Chapter 910 Visiting the studio

   "Really? That would be great."

"Don't worry, I heard that the Xu family has a lot of relatives here this time, and Cao Jun can meet many new friends from the past." Although Su Wen didn't hide it, but about the real power of the Xu family and the status of the family in the capital Status, she did not say a word.

  Anyway, when I got along with Zhou Yan, I didn't go for those.

   Naturally, there is no need to say more.

   "Sister Cao will take you shopping to see my newly opened studio." Su Wen took the initiative to hold Cao Meihua's arm with an intimate attitude.

"You have a conscience. Before, I kept saying that you, a girl, don't think about Sister Cao and me when you make money. You can't find anyone even if you want to buy a new bag. If it wasn't for your second sister to deliver bags to Deputy Director Wei, I would do not know yet!"

   "That's okay! Isn't this too busy!" Su Wen was very grateful for Cao Meihua taking time out of her busy schedule to attend the banquet. Although there were not many people invited by my family this time, they were all like-minded people with similar personalities.

   "Go, go now."

"it is good!"

  Su Wen greeted, and originally wanted to take Cao Meihua to visit, but Su Xue had never been there, so she simply took everyone there. And she hasn't talked to Su Pingping yet, and she has to make arrangements with Su Pingping when she gets to the studio.

   When a group of people arrived at the studio in a mighty manner, there was only Su Qing inside, who was tidying up the warehouse. A huge warehouse has been tidy and clean under Su Qing's careful arrangement, and there are small knowledge about leather maintenance and maintenance posted on the wall.

  Every row of cabinets is neatly packed, most of them are empty. After this banquet, He Changming will send a batch of the latest raw materials.

  When Su Wen and the others were busy in the provincial capital, He Changming was not idle either. He wants to integrate all the fur resources in Heiyingtun, and change the model of the small workshop into a factory model. If the factory needs it, the clansmen will automatically start farming and hunting, etc.

  For example, He Changming wants to collect enough high-quality cowhide, and sign a contract with someone, how much he needs to buy in a year, and how much he can give. The people of the tribe dare to breed boldly when they have a market, because they are not afraid of the market, and they can naturally make money.

  Before the scale was not formed, it was because fur was not easy to sell.

  The first time Su Wen met He Changming was when he was selling fur in the county town. Heiyingtun has always had high-quality resources and ancient secret techniques, but the lack of sales has limited its development.

   After greeting each other, Su Wen took Cao Meihua for a tour, and Cao Meihua kept nodding.

"Su Wen, you are really good. Now I want to envy you." She is really envious. Although her job is also very good, her position is not low, and she still has a solid job, but seeing Su Wen's drive to start her own business, she is still very happy. envious.

  Because it is very energetic, challenging and novel.

   "Miss Meihua, you can also open a shop and start a business! You don't have to do it yourself, you can also hire someone. Now it is a market economy, and there will be more and more people doing business in the future." Su Wen suggested.

"I will consider what you said." Cao Meihua didn't think about it at all, "By the way, have you heard that all the new agricultural and sideline products trading markets in our county have been bought? Recently, whether it is a community or a unit They're all talking about it."

  Su Wen pursed her lips, "I heard, I also bought a few front rooms."

   "Is there any money?"

  (end of this chapter)

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