Chapter 797 Join forces with Ma Xiulan

  Su Xiu held a hammer in her hand, her face was blue with anger, but she couldn't say anything because of her relationship.

  Because Ma Xiulan is her grandma, even if she doesn't have the slightest affection, their sisters are just one in her grandma's mind

   "Ma Xiulan, what do you mean by that?"

Sister-in-law Chrysanthemum couldn't stand it any longer, so she stood up and spat out a mouthful of melon seeds at Ma Xiulan, "Damn! Others have the right to speak, but you really don't. Your elbows are going to be crunchy, who doesn't know?" You are patriarchal and look down on Su Wen and sisters? You will turn your face once Xuewen dies, and now you still have the face to accuse Su Wen."

   "Bah! Who gave you the face?"

  Ma Xiulan's blood surged from being scolded, and her eyes turned black, " Li Juhua, how dare you scold me? How can I say that I am your elder, is there anyone like you who is a junior?"

   "Then let me ask you, is there anyone like you who is an elder?"

   "Stop talking about chrysanthemums."

   "Sister-in-law Chrysanthemum, hurry back, don't you know who Ma Xiulan is? You are not her match."

  Sister-in-law Chrysanthemum was pushed into the room by several people around her, preventing her from coming out.

  Ma Xiulan pinched her waist, chased after her and scolded: "Li Juhua, do you have the guts to hide? You come out for me, what's the matter with you hiding."

  Sister-in-law Chrysanthemum has also calmed down. Now that she runs a small shop, she can no longer offend people in the village as before. I had no choice but to stamp my feet in the room angrily to hold back.

   Ma Xiulan saw that sister-in-law Chrysanthemum confessed, and stood outside becoming more and more arrogant.

   And Sun Yunyun never thought that things would turn out like this. Su Wen, a bitch, is really vicious, and she doesn't even support her own grandmother. Ma Xiulan is probably the same as her, wishing that Su Wen would die in her heart!

   It's good for her.

  With a kind but fragile smile on her face, Sun Yunyun walked up to Ma Xiulan and said in a soft voice, "Thank you, Grandma Su, for standing up and helping me to say something fair. I am very grateful to you."

  Ma Xiulan turned her head sideways, looked Sun Yunyun up and down, and then suddenly sneered after a while, "Haha! You little bastard, don't think I don't know what bad idea you have in mind."

  Sun Yunyun secretly gritted her teeth when she was scolded, but she didn't show anything on her face.

   This time in prison, she suffered the biggest loss in her life. It is said that what one suffers one gains wisdom. Sun Yunyun was bullied in prison, and she thought a lot when she was beaten.

  The reason why she hasn't fought Su Wen is because she is more real than Su Wen. It's too easy to reveal emotions, and Su Wen is too hypocritical, deceiving everyone with hypocrisy.

  When she comes out this time, she will learn from Su Wen.

  Outside, even if someone slapped her mouth, she would never fight back.

  She wants to see it, so that she will trust Su Wen in the future.

  She is the one that everyone pities and sympathizes with.

"Grandma Su, you misunderstood me. I know that I did many things wrong before, but now I know that I was wrong, and I will change it." Sun Yunyun carefully pulled Ma Xiulan's sleeve and said flatteringly: "I To tell you the truth, what I hate the most now is Su Wen, and the others have nothing to do with me."

   "What do you mean by that?" Ma Xiulan understood it, but she still tested it worriedly.

  Sun Yunyun was secretly happy, "I respect you, Grandma Su, and you have always been the object of my study."

  Ma Xiulan has always been very mean, and she is very proud of being flattered by Sun Yunyun.

  (end of this chapter)

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