First came the pungent smell of rotten eggs in the already dusty smoke filled air, followed by the rough growls of 'uhhhhgggggghhh' continuously, and lastly the slow dragging of feet, one at a time. In such times, when these three things were noticed, it was wise for one to run and hide or prepare to fight because it only pointed to one thing, zombies!!!

Unfortunately for Su Yan today, she could do neither one of those three things because her legs would not let her.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm It was unbelievable that she, the greatest and proudest chi blocker on an earth infested zombie world had been betrayed by her own team led by the man she had loved for ten years. When they came foraging for supplies, they had ended up in an unmarked zombie nest and to escape, her own fiancé shot her multiple times in the legs before escaping with two others.

"You have no superpower Su Yan; you can only be my sacrifice at this time. Do it as the last proof of your love for me." He said shamelessly before escaping.

With disbelief in her eyes, she watched the last bit of his shadow fade away as she was bleeding out on the cold dirt floor of a semi empty mall, listening to the sounds of hungry mindless zombies come closer and closer until at last they were upon her, ripping her apart for dinner before she could even take her last breath.

Her last thought was 'This is not fair, but at least; I won't have to fight every day or live in fear anymore."

Death was not always a bad thing, it was the end of misery often times and Su Yan expected peace from hers. However, the line to the gates of the afterlife moved really slowly. When she opened her eyes and found herself in this line, she had been quite befuddled.

Thousands of people were ahead of her, each one waiting to go through the gates. Most of them reminded her of the mindless zombies from earth; they moved in synchronicity and never seemed to be bothered by the length of the line unlike her.

Su Yan who had not moved as commanded almost coughed and gave herself away. "So everyone is moving in one line perfectly because of a command. She had received no such command. Was she a strong soul?" she wondered.

The old man was continuing his rant, "Just look at the gateways, to all these worlds, they have perfect bodies waiting to host strong souls. If I see one strong soul right now, I will offer them this contract immediately willing or not and send them through one of the gateways, to a wonderful world like the one behind the blue gate."

Su Yan's brain, once she heard Yan Wang's words started calculating. From his words, these swirling portals were gateways to other worlds. So there were other worlds beyond earth, all those fictional novels were actually slightly nonfiction.

If she went through one of those gateways, specifically the blue one she could live again in a wonderful world. A new bubbling hope brewed inside of her. She could live again.

"Do it." A voice in head whispered so temptingly.

A part of her thought about the contract the old man mentioned. If she signed it, she would become a grim reaper.

"Just jump through the portal while the old man is still ranting." The voice said.

Su Yan was unsure and for a few seconds she was filled with doubt. What if she ended up in another zombie filled world?

"Being alive is better than being dead, what if you end up in a good world, in the body of a wealthy young woman. You would never have to worry about food or money. You would simply lay back and enjoy yourself like a salted fish. You heard the old man; the blue gateway leads to a wonderful world. Aren't you tempted to see that wonderful world? Do it, jump through it." That tempting voice encouraged and pushed her.

All reason and doubts were pushed out by the tempting voice. All she could think about was the wonderful life that was waiting behind the portal. The deity had said so himself.

As if she was mindless, Su Yan found herself running with all of her strength and leaping into a blue gateway.

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