked spontaneously in the front seat of the car.

Rangga was busy with the steering wheel, his gaze was straight ahead, watching every turn. "Just lie down, Los. I'll wake you up when we reach Andien's apartment."

"But I'm not sleepy yet," Lisa replied.

When Rangga's Mercedes stopped at a red light, Lisa cast her gaze forward at a black Alphard beside her.

Even though she was drunk, the car looked familiar to Lisa's eyes.

When the two of their cars were aligned, Lisa turned to the window and found a woman with a face like a Korean artist sitting in the passenger seat.

The woman looked busy with her cellphone behind the windshield.

Lisa didn't expect that she would run into Clara again! As Lisa expected, Oscar sat next to her with a cold, expressionless face.

For a moment, Lisa's heart felt clenched when she caught the unpleasant sight. She still couldn't accept that her marriage was ruined because of Clara.

Lisa hurriedly turned her face back to look straight ahead. Her eyes started to water. She started sobbing.

Rangga glanced slightly from the driver's seat. The man was worried again.

"Lis, why are you crying? What's wrong?"

Even though Lisa tried to forget the unpleasant incident that happened between her and Oscar, she still couldn't fully accept the fact that she still wanted Oscar.

She didn't know what made the European man so attractive that it was difficult for Lisa to forget him, despite his lecherous nature.

Her memories returned to the sweet memories she had with Oscar.

"It's okay, I'm's my personal matter," Lisa said, sobbing a little.

"Sorry Lis, I'm worried about you. But why? If you need someone to talk to, I'm ready to listen. I will not insult or judge all the restlessness that you tell me. Just calm down!" Rangga said, trying to calm Lisa down.

Hearing that, Lisa immediately calmed down a little. The best thing Rangga could do tonight was to let Lisa be quiet for a moment and stay out of her personal matters.

Luckily, Rangga was a man who respected people's privacy. Even so, it couldn't be denied that Rangga was also worried about Lisa's situation lately.

The man then handed Lisa a box of tissues.

The woman took it and said, "Thanks, you don't have to bother with me."

"Lis, I've been your friend since childhood. If you have a problem then I'll help you!"

Throughout the trip, the atmosphere in the car was very quiet and lonely. Rangga remained focused on the steering wheel with his eyes still straight ahead.

An hour later, Lisa arrived at Andien's apartment. Rangga then helped her out of the car. Her head was not too light. She still could walk alone.

"Should I send you to the room?" Rangga asked, hugging her shoulder.

"No, I don't feel too dizzy. I can walk alone," answered Lisa.

"But you can't even stand straight. I'll walk you up there, okay?"

"No, no, I'm fine. You can go home," Lisa said politely.

"Okay, I'll go home. Careful on your way upstairs!"

Rangga stepped out of the apartment lobby and left with his car.

When Lisa arrived at Andien's room. Her friend said, "Lis! Who escorted you just now? He's so cute!"

"Huh, how do you know?"

"I happened to open the window and see you under the escort of a guy with a face like Zayn. Is that your new boyfriend?"

"Are you crazy?" Lisa said irritably.

"Then who is it?" Andien helped Lisa who began to wobble to sit on her bed. She helped Lisa take off her clothes and get Lisa's nightgown.

"Why? Are you jealous?" Lisa asked spontaneously.

"Not jealous, but really cute. How come you meet such a cute boy after divorce!"

Lisa chuckled. She asked Andien to get her some water.

"I'm dizzy, bring me medicine too!" She exclaimed sharply.

"Are you drunk again? With that new guy!?" Andien shrieked in disbelief.

"Geez, I will tell you now. He's a friend from my childhood. He is the one who helped me create my online shop!"

"Oooooh, I see. I thought he was a random cutie you hit at the bar, haha. He looked so cute from up here. I bet he's much more handsome from up close!"

"Hey, stop filling your head with cute boys, Ndien!"

"Wait, Lis, are you really his friend?" Andien teased with a wicked smile.

Lisa was annoyed to hear her best friend teasing her. "I already said, he's my childhood friend! He and I are no more than close friends!"

"But are you sure you don't want to chase that guy to replace Oscar Lis?"

Lisa laid down her tired body and took a deep breath. Andien didn't know what had just made Lisa's heart start to mess.

"I can't date my own friends Ndien, it feels really weird! Besides, I also don't want to date. I'm traumatized because of Oscar and Clara!" Lisa replied curtly.

"Well, don't be like that, Lis, don't let a divorce make you feel discouraged!"

"I felt so annoyed, Ndien. I saw Oscar and Clara at a red light earlier!"

Andien was silent. She was surprised to hear Lisa's last sentence.

Andien bent down and touched Lisa's shoulder who was lying languidly on the bed. Her face was very haggard as if she had just been laid off.

"Sorry Lis, I didn't mean to hurt your heart. But I'm honestly just happy to see you getting excited again yesterday. Looking at you now makes me a little worried."

"Thanks Ndien, but I don't need to be entertained anymore. I need sleep!" Lisa said curtly.

Lisa pulled the blanket and turned her back to Andien.. She didn't want to be disturbed.

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