Chapter 12

Tasked to confirm the location of the Sea Dragon Gang’s base, Baek Mu-Gun gathered the White Wolf Squad.

“In a little while, I will be going on a reconnaissance mission to where we believe the Sea Dragon Gang’s base is,” he then told them. “If it really is there, there’s a chance they’d launch an all-out attack, making this mission of great importance but dangerous. Therefore, I will not force you to participate in this mission. However, I will accept volunteers. For those of you who would like to join me on this quest for the Baek Sword Sect’s sake, please come forward.”

Mu-Gun didn’t force them to come with him. Considering the White Wolf Squad’s skill, the addition of a few more people wouldn’t really be of much help. Moreover, moving alone meant he wouldn’t have anything to worry about and making it easier to escape if any mishap occurred. Nevertheless, Mu-Gun accepted volunteers. After all, this was a good opportunity to identify the members willing to risk their lives for the Baek Sword Sect. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

The members of the White Wolf Squad took turns looking and observing each other. It wasn’t easy for them to step forward without hesitation, considering the enemy could launch an all-out attack if they were discovered. Still, he expected at least one or two people to come forward. When none did, Mu-Gun looked disappointed.

“Is no one willing to volunteer?”

“Nak Il-Bang of the White Wolf Squad! Though I may not be skilled enough, I would like to go with the First Young Master.”

Just as his expectations for the White Wolf Squad were about to completely crumble, Il-Bang raised his hand and volunteered for the reconnaissance mission.

“Neung Jo-Eun of the White Wolf Squad! I’d like to go with you as well.”

“I will also participate.”

Starting with Il-Bang, the members with whom Mu-Gun shared a cabin with volunteered one after another. Mu-Gun smiled at their loyalty.

“Is there no one else?”

“Baek San-Kyung of the White Wolf Squad! If you’ll allow me, I, too, would like to participate in this mission.” San-Kyung resolutely raised his hand, which made Mu-Gun look at him with a surprised expression. San-Kyung recently suffered a humiliating defeat to Mu-Gun. Normally, he would have avoided Mu-Gun. However, he requested to go with Mu-Gun on a mission where he’d likely have to risk his life, making Mu-Gun feel like he had to re-evaluate his opinion of him.

Up until a while ago, Mu-Gun thought of San-Kyung as someone who didn’t know his place since he was too proud of his petty abilities and lamented that he was treated unfairly just because he was from a branch family.

However, at the very least, he seemed to harbor affection for the Baek Sword Sect. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have volunteered for an operation that could put his life at risk. In that instant, Mu-Gun also saw that San-Kyung was not weak enough to crumble because of one humiliating defeat.

“I’ll allow it. Prepare for the reconnaissance mission, volunteers.”

Baek Yong-Hwan also joined Mu-Gun and the six White Wolf Squad members with two White Dragon Squad members.

The ten-member reconnaissance team used a reconnaissance-use high-speed boat to head toward the remote island one hundred kilometers northeast of the Maritime Defense Base. Their vessel could only fit twenty-five people on board, including the helmsman. Considering it limited the number of combatants they could bring, engaging the enemy could put them at a disadvantage. However, it was small and sleek, making it hard to catch up to it unless the opposing party also used a high-speed boat. Hence, it rarely got into any actual danger.

They arrived at their destination after about two hours. From there, they moved 2.5 kilometers north and soon noticed a sea fog in the distance. It was considerably large and was so thick that it was hard to see what was in front.

“Is that place really the Sea Dragon Gang’s base?” Yong-Hwan frowned. Although they had discovered the sea fog, they still couldn’t be certain whether it was what they were looking for.

“We’ll find out if we wait.”

“What do you mean by that—Don’t tell me you plan to wait for the Sea Dragon Gang to come out?”

“Even if this place really is the Sea Dragon Gang’s base, they definitely won’t make a move. Doing so would basically be no different from admitting to it.”

“Did you volunteer for this mission in anticipation of that?”

“If I said no, would you believe me?”

“Still, I want to hear it from you.”

“Regardless, I came here to confirm with my own eyes.”

“I see. Well, if that’s not the case, what else are we waiting for?”

“According to the Black Dragon Squad Leader, the Fantasy Fog Array changes from time to time.”


“If the Fantasy Fog Array made that sea fog, it should change periodically.”

“Ah!” Yong-Hwan sighed lowly, finally understanding what Mu-Gun was trying to say.

Contrary to what he told Yong-Hwan, Mu-Gun secretly invoked the Thunder God's Heavenly Eyes, which gave his eyes a subtle golden glow. With the Thunder God’s Heavenly Eyes, which were Divine Eyes capable of seeing through illusions and unfolding the truth, he could get a glimpse at the flow of energy that was artificially distorting the surrounding area with the array technique.

“I will wield a sword.”

“What will you do if I get injured?”

“Please forget about what happened yesterday.”

