At her question, Esong suddenly coughed heavily, beating his chest as if he was in pain and then he burst into laughter, a deep laugh which would have been infectious if his wife was not scowling.

"Sorry baby, I don't know why I found that question funny. What kind of touching are you asking about, like my special place kind_"

lightsnοvεl "Youuuu!!" She pointed at his smiling face. "This is serious, did she touch you in a sexual way, an intimate way, did you screw her?" This content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

"Of course not!!! my private quarters are off bounds to everyone but Dez, my assistant and yourself. She tried to sneak in but the door would not open for her. But even if she did, we are all on suppressants, she would never get a rise out of me. I would also like to believe that my subconscious would not have allowed anything of that sort to happen, Ian said that even though I acted funny, I did not do anything to be ashamed of. I guess you control my body baby." He smiled sheepishly after saying that.

"Humph," she sneered. "You have not explained "Why did it have to be you to take on that mission, couldn't one of your men have taken it on?" 

"They could have but of the three people the emperor asked to take on the mission only I stepped forward and it was only because the others did not. I guess her attraction to me was an additional bonus, at least, now we know not to trust the Xenoans. Why did you call her princess floozy?"

"Check the star net for the meaning of the word floozy and you will find out why. Around here nobody cares about what her true name is, we simply call her floozy. Anyway, I am going to be understanding in this situation because the circumstances are complicated but if this should repeat itself, I will not be so forgiving." she said seriously. 

"I understand baby." he replied. He wiped non existent sweat from his forehead, "Pheewks, I am so happy that we have been able to get past this huddle. I was so worried that maybe I messed things up so badly for us. Tell me anything that you need Scar, I have to make it up to you." 

She pursed her lips back and fourth, thinking about what possible gift he could give her to make up for his mess. 

"I want a mecha." she said after some thought, "Not these replica fake things on the market, I want a superior mecha." 

"Done." he said. 

"What happened? his mother asked. 

"How is she?" Cecily asked. 

"Is she talking to her husband?" his mother added another question. 

"Does she have a smile on if they are talking?" Cecily was not to be outdone. 

Dorian and Etienne looked at each other and then shook their heads, pitying Adler but making no plans to save him from the conundrum he found himself in. Those two women would interrogate him as if he was a fugitive on the run now and squeeze all the information out of him. 

On BSTV, a new reporter that was not Jelly because he was so obviously male was speaking as he pointed at the screen behind. 

"It seemed like a joke when general Esong Wu declared only an hour and a half ago that those who dared to slander himself and his wife would be hearing from his legal team which caused a riot online as more than one hundred thousand people were involved in this activity. Despite many deleting the content of their posts, they have still received legal sermons requiring them to appear before the RGB to accept their charges and pay the associated legal fines or face a thirty day prison sentence. Never before on the Sun star has one individual sued so many people at once. 

I am standing outside the RGB offices on the blue star where so early in the morning, officers are physically bringing in the few people that were involved on our planet. It's really a puzzle why people who have received so much goodness from the two governors would choose to become online trolls and participate in such slander against them. Stay with us as the story develops, reporting for BSTV, Joey Dazzle. 

Dorian Su nodded in approval, looked at Esong's grandfather that was sitting next to him and said, "I like your grandson, he is a man of his word. He made an announcement and immediately his legal team started filing cases."

Etienne Wu looked proud when he smiled and replied, "Esong is not a general for nothing, when one is going into a battle they must be determined. I am glad that he is doing this, maybe now those online trolls will learn a lesson." 

"How much is everyone required to pay, the fine, how much is it?" Elroy had a question which he addressed to Etienne. 

"The penalty if one is found guilty of malicious slander online is one hundred thousand star coins, and that's the lowest fee. It increases according to the gravity of slander, it's maximum outreach and it's impact." Etienne explained slowly. 

"So, those whose posts got more likes, views and were shared the most will pay more than others." Elroy said thoughtfully. 

"Yes," Dorian answered, "I bet they are now regretting their fame." he laughed, very glad that they would face consequences for their actions. 

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