Chapter 16

After defeating the Red Dragon Squad, Baek Mu-Gun captured and locked up Gu Il-San and his subordinates on the deck. He then picked up the six men waiting in the reconnaissance ship and returned to the Maritime Defense Base with the captured Red Dragon Ship.

The six of them, Baek San-Kyung included, were once again surprised upon finding out that the first person Mu-Gun defeated was the Sickle Slaughterer, one of the Sea Dragon’s Four Demons.

“Considering you’ve defeated the Red Dragon Squad and the Sickle Slaughterer, I don’t think the Sea Dragon Gang will stay still. Is everything going to be okay?” Woo Byeok-San asked, concerned about the possibility of a large-scale Sea Dragon Gang assault.

“On the contrary, the Sea Dragon Gang might play it safe,” Sah Do-Kwang replied in Mu-Gun’s stead.

“Why would they?”

“Think about it. The First Young Master singlehandedly defeated the Red Dragon Squad and the Sickle Slaughterer. If the Sea Dragon Gang Leader finds out about this, they would likely become fearful of the First Young Master. They’d also have trouble moving recklessly now that two of their squads have been annihilated.”

“That does sound quite plausible.”

“Is that the reason why you attacked the Red Dragon Ship?” San-Kyung asked Mu-Gun.

“I didn’t know it would turn out like this either.”

“Wouldn’t it be difficult for us to attack the Sea Dragon Gang if they decide to play it safe and not make a move? We’d have to break through the Fantasy Fog Array to invade the Sea Dragon Gang’s base, but no one knows how to demolish it.”

“There’s no need to worry about that. I can locate the Fantasy Fog Array’s entry path.”

“What do you mean, First Young Master? Do you perhaps have a profound knowledge of array techniques too?” Sah Do-Kwang asked in surprise.

“I’m not that knowledgeable about them. I just know a little bit.”

“If so, how do you plan to find the Fantasy Fog Array’s entry path?”

“It’s hard to explain in detail. Let’s just say I can do it due to my martial arts characteristics.”

“With all due respect, can you tell us the type of martial arts you practice, First Young Master?”

“Is it important for you to know?”

“Not really. I’m simply asking out of curiosity.”

“Unfortunately, I can’t tell you about it right now due to reasons I can’t disclose yet.”

Nothing good would come from revealing the existence of the Heavenly Descent Thunder God Sect to the world. This was due to the Three Greatest Demonic Sects, the Heavenly Descent Thunder God Sect’s archnemeses.

The Three Greatest Demonic Sects referred to the Eternal Heavenly Demon Sect, the Hell-Blood Demon Sect, and the Nine Celestial Demons Sect. They were the strongest demonic sects that had been in existence since the beginning of ancient times, each holding power great enough to bring the world to ruin.

The Heavenly Descent Thunder God Sect had been preventing the Three Great Demonic Sects from going on a rampage for generations now, which was how the Heavenly Descent Thunder God Sect became the latter’s archnemesis.

If they learned Mu-Gun was the Heavenly Descent Thunder God Sect’s successor, they would put everything aside to destroy him. Considering he hadn’t fully regained his previous reincarnations’ powers yet, It would be difficult for him to survive an attack from them. Hence, keeping his Heavenly Descent Thunder God Sect background secret, for now, was for the best.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked.”

“No, it’s only normal for you to be curious about it.”

“On another note, are we going to attack the Sea Dragon Gang’s base now?”

“No. We’ll wait for the Guangdong Jin Family’s support.” Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

“The Guangdong Jin Family?”

Mu-Gun told them about the plan to use the Fujian Three Murderers to borrow the Guangdong Jin Family’s power.

“I see, but won’t the Guangdong Jin Family then use this incident as a basis to make excessive demands?”

“If they do, we’ll just have to solve this situation ourselves.”

