"We are all set over here."

Holding a sending stone in his hand, Marcus informed Aziz that he and his companions were in position and ready for whenever the assault would begin.

"Understood. We are nearly set up. I will message you again when we are ready. And thank you for assisting us. I know that you are after your own goals, but your help here is invaluable." Aziz responded.

It was nearly another forty minutes until Aziz contacted Marcus that he was ready and the attack on the undead forces began.

Frankly in terms of numbers they were hopelessly outmatched. The undead army boasted several hundred thousand while among all of them there were barely more than twenty. This would normally seem to be insurmountable odds, but numbers were not everything on Mirrion. Induvial strength played a far greater role.

When Aziz and his allies began their attack, they rained down massive mana attacks that created massive explosion that took out thousands of undead at once.

It was the kind of attack that could decimate a city and massive plumes of sand and the torn apart bodies of the undead flew into the air.

Of course, this vicious sneak attack had not done as much damage as the spectacle it created might have suggested.

The moment the attack was launched the higher-level undead monsters such as the Mummy Lord Baluea noticed and deployed large scale defenses through either magic or skills.

Even those at level eight-six like Aziz could not penetrate a concentrated defense made by thousands of monsters that had entities of comparable strength in their wakes. His and his allies' attacks had only managed to destroy about eight percent of the undead forces, and the majority of the ones that they had defeated were the mindless and weak.

Overall, it was not a major blow against the undead army, but it did garner their attention.

In a matter of seconds, the horde began racing towards Aziz's position. Instinctually chasing after the living that had just attacked them.

The structure of the army had developed into complete chaos as the bulk of the army went after their attackers. This was certainly the greatest weakness of an undead army, their lack of discipline and coordination. At the end of the day, they were just a giant mob.

"Things seem to be going according to plan. Keep your eyes on our targets and get ready to strike." Marcus said, intently watching the movements of the undead leaders.

Among the ranks of the undead he had identified around three thousand that were level fifty or over, with twenty-eight among those being above level seventy and the ultimate commanders of the army.

The quickest and most efficient way to win was to take out the strongest of the undead and then the others would splinter off again without any higher power controlling them.

This was where Marcus, Mrazivý, Roxene, Blitz and Inten would step in. While Aziz and his team had the undead army's attention, they would tactically attack the leaders.

'Embodiment of Eclipse, Bright From. Plus, last light.'

Using his Supreme Skill and tier eight light magic spell in conjunction, Marcus fired off what was one of his greatest attacks directly towards the strongest undead, the Mummy Lord Baluea.

They had initiated their assault at night when the undead were typically more active but also more unruly, but the moment Marcus used this spell, it appeared as if day had suddenly arrived very early.

His spell flew fast and stuck its target, creating a huge burst of energy that wiped out everything around it.

At the same time, attacks from Mrazivý, Roxene, Blitz, and Inten reached their quarry and the entire area erupted from numerous powerful explosions.

It seemed almost as if the world itself was coming to an end from the force of all of these powerful attacks, as the desert fractured. Large waves of sand rippled, and the earth splintered, and large cracks formed as if a powerful earthquake had just occurred.

Then, it happened again. Marcus, Mrazivý, Roxene, Blitz, and Inten launched another wave of attacks at the undead and caused more destruction on a scale similar to natural disasters.

However, their one-sided assault did not last long. Soon the strongest among the undead sent attacks back their way and halted their bombardment.

"That is our cue. Leave behind the distractions and start heading towards the Font of Death. I will catch up momentarily." Marcus said to the others.

After that he went back into his ghost form and flew towards the last location of where the mummy lord had been. While it was not his major objective, he did actually want the core of such a powerful undead to use in the creation of a certain magical item.

Normally flying into the heart of so many undead monsters would be suicide, but Marcus went undeterred thanks to being inviable and intangible.

Only a few undead could even sense him, and those that could, found it impossible to differentiate him from the rest of their army since Marcus was in his ghost form.

Soon he found what he was looking for and was unsurprised to see that Baluea had managed to survive.

The mummy lord was a level eighty-two monster that had existed for centuries and managed to evade destruction from the Sulb Clan despite constantly attacking them. He was not an easy enemy to defeat, even with a powerful sneak attack.

Nevertheless, Marcus had done significant damage and the mummy lord was currently in tatters with only around thirty percent of its body still intact. The fact that he was still able to maintain his form just went to prove how absurdly tough high-level undead were. A living being would never be able to survive with most of their torso gone.

'Time to finish this.' Marcus thought before appearing right in front of Baluea.

The moment he did the mummy lord attacked him with its strongest race ability, that was its most powerful attack. One that had led many of the great warriors of the Sulb Clan to death in the past.

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