Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 1007 1007 A True Terror (2)


The moment Marcus' body shattered apart; every facet of his being, along with everything on him disappeared.

"Oh! He was a spiritual entity. Its ben a while since I had to deal with one of those." 

For the first time since his appearance, the mysterious man who was hellbent on killing everyone in the expedition squad showed a hint of true emotion.

Still, he was only surprised for a single second before pulling his arm back to deliver another strike. Coating it in spiritual energy, he planned to finish Marcus off now that he had reverted to his ghost form after having his physical body destroyed.

Unfortunately, Marcus was in a deep daze since his head had been utterly destroyed and he was unable to even recognize the incoming threat that was mere moments away from finishing him off for good.

Yet, the other members of the expedition squad finally managed to pull themselves together and being a counterattack after the unexpected turn of events that had them all stupefied.


Pushing herself, to the limit, Evette cast the tier nine death magic spell with all the power she could muster at a moment's notice. She let her rage at having one of her party members killed drive her and used every ounce of her emotions to fuel her magic. A black wave of energy pushed out of her body and rushed towards the man that had appeared from inside of the Tower of Heaven.

Evette held out both of her hands in front of her and coalesced the necrotic energy of her death magic spell and concentrated it all on the target of her wrath.

Yet, her spell that should have been capable of causing instant death to most living creatures, broke apart and revealed the mysterious man to be barely injured.

Some of the visible veins on his body had turned noticeably black, but he was still alive and quickly recovering from the damage Evette's strongest spell had caused him.

"That was unpleasant." The man said as he glared at Evette.

He then vanished once again in a burst of speed that was nearly impossible to track. When he became visible again, he was already mid punch and aiming to take Evette's head off like he had done to Marcus and Adlamin.


Having expected the murderous man to attack Evette next, Cassius was prepared to move in front of her and protect her. He had not truly been able to keep up with their attacker's speed, but he had anticipated that he would go for Evette's head and had positioned himself accordingly.

Using the flat of his blade he intercepted the punch, Cassius activated one of his unique skills in order to take the hit.

Normally he would have easily been blown back by the power behind the man's punch, but his Unmovable kept him in place no matter how hard he was struck.

The ground around Evette and Cassis split and the air itself trembled from the impact against Cassius' sword.

Once the man had been stopped for a brief instant, Fianna loosed several arrows at him.

Each one was aimed with deadly precision, but not a single one hit.

Throwing just one more punch the mysterious man that had appeared from the Tower of Heaven, cut through the beam and smashed the Bastion Archon to pieces.

Miguel attempted to use this opening to attack again, but before his sword could reach his target, he felt an impossibly strong impact against his side.

The man he was fighting had dexterously spun around and delivered a spinning kick to Miguel's left side.

By sheer instinct Miguel had managed to place his shield in the way of the attack, but without having used any other defensive skills his arm was shattered and all of the ribs on his left side were broken in multiple places.

As he was blasted away by the force of the attack, his body bent in an unnatural way and several of his vertebrae cracked.

Like Mrazivý, he flew through the forest destroying everything in his path until he hit the ground and left a giant impact crater.

"He must have either passed out or died." The man said, feeling the effects of Miguel's Hero's Challenge wear off. He could not be sure if he had killed Miguel since the young hero's body was still in one piece, but he was certain that Miguel would not be getting up anytime soon if he did miraculously survive.

Now that he was no longer compelled to only attack Miguel, the man turned his attention back towards Evette. However, when he took in his surroundings, he frowned at what he saw.

While Evette, Cassius, and Fianna were still around, the other members of the expedition squad were nowhere to be seen.

"It doesn't matter. The only path away from this area is a straight shot for hundreds of kilometers. I'll clean up here quickly and catch up to the other ones." The man that did not have a status mumbled to himself.

He then picked up a stone that lay near his feet and tossed it towards Evette.

The projectile moved incredibly fast and reached nearly fifteen times the speed of sound just from being casually thrown.

Evette, who was in the process of trying to revive Adlamin did not notice the attack coming for her and would have had her head taken off if not for Cassius' quick action.

"No!" Evette screamed as she was pulled away from her fallen party member.

While Cassius had pulled her away from being fatally injured, the tossed stone still hit her arms and tore both of them off.

This disrupted her spell and ended any chance that she had to bring Adlamin back. Even if she was in an entirely peaceful location at peak condition, she would not have enough time to cast the tier nine healing magic spell again.

"I'm sorry Evette, but we don't have the leeway to worry about him anymore. If we can't hold this guy here the others won't be able to get away. I'm not planning on going down without accomplishing anything and we will need your powers if we want to last." Cassius said, a resolved expression on his face.

He was almost certain that he was going to die in this fight, and as much as he was selfish, he cared about his party enough to give up his life for them.

Fianna thought the same way which is why she had stayed as well. She felt that it was a leader's duty to protect those under her in such a hopeless situation.

The mysterious man sighed when he saw the determination of the three party leaders.

"You must realize that fighting me is pointless. Even if you buy your friends a couple more minutes, it is not going to change the outcoming. It would be a lot less painful if you ceased struggling. I promise to put you out of your misery quickly and without any suffering if you just give up."

"I'm sure you must know that we will never stop. Even if it kills us all, we are going to bring you down." Evette said as her arms regenerated.

After giving them an opportunity to surrender, the man could only shrug his shoulders. He had figured that would be their answer, but he wanted to ask just in case it would save him some effort.

"Very well. A little exercise will do me some good anyways." The man said before rushing towards Evette and Cassius.

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