Mu-Gun had thought of overthrowing the Sea Dragon Gang without the Guangdong Jin Family’s help. Baek Mu-Ok thought lightly of the fact that they could use the Fujian Three Murderers to borrow the Guangdong Jin Family’s power, but Mu-Gun knew what the Seven Great Clans were like. As Mu-Ok said, the Guangdong Jin Family would make a move to save face. However, they’d also make the most out of it in the process.

The Guangdong Jin Family would likely use this matter as an excuse to put the Baek Sword Sect under their influence, which Mu-Gun had no intention of allowing. If they made excessive demands, Mu-Gun planned to use the Baek Sword Sect’s power alone in subjugating the Sea Dragon Gang, removing the Guangdong Jin Family’s help from the equation.

After the conversation with his subordinates, Mu-Gun stayed in the cabin while they were on the way to Dongtou Maritime Defense Base. Inside, he examined the spoils of war he obtained from Jang Sa-Myeong, the Sickle Slaughterer. When Sa-Myeong died, he left behind a manual. No, Mu-Gun actually took it from his belongings.

The Sickle Slaughter 18 Forms. Its name alone displayed its brutality. Mu-Gun slowly looked through the manual of the Sickle Slaughter 18 Forms. Sickles were not commonly used as weapons, so the techniques used were different from sword or saber techniques.

It was composed of very delicate yet grotesque and brutal techniques, which likely gave anyone facing it for the first time a hard time. Looking at it now, Mu-Gun thought he certainly made the right decision killing Sa-Myeong in one blow through the Thunder Sword Cannon.

Three of the Baek Sword Sect’s squads were staying at the Dongtou Maritime Defense Base. Compared to the Sea Dragon Gang, whose forces had been diminished due to the Black and Red Dragon Squads’ defeat, the Baek Sword Sect was superior in numbers. However, what truly mattered was the battle between masters.

Gun-Hyo believed his and the remaining Sea Dragon’s Three Demons’ strength could defeat Mu-Gun and the three squad leaders, which were the Baek Sword Sect masters. Emerging victorious in the battle of masters would allow them to overcome their inferiority in numbers.

Of course, they’d incur severe damage, but restoring their power should be easy for as long as he and the Sea Dragon’s Three Demons were alive and well. Many people wanted to become pirates, after all.

More importantly, although unlikely, if Baek Sword Sect leader Baek Cheon-Sang and the remaining forces at the Baek Sword Sect headquarters came as reinforcements, their chances of winning would disappear.

At Gun-Hyo’s order, Yeo Gang summoned up all the forces of the Sea Dragon Gang. However, there was a problem. The Sea Dragon’s Three Demons expressed their intention to leave the Sea Dragon Gang and their decision to not engage in the all-out war with the Baek Sword Sect.

The Sea Dragon’s Three Demons weren’t so loyal as to risk their lives for the Sea Dragon Gang. After all, they only stayed with the Sea Dragon Gang to live in affluence. They would willingly participate in any war for as long as they had the upper hand in numbers and victory was certain. However, any threat to their safety could easily change their decision.

The Sickle Slaughterer, whose martial prowess was at the same level as theirs, had been killed. And that showed they could lose their lives too. Hence, they lost all intention of fighting for the Sea Dragon Gang. There were other places they could go to anyway. With the martial prowess they possessed, they could leave the Sea Dragon Gang and live a comfortable life anywhere else. There was no need for them to take this risk.

The decision of the Sea Dragon’s Three Demons enraged Gun-Hyo. He wanted to kill them—tear them apart limb from limb. However, he couldn’t beat them alone. More importantly, losing the Sea Dragon’s Three Demons now would really put an end to the Sea Dragon Gang. He had to hold on to them somehow.

Gun-Hyo immediately headed to the residence of the Sea Dragon’s Three Demons. By the time he arrived, the Sea Dragon Three Demons were already zealously packing their belongings. They certainly weren’t lying about leaving the Sea Dragon Gang.

“Are you really going to act like this now?” He said, enduring the anger rising to the top of his head.

“What do you mean?”

