Scarlet preferred to fool herself for a moment. "Dad, is that you?" she asked in a hopeful voice, 

There was a small part of her that was hoping her father or even any of her brothers had just walked in and not Esong Wu. 

"No, I am not your father." he replied. 

Scarlet had to give herself a pep talk in her head. "It's okay, you have your story straight, there is no need to panic." 

Her heart was beating fast but she put a stiff smile on her face and she spun around. She saw him standing in the entrance to the kitchen. His arms were folded against his chest and he looked ready to have a serious conversation.

"So," she said in a voice that was as calm as she possibly manage, "What are you seeking for in the kitchen?"

"I want to talk to you privately." he replied. 

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Her mother and sister made themselves scarce without being asked. 

As soon as they left, Esong closed the door and suddenly it was just the two of them in the kitchen.

"Yes." she replied. "I don't need someone getting the wrong idea and sending word back to your mother that I am trying to seduce you again."

They both knew how much Emory Wu hated her. If she got word that they were chummy she would be on the first flight to the Blue star to put Scarlet back in her place. and attempt to take Justin away from her again

 "My mother does not control me." Esong replied. 

She threw the knife in her hand on the counter and it made a clanking sound. "Your mother insulted me from the moment she first laid eyes on me. She tried to take my son and she painted me a whore in all of respectable society. You never once stepped in to stop her. Even if you hate me Esong I am still the mother of your child. How much do you think it hurts Justin to hear me being called names by your family?"

He looked her with mockery in his eyes, "How could I defend you after what ….." he stopped talking. He was furious with her because not even once had she genuinely apologized for her actions. All she used to say was that they should make the best of the situation and live as a true married couple. She was always undressing him with her eyes and hands whenever she saw him.

Scarlet knew what he was referring to, it was the vile actions of the former Scarlet. These actions would always be hanging over head like a dark cloud. They were like allegations she could never escape no matter how fast she tried to outrun them. She was angry at the former Scarlet and Esong because their issues affected Justin. After what he said to her today, she wanted him to live a happy life with no scars and nightmares. This required not just her but Esong too.

"So what should I do? Do you want me to apologize again," she answered angrily, "I am sorry." Is that enough I can apologize again, "I am sorry, I am so very sorry, I am extremely sorry. I will apologize ten thousand times if you want. I will do it on my knees if you wish." she was beating her chest as she said this. 

lightsΝοvel "You know what," she added suddenly, " if you want to balance the scales then sleep me once."

"What?" he asked. 

Scarlet suddenly realized what she had just said. 'Did I just say something as crazy as that....what's wrong with my big mouth?'

Esong had a smirk on his face as if he had always known it would come to this and he was waiting for it. "If this is another attempt to seduce me I can assure you that it will not work." 

Scarlet rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Who said anything about seducing you? I am making an offer that will put all this to bed once and for all." Since she had already put it out there and she could not take it back, she decided to double down. "I am giving you a free pass, one day or night of my life any time that you wish. After that night I never want to hear a word about how I defiled your body."

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