Chapter 20

“He’s taking too long. Is he perhaps having some trouble inside?” Neung Jo-Eun anxiously asked. It had been more than two hours since Mu-Gun dived into the sea.

“Don’t say something so unlucky. Watch what you say, disaster comes from the mouth.” Nak Il-Bang swiftly rebuked him.

“I’m just worried.”

“If the Seafarer’s legacy is really in there, retrieving it could take some time. Don’t think too much of it,” Sah Do-Kwang reassured Jo-Eun.

“Hearing that is comforting...”

“Have faith in the First Young Master. If this was enough to put him in danger, he wouldn’t have been able to cure his qi deviation in the first place.”

“Exactly. The heavens will ensure the First Young Master’s safety.” Il-Bang agreed with Woo Byeok-San’s remark.

Jo-Eun was still anxious, but he decided to trust his colleagues’ words. No, he decided to have faith in Mu-Gun and wait.

After another hour passed, Mu-Gun finally resurfaced.

“There! The First Young Master has returned!”

Upon discovering Mu-Gun, they quickly steered the ship toward him and pulled him up.

“Thank goodness you’re safe.” Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

“Did I worry you?”

“You were there for quite some time. I was about to jump in to find you when you reappeared.”

“Obtaining the Seafarer’s secret techniques took quite some time.”

“Does that mean you now carry his legacy?”

“Yes. Fortunately, it was worth the trouble.”

“As expected. Considering you were given the opportunity to obtain the Seafarer’s legacy, I think you’ve been blessed with good fortune, First Young Master,” Baek San-Kyung said in an envious tone.

“Hmm. I would like to convey his secret technique to you guys. However, considering your talent, I honestly think it would be difficult for you all to handle.”

“I didn’t mean it that way.”

“I know. I just think it’s a pity. Instead, I’m going to teach you all martial arts best suited to each of you, so don’t be too disappointed.”

“Disappointed? Nonsense. I already consider myself fortunate to be on the receiving end of your guidance, First Young Master.”

The others nodded in agreement with San-Kyung.

Mu-Gun smiled at them. “It’s nice to hear such flattery. Let’s head back now, shall we? Diving into the sea and my trip back here has made me hungry.”

“If I knew this would happen, I would’ve prepared something to eat in advance.”

“How would you know when I would be out? It’s fine, we can just come up with something to eat. so don’t worry.”

Mu-Gun had also decided to keep the Flying Golden Shield for himself since he thought it would be useful in many ways.

After deciding on everything that he had to do, Mu-Gun summoned his six subordinates.

“Do you know why I called for you guys?”

“Do you perhaps want to give us an order secretly?”

Mu-Gun chuckled at Il-Bang’s question and said, “Not a secret order, but there is a secret message I want to pass on.”

“Huh? A secret message?”

With an expectant look, they waited for Mu-Gun to answer.

“Just like what you all thought of, I will teach you guys martial arts.”

“Are you being serious?”

“There is a limit to your growth with the martial arts you possess right now. Therefore, I will teach you the Iron Blood Self-Defense Art, which will temper your body, and the Soaring Luna Sword Art, which is an improved version of the 19 Clear Moon Blades.”

“With all due respect, are we the only ones you’ll teach those to?” San-Kyung asked.

“The Soaring Luna Sword Art will be the Baek Sword Sect’s basic sword art in the future. However, you’re the only ones I’ll be teaching the Iron Blood Self-Defense Art to. And as you grow stronger, I plan to teach you additional martial arts.”

Mu-Gun had no intention of teaching others, unless they truly followed him. However, for the Baek Sword Sect to grow, the entire Baek Sword Corps had to grow too. Therefore, he intended to allow anyone from the Baek Sword Corps to learn the Soaring Luna Sword Art.

“We will train to the point of death so that we do not let your teachings go to waste, First Young Master.”

“It’ll be troubling if you really die, though.”

“Huh? Hahaha!”

The six men forced a burst of laughter at Mu-Gun’s lame joke.

“Stop your forced laughter and take some distance from each other.”

As per Mu-Gun’s instructions, they lined up side by side with ample space between each other.

“First of all, I will teach you the Iron Blood Self-Defense Art, an external cultivation method. It will enhance your physical strength and turn your skin as hard as steel. If you can train it to its peak, you’ll be able to manifest protective vajra qi.”

“Protective vajra qi? Are you really going to teach us such amazing martial arts?”

“Would anyone follow me if I didn’t? Along with qigong scriptures, the Iron Blood Self-Defense Art uses bodily movements’ dynamic energy to build up power in the physique. Precise breathing and accurate posture are essential. I will now perform the Iron Blood Self-Defense Art, so pay attention and watch closely.”

Mu-Gun began to perform the Iron Blood Self-Defense Art after organizing his men. Upon witnessing it, they remembered the Iron Blood Vajra Body Cultivation that Mu-Gun had displayed on the ship deck the other day. The Iron Blood Self-Defense Art was from the same school.

They were aware that it was a lower-level technique compared to the former, considering it had less complexity in the movements. Nevertheless, despite being lower in grade compared to the Iron Blood Vajra Body Cultivation, Mu-Gun’s subordinates still found it complicated and difficult.

They focused on and tried to memorize the Iron Blood Self-Defense Art movements Mu-Gun demonstrated to the best of their abilities. However, they weren’t geniuses who could memorize everything at a glance.

Mu-Gun had to perform the Iron Blood Self-Defense Art, which consisted of a total of 188 movements, more than forty times before they could completely memorize it.

However, that in itself was already an amazing feat. Mu-Gun was honestly prepared to repeat it up to a hundred times. His subordinates’ understanding exceeded his expectations, satisfying him.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t the end. Although they had memorized all of the Iron Blood Self-Defense Art movements, they still had trouble executing them accurately from memory alone. Thus, Mu-Gun had the six of them perform the Iron Blood Self-Defense Art, then rectified their movements one by one. It took three days for them to accurately execute the technique. Finally, Mu-Gun taught them the qigong scripture of the Iron Blood Self-Defense Art.

It took another three days for them to memorize it and learn how to apply it. In total, it took seven days and nights for Mu-Gun to completely pass down the Iron Blood Self-Defense Art. Teaching them the Soaring Luna Sword Art took another five days.

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