San-Kyung felt like stitching up his mouth for rattling on without even knowing Mu-Gun’s capabilities. He was so embarrassed that he kicked his blanket last night while he was preparing to sleep.

“Hahaha!” Mu-Gun laughed loudly when he saw San-Kyung blushing. He then moved to the center of the deck. “Shall we begin, then?”

San-Kyung stood opposite him. The others training on the deck watched the two of them with great interest, finding San-Kyung amazing for facing Mu-Gun again despite being defeated yesterday.

“I’ll let you have the first move.”

At Mu-Gun’s words, San-Kyung dashed toward Mu-Gun and thrust his sword forward. The moment its tip appeared to shake, it unleashed Sword Shadows in all direction, confusing Mu-Gun.

He had realized it yesterday, but San-Kyung was pretty skilled. He had perfectly imbued the principle behind the 19 Clear Moon Blades in his sword. Nevertheless, his sword failed to threaten Mu-Gun. After all, the 19 Clear Moon Blades was far too low in tier to be of any threat. Mu-Gun easily identified the real attack, then thrust his sword forward.


Mu-Gun penetrated through the sword shadow that was supposed to visually confuse him. He then deflected San-Kyung’s attack.


His sword force pushed San-Kyung back. He normally would’ve immediately launched a coutnerattack, but Mu-Gun stood still and waited for San-Kyung to go on the offensive again. It would’ve appeared as if he was looking down on San-Kyung, but San-Kyung knew that Mu-Gun did it out of consideration. The latter was giving him the opportunity to launch as many attacks as he wanted. Accepting his grace, San-Kyung began to launch attacks without paying any heed to defense.

Now focusing his all into his offense, he was able to exert his maximum power in each attack. At first glace, this type of sparring would appear unhelpful in a real fight, considering it was extremely rare for anyone to leave themselves defenseless while attacking in actual battles. However, that wasn’t necessarily the case. By concentrating solely on attacking, he became capable of executing his martial arts however he wanted.

Doing so would allow him to more accurately gauge his own martial prowess and realize where his limitations stood. Learning about it from experience was far better than simply getting a vague feeling of it. If he were to discover his limitations through this bout, the chance to overcome it would show itself. After all, he first had to find it for him to be able to go beyond it.

Hence, even if the current sparring match he had with Mu-Gun couldn’t be of immediate help in a real battle, he would eventually shine in a real fight if he could discover his limitations and progress one level further. That would mean this bout was ultimately a great help to him.

In short, San-Kyung was now going through a very valuable experience. He attacked with all his might as if he was facing off against his archenemy in a life-or-death battle. However, Mu-Gun repeatedly blocked all his blows.

That could’ve discouraged him, but San-Kyung did his refused to give up and did his best until the end. That served as proof of his strong desire to strengthen his martial arts.

Mu-Gun liked San-Kyung’s strong determination. However, no matter how determined he was, it was useless if he didn’t have the physical strength and internal energy to support his desire. Mu-Gun ended the spar when the power in San-Kyung’s attacks noticeably dropped.

“Enough! I think that’s good enough.”

“Huff huff, you’re really amazing. I did my best, but I couldn’t even touch a strand of hair,” San-Kyung admired despite having difficulty catching his breath. Mu-Gun was in a realm he dared not compare with. This realization made San-Kyung feel even more embarrassed by the incident he instigated yesterday.

“The 19 Clear Moon Blades, just like the 36 Phantom Moon Blades, is a sword technique that focuses on illusions. As the original power of the sword technique drops, it becomes easier to see through the deception. If your opponent detects that change in the sword technique, the attack won’t work at all. With that in mind, how do you think this can be solved?”

“Shouldn’t we increase the sword technique’s power?”

“That’s correct. And how do we do that?”


“The 19 Clear Moon Blades’ obsession with variations wastes a lot of internal energy. Having a lot of variations isn’t necessarily good, considering its variations’ quality is far more important than their quantity. And the key factor here is how efficiently they’re executed. I can easily teach you how to improve it, but I’d much rather you ponder about it yourself. Even if you can’t find a solution to this problem, you’d still gain a little more understanding about the way of the sword.”

“Thank you for your guidance, First Young Master. I will give it my all thinking about it.”

“The other squad members watching should ponder about it too. It will be of help to you.”


“And for anyone else who wants to spar with me, don’t hesitate to ask. I will willingly accept your challenge.”

Mu-Gun proposed to spar with them not only to improve the skills of the squad member but also build a bond with them.

“Then I request to spar with you, First Young Master?” Ill-Bang immediately requested.

“I like your proactive attitude. Unseathe your sword and step forward.”

Mu-Gun gladly accepted his request. After their bout, the other squad members also requested to spar with him one after another. Mu-Gun accepted their challenge without any hesitation.

Despite ceaselessly participating in sparring matches, he showed no signs of exhaustion, which served as proof of the significant power gap between him and the White Wolf Squad members. As their spars made them realize the greatness of Mu-Gun’s martial arts, they unknowingly began to look at Mu-Gun with admiration.

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