It was almost as if time had slowed down just for her. She could see the swaying of the tree branches just as the wind touched them. She could hear the chitters of the insects so clearly and when she looked down, she could see almost everything that moved. 

The crawling worms and fat mutated bags in the soil which she had never seen before were clear to her today. When she focused and looked further she could easily see ahead now. She saw a wild boar dashing through the trees and it disappeared into a cave. 

"Haha, look at what I have found." she said cheerfully. 

"Stop patting yourself on the shoulder and look for the lizard." Severus yelled at her. 

"Yes teacher." she replied reluctantly. She wanted to look for more live stock but the snake which Severus insisted on calling a lizard needed her attention urgently. 

lightsΝοvel She was sure that it was a snake because it had been described as a crawling beast. What else crawled apart from a snake? 

Slowly, she walked forward and listened for any hissing and looked for any caves or holes in the ground. She was already holding her soul binding rope in her hand in case it came for her. 

She heard a sound similar to a hiss coming out of a hole and she picked up a stick and poked it inside slowly. "Come out, come out little snakey." she said softly. 

She didn't want to poke too hard and piss whatever was inside off. 

"Move on." Severus told her. 

That meant this was the wrong hole so she continued walking deeper into the woods. She heard something falling from above so she stepped back quickly and threw her rope out without ascertaining what it was.  This content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

When she saw that it was a hairy round thing, she relaxed. It looked like a coconut so heart clamed down.

"It's too soon to be relieved." Severus told her. 

He was extremely furious at her. 

"You are a mother for crying out loud and I don't care about the little mental strength you have you are not strong enough to take a beast like this down."

"And yet I have." she pointed at the unconscious beast. "I am not snow white and you are not my prince charming. I can handle myself perfectly well Esong." 

"Who is Snow white?" he asked her. He knew what prince charming meant because he had been referred to as the prince charming of many women in the empire.  However she had also just said that he was not her prince charming.

Was she saying that she did not find him attractive anymore? The more he thought, the more furious he became. 

"Never mind," Scarlet told him dismissively. "I have other things to do."

She stood up and opened the storage pod to put the snake inside. She knew that the center for mutant beast studies would buy it and Esong was her connection to them but she was feeling too proud to beg at the moment. 

Her arm was suddenly grabbed by Esong and he pinned her against a tree. 

She looked at him with fury burning her eyes. First he dumped her on the ground like trash and then he grabbed her hand and forcefully pinned her against a tree and he would not let her go. Did he think that the could treat her any way that he wanted? 

This was some form of bullying, he was bullying her!! She struggled to get away from him but her pinned her against the tree with his lower body. 

"What are you doing?" she hissed at him.

She could see his black eyes looking at her with an unclear gaze and her heart suddenly started beating faster. What did he want?

Esong was thinking about the number of times that Markay had praised her. He was also thinking about how she kept dismissing him as if he did not matter. Why did he not matter to her anymore? Had she fund another man to obsess over? He had this urge to hit something but instead, he found himself doing the unthinkable. 

He lifted his hand and gently placed it on her face. He could see the multiple questions in her eyes and the confusion mixed in with shyness and fear. 

" what?" she opened her mouth and stammered over her questions. 

"I think I have made a choice." he whispered softly. 

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