The oldest of the Sea Dragon’s Three Demons, the Yama[1] Sword Demon, Yang Gon, replied without any changes in his expression.

“Even if you act like devils in giving and angels in taking, this is not right. You’ve all been living affluently all this while thanks to the Sea Dragon Gang. Yet when we need you the most, when we’re finally waging an all-out war with the Baek Sword Sect, you avoid the responsibility and run away without batting an eye?”

“Run away? Watch your words. This is all about the right timing. We’re just leaving because it’s time to leave.”

Yang Gon’s brazen words baffled Gun-Hyo so much that he almost threw a punch. However, he endured it. “If you are willing to stay in the Sea Dragon Gang, I will grant you whatever you want.”

“That’s not necessary. What we want is to leave the Sea Dragon Gang and live in comfort. Maybe it’s because I’ve lived amid the sea breeze for too long, but my skin has been becoming rougher, and my bones are now throbbing too. That’s why I’ve decided to live peacefully inland before it’s too late. You really shouldn’t hold on to us anymore.”

Gun-Hyo clenched his fist to suppress his anger.

“Are you really going to leave?”

“Thank you for looking out for us all this while, Gang Leader. I will not forget this until the day I die.”

“If news about you leaving so irresponsibly spreads, your reputation will be damaged so much that no one will accept you into their ranks ever again.”

“That’s not a matter for you to worry about, Gang Leader. We’ll take care of that ourselves.”

Yang Gon’s attitude made Gun-Hyo realize that no matter what he did, he wouldn’t be able to hold on to the Sea Dragon’s Three Demons. Their decision to leave was firm. Hence, he stopped pleading.

“Alright, then. What’s the use of asking you guys to stay when your heart already decided to leave? Goodbye.”

Gun-Hyo wanted to curse at them, but provoking the Sea Dragon’s Three Demons for no reason would yield no good results. Having completely given up on making the Sea Dragon’s Three Demons stay, he went back to the Sea Dragon Palace.

“How did it go?” Yeo Gang asked.

“There’s no hope. They’ve already set their hearts on leaving the Sea Dragon Gang.”

“Isn’t that a big problem? If they leave, we wouldn’t have the power to defend against the Baek Sword Sect’s attacks. Once they find out that the Sea Dragon’s Three Demons had abandoned us, they won’t just stay still and keep maintaining their current defensive stance.”

“I’m well aware of that. That’s why we should be as cautious as possible not to let them know the Sea Dragon’s Three Demons have left the gang.”

“The Baek Sword Sect’s reconnaissance ships have already surrounded the Sea Dragon Archipelago. It won’t be easy to avoid their watch.”

“Are you saying the Baek Sword Sect will catch on to us the moment the Sea Dragon’s Three Demons leave the Sea Dragon Archipelago?”

“That’s correct.”

“Then we have no choice but to prevent the Sea Dragon’s Three Demons from going outside.”

“How do you plan to do so?”

“We’ll have to use the Fantasy Fog Array to our advantage,” Gun-Hyo said, his expression wicked.

Yeo Gang immediately understood what he meant. He planned to push the Sea Dragon’s Three Demons into the Fantasy Fog Array’s death trap and let them sink to the depths of the sea. That would ultimately prevent the Baek Sword Sect from realizing they had abandoned the Sea Dragon Gang.

Gun-Hyo’s merciless mind gave Yeo Gang goosebumps. However, he understood his intention. Yeo Gang wasn’t fond of the Sea Dragon’s Three Demons either. After all, they enjoyed everything the gang had to offer, only to leave when the gang needed them most.

“I’ll carry it out right away.”

Yeo Gang secretly took action at Gun-Hyo’s behest. Two hours later, the Sea Dragon’s Three Demons’ stay in the Sea Dragon Archipelago became eternal.

1. In Indian mythology, Yama is the god of the dead. In Buddhist mythology, Yama is the King of Hell and a dharmapala (wrathful god) said to judge the dead and preside over the Narakas and sa?sāra—the cycle of death and rebirth. ?

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