Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 1001 1001 Battle for the Tower of Heaven (2)

Chapter 1001 1001 Battle for the Tower of Heaven (2)

Thanks to Evette's quick motivational speech, those that were feeling demoralized from seeing their opponent heal most of the wounds they had given it felt reinvigorated.

It was true that most of them had already used some of their best attacks and were wondering if there was anything that they could do to beat such a high-level mythic grade beast. Still, it was too soon to give up yet. At the minimum they needed to continue fighting in order to gather more information about how the guardian of the Tower of Heaven fought so that they could come back in the future to take it on again.

Of course, everyone did want to win if they could. Especially those that already met the qualifications to enter the special dungeon after proving themselves against the Tower's guardian.

'Perhaps I should stop holding back. Keeping some of my powers hidden is important, but I could help on the front lines if I wielded my scythe and used Embodiment of Eclipse.' 

However, as Marcus ruminated on whether he should join the battle with everything he had, Mrazivý came up to him and put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"I can understand that you want to join in with everything you've got, but I think your current role is more important. We have plenty of damage deals, but you're one of only two healers. Plus, your magic is among the best for causing disruption to the enemy. I don't doubt that if you fought alongside me, we could do a lot of damage. Though, if you did, I think that the effectiveness of the expedition squad as a whole would suffer. Just leave the physical combat to me and keep working your magic." Mrazivý said with a wink.

After she had reassured Marcus, those that were applying buff spells finished and the frontline fighters rushed back into the fray to prevent The Celestial Seven-Headed Serpent from regenerating its missing coral snake head.

'I'll just do what I can. If things get hairy, I can always jump in.' Marcus thought as he held his staff up.

Like a raging river mana flowed out of his staff and towards the damaged Thunderous Molten Colossus that had reengaged The Celestial Seven-Headed Serpent.

Unfortunately, after taking quite a few hits the powerful golem Marcus had conjured was pretty beat up, but he knew that it needed to stick around for longer. It was pretty much the only thing keeping The Celestial Seven-Headed Serpent from focusing all of its attacks on the members of the expedition squad.

Needless to say, this unique skill would not normally work with Marcus thanks to his Still Mind that made him immune to mental attacks and the like. 

However, for the moment he had suppressed this skill and was letting Thegia link their minds. Though, even without his Still Mind unique skill Thegia required the consent of the other party to use her Unique Skill.

When she and Marcus were completely in sync with each other, Thegia activated her next unique skill and kicked off the strategy she had come up with.

"Arcane Boost."

A bright purple glow erupted around Thegia allowing her to cast magic with far greater power and speed than she could normally handle. 

Except this skill was a bit of a double-edged sword as it forced her brain to process information faster and could cause serious damage if she was not careful. That was where Marcus came in. With their two minds connected not only could the two of them coordinate perfectly, but Thegia could use Marcus' mind to share the strain of her Arcane Boost unique skill.

"Perfect Illusion."

With the setup complete, Thegia cast her tier nine illusion magic and by far the strongest spell at her disposal.

Bright lights erupted from Thegia's body and flew towards Marcus' Thunderous Molten Colossus that was currently wrestling with two of The Celestial Seven-Headed Serpent's heads.

As the lights hit Marcus' conjured creature, the titanic golem began to shimmer. 

Reality and illusions mixed together, and the Thunderous Molten Colossus appeared to split several times until there were nine of them surrounding the guardian of the Tower of Heaven.

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