Now that everyone that had been afflicted with Wendigo Psychosis had been healed, the expedition squad was turning its focus towards dealing with the problem permanently.

"It is almost certainly nearby in order to keep watch on us. I say we fan out and hunt it down." 

"No, I think we should hunker down and wait it out. Either this monster will get fed up and attack us openly, or it will simply give up when it realizes it cannot break us."

"I think we should just unleash our strongest attacks in every direction. Sure, we might cause some damage to the landscape, but we are sure to hit it."

Everyone had their own thoughts on how to approach dealing with the wendigo and ultimately no decision was made even after several minutes of discourse.

'We're all too rattled to right now to have a productive discussion. At this rate things are going to devolve into arguments.' Marcus thought.

They were all currently under a great deal of stress from having to deal with an enemy that could attack them from outside their range of perception. Something that had likely never happened to any of them before.

Most monsters or beasts were pretty straightforward and would charge straight in for an attack.

Unfortunately, this was not how wendigos fought. They were an especially cruel monster that liked to whittle down their prey for days or even weeks before delivering the final blow.

'It is never going to show itself so long as our group remains strong. We can hope that it will eventually notice that its curse is not taking hold on any of us, but I doubt it will give up anytime soon. Even if we can prevent it from driving any of us mad, just being under constant attack will wear down everyone's mental state. We need to do something, but what?' 

Putting his mind to work, Marcus carefully thought-out different scenarios before voicing the first thing that came to his head like many of the others were.

In the end what he came up with would carry a certain amount of risk, but it was the most surefire method he could think of to lure the wendigo out.

However, before he put his proposal forward, he needed to get the consent of the those that he would be putting in danger.

Naturally the first person he went to was Mrazivý. In his plan she was the one that was going to be taking the biggest risk, and the only one he could hope to entrust with the role.

"Are you sure there is not another way? I would really rather not put myself into such a situation." Mrazivý said, her expression strained.

Usually, she would have been onboard immediately for any strategy that Marcus came up with. This time though, she was hesitant to put herself in such danger.

"This is just the idea I came up with that I believe will have the greatest chance of success. I understand that this is asking a lot of you, so if you don't want to do it, I am not going to force the issue. I just wanted to bring it to you first before suggesting this strategy to everyone."

With a deep sigh, Mrazivý weighed their options before looking at Marcus resolutely.

"I will do it, but you must promise to make sure not to let it go too far. If I say I can't take it anymore, or if you notice I've started slipped, you have to put an end to it." 

"Of course. If things look like they have become too dangerous, I'll make sure that we stop."

Now that he had Mrazivý onboard, Marcus needed to convince the next person he needed for his plan. Something that was going to be far harder.

Standing a bit away from the group that was more bickering than holding an actual discussion, Miguel listened intently but was not participating. He had no intention of getting involved.

However, to increase his plan's chance of success, Marcus was going to need Miguel's cooperation.

"Hey, do you got a minute to listen? I think I've got a way to draw this wendigo out, but we will need your help."

"You can do what you want." Miguel said, showing indifference.

Yet, as Marcus detailed his plan, Miguel became more invested.

"Yeah, that might work, but it is stupidly dangerous. We are not deal with your average monster here, it is a wendigo. And do you really expect me to trust you both. If it came down to it, you would abandon me in a heartbeat if it meant saving yourselves."

"I see you do not think very highly of us. We would never leave a companion behind, and that includes you. Your risk in this strategy is actually not very high anyway. But if you really don't want to do it, we can move forward without you. It is just that your sacred magic is likely to be invaluable in locking down this wendigo." Marcus said shrugging his shoulders.

Without Miguel onboard he would need to drastically alter the plan.

"I never said I would not help you. I just wanted to see how serious you are. Just don't expect me to risk myself for either of you. If it seems like I might be in danger, I am going to focus on protecting myself."

"Thanks Miguel. I promise you will not regret this." Marcus said a pleased grin on his face.

"Just don't let this go to your head. We're not friends. I am doing this for the guild. Valerius especially helped me out so I need to make sure this expedition is a success to pay back my dept. At this rate the entire squad is going to come apart." Miguel said, looking over to where the debate on what they should do had become more heated.

It would appear that for even individuals at such a high level and with astronomical strength, fear and uncertainty could drive rationality away.

'Not that what I am planning is particularly sensible. Our best course of action would be to leave and label this place as too dangerous to explore. But I want this expedition to be a success like everyone else. Hence why no one has suggested giving up yet.'

Walking back into the crowd that had made little headway in creating a solid plan, Marcus announced his strategy.

"The three of us our leaving. We are going to act as bait to lure out this wendigo."

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