Cai Fang smiled, but couldn’t hold back the sudden onset of tears. “Little Yu, your ability to act is so powerful, it’s like you become the character.”

“Well, nothing can’t be solved by eating cake,” Yu Yaoyao said with a smile and took another piece from her assistant and handed it to Cai Fang. “If you want more, you may have two pieces, sister.”

The assistants knew the routine.

All the staff members who had still been immersed in the crying scene of the two actresses suddenly pulled out of it. Everyone started laughing instead.

“Here, Little Yu. I will add you on WeChat. When the filming for this movie is finished, I will invite you to my home and cook for you when I have time,” Cai Fang said, feeling all the depression in her heart lift. “I had nothing to do before, so I learned how to cook from the chef and made food and snacks for my son. It tastes better than it looks.”

“Wow… My sister is amazing,” Yu Yaoyao said in admiration as she looked up at Cai Fang with her big sparkling eyes. At the thought of the food, she could feel saliva collecting in her mouth.

Cai Fang was amused by her. She turned her head and glanced at Director Qi. The director was right. Sometimes, after being at home for so long, life had a different color when you started going out again. There was simply no end to the performance. She felt that today her acting skills, which had been stagnant for so long, had once again magically shone through.

“Thank you, Little Yu,” Cai Fang said sincerely.

Instead of answering, Yu Yaoyao just desperately stuffed the little cake in her mouth and swallowed. “Huh? Not four, not four, it’s just small cakes. I have a lot more… Sister Cai, come with me to the dressing room!”

The two of them went straight to the lounge, smiling all the way. From then on, they became the two beautiful sisters of the cast.

When the women’s scenes were over, it was the men’s turn. But the two male actors in the cast were not very good. As a result, Director Qi Hang stopped them more than 30 times!

“That’s not right, Old Wei. Come back!” Director Qi Hang called. “What’s the matter? Didn’t you sleep last night? You don’t seem to have any energy today.”

Further into the shooting he stopped them again saying, “What’s the matter with Little Luzi? Your interaction with your child is not like a father at all, where is your majestic side?”

“Wait, do it again,” Director Qi Hang stopped them again.

They weren’t playing their roles as rivals very well at all.

Wei Ming came back 20 times, and Director Qi Hang started growing tired of reshooting the scene. He changed the male lead actor to Lu Cheng, and the young actor ended up stopping them more than 20 times.

No matter how they shot it, Qi Hang felt it was wrong. He could be the director that only did one take. Now that he had cut so many times, it made him feel out of sorts.

“Stop!” he called, “Everyone, come here.”

The two male actors could usually out-perform the rest of the cast. Everyone was flabbergasted that they couldn’t seem to make any improvements to their performance and stood shaking their heads.

“What’s the matter with you? Little Luzi, first tell me, who hit you on your head?” Qi Hang asked.

Lu Cheng didn’t act with Yu Yaoyao and didn’t know what had happened. At that moment he was at a loss. What happened? Didn’t the director stop them 30 times every day? Was there something wrong?

“No, Director, I’m fine. I’m just acting seriously,” Lu Cheng said in confusion. “You stopped me, does that not happen every day? Today we still have 10 more cuts until we get to 30,” by now Lu Cheng was used to being scolded by Qi Hang.

Lu Cheng’s acting skills weren’t bad, and he had a good understanding of his role and character. But Qi Hang didn’t like to plan his performances in advance. It was different every time. Lu Cheng literally had to alter his performance several times before it was okayed. For example, in a scene where the children were playing with blocks, the director had different requirements every time for the props, the children’s actions, for Lu Cheng’s actions and intonation…

At first, Lu Cheng had been annoyed with doing the same thing time and time again. But he was even tempered, good natured, and had high expectations for his performances therefore, he always cooperated with Qi Hang. Today, however, when he expected to do the normal amount of takes, he was stunned by Qi Hang’s reaction.

“What about every other day?” Lu Cheng asked.

Qi Hang stared at him. “Don’t you know? I am now a director that only does one take of everything,” he glared at Lu Cheng as if he were drilling into him that he would not be spared from this. “Old Wei, tell Little Luzi, how did I shoot your scenes the other day?”

“In one take,” Wei Ming said with a bitter smile, feeling his face flush red.

For the past two days, he’d been focused on shooting his scenes with Yu Yaoyao. Everything had gone smoothly, and he found he was aroused by her concentration and commitment. Today, when he’d acted with the actress who played the mistress, he was once again struck by her brilliance.

“Listen! Little Luzi, Old Wei, I am a director who films in one take. You guys raised my average,” Qi Hang said, looking distressed. “Okay?”

Lu Cheng was surprised. He’d recently taken two days off to participate in variety shows and didn’t know anything about Qi Hang’s changes.

“Obviously, you two big men can’t do it. You lost to two girls,” as Director Qi said this, he turned the monitor towards them. “Come here, look at this shot from this afternoon. Sober up and get it together, fellow males! If this continues, you will really hit a mid-life crisis and be divorced!”

Lu Cheng and Wei Ming shifted their gaze to the screen. Watching the scene, Lu Cheng’s flamboyant temperament became serious and Wei Ming, who had been shocked by this already, gave a sour smile and couldn’t find it in himself to laugh.

The two actors, with years of experience and brilliant acting skills, stood there open-mouthed as they watched a take of Yu Yaoyao in the simple act of lighting a cigarette.

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