This Ninja Is Obviously Not Strong but Really Hard to Kill

Chapter 523: Sent Back To Ninja Schcool For Re-education!

"I will go back to the academy and redo it. Let go of Sasuke and Sakura."

Despite some moisture in his eyes, Naruto made this surprising choice without reluctance but with a sense of release and sincerity.

Sasuke and Sakura were both stunned by his choice.

They were also ashamed of their earlier irresponsible speculation.

"Hmph! Never mind, I won't accept such charity from you and don't forget, you still need to find that person for an answer. No time to waste on such a boring place as the school."

Of course, those words could only come from the tsundere, Sasuke.

While Sakura was somewhat conflicted, the thought of being able to go to school with Sasuke cleared her doubts, "Sasuke goes where I go, so just keep it to yourself, Naruto."

Then Kakashi, with a gruesome face, solemnly said, "It's not too late to change your mind now. Don't think I'll let you off easily. Saying redo means redoing it, and at least for a year!"

After a long absence, Naruto smiled and shook his head, "This decision was informed to me by someone ahead of time, so my answer will only be this."

No matter what 'that person' did, he will always be the most respected in Naruto's heart and the one who had the most significant impact on him.

Naruto's gaze did not waver, and his expression seemed sincere.

Kakashi finally nodded, swiftly cutting the ropes around Sasuke and Sakura's bodies and removing the bells on Naruto's head.

"Congratulations to you two, you passed."

Although they passed, the looks on Sasuke and Sakura's faces were not joyful but concern for Naruto.

"Kakashi-sensei, can't you make an exception and let Naruto pass too?" Sakura pleaded.

But Kakashi was unbending, "No! Rules are rules, and I have the final say here. So, Naruto, you just wait to be returned to the academy for redoing."

Upon hearing this, Sasuke clenched his teeth and said, "I don't acknowledge this passing. Send me back to the academy to redo as well; it's just a year, so it's no big deal!"

Sakura was shocked, torn between looking at Sasuke and Naruto, and then, as if resigned, "I feel the same. Since we three are one, we should advance or retreat together. Either we all pass the test or return to school to redo it!"

"Sasuke... Sakura... you..."

A wave of complex emotions suddenly surged in Naruto's heart, making his nose a bit sour.

His choice was indeed not wrong!

Even if he had to find 'that person,' he could still rely on the strength of his comrades.

Although it was not the first time he heard 'that person' mention 'bonds' with a smile, this was the first time he truly felt the weight of those two words and the powerful force they contained.

Kakashi, seemingly irritated by Sasuke and Sakura's attitude, asked gloomily, "Are you sure you want to return to the academy to redo with Naruto?"

Seeing both of them nod without hesitation, Kakashi laughed in rage, "Fine, since this is your choice, then I, as your teacher, have no choice but to fulfill your wish."

"I declare, all three of you... passed!"


This sudden twist left all three of them wide-eyed.

Then they saw Kakashi, whose mood changed as quickly as flipping a book, smiling cheerily again, saying, "In the ninja world, those who break the rules are scum."

"But those who don't care for their comrades are worse than scum!"

"Congratulations, all three of you have passed my test and are qualified."

Kakashi's impassioned speech was fantastic and especially touching for Naruto and Sasuke after all they had been through. Sakura was already tearfully wiping the corners of her eyes. 

She thought she had to return to school with her tail between her legs for remedial lessons just a moment ago, but now it's fantastic that the three could pass the test together!

"So, were those words just now meant to scare us?" Sakura asked with some curiosity.

Kakashi chuckled, "Although Naruto's choice surprised me, please don't misunderstand. I was indeed ready to have Naruto retake the test."

"Your choices later saved Naruto, just as Naruto chose you."

"This is the 'teamwork' I wanted to see!"

"Moreover, let me tell you something else: you three are the only ones who passed my test. All those idiots before you who didn't understand the true essence of 'teamwork' were all sent back to the ninja academy to retake their schooling!"

Sakura immediately showed a face filled with relief and fear.

Naruto breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other hand, Sasuke could hardly hide his amusement and snorted coldly.

This real test not only tested Naruto but also what choices he and Sakura would make.

If they had chosen 'self-preservation' in the end and abandoned Naruto, perhaps not only would Naruto have failed the test, but they would also have been 'contradicted' by teacher Kakashi and sent back to the ninja academy.

Such a multi-layered test could have been more straightforward.

Now, they believe what Kakashi said was true; it was not easy for them to pass, and any slight hesitation could have led to a different outcome.

Likewise, they gained the most important thing for a team after this test.

That is trust!

Everyone believes that no matter how dangerous the situation, their comrades would never quickly abandon them.

This critical and essential condition allows them to entrust their backs to their comrades for confident protection.

Many teams executing missions together for years find this hard to achieve.

From this, it can be seen that Kakashi has his strengths even as a team leader.

After Sasuke and Sakura rescued Naruto from the tree, Kakashi looked at his three disciples and couldn't help but look satisfied and expectant.

Even though the Will of Fire handed down from generation to generation has been severely damaged, the future of Konoha is still thriving. This is hope!

At this moment, Kakashi suddenly wanted to let 'that person' see, show 'that person' that the things he paid such a great price to destroy are still stubbornly rooted in the soil and alive.

When these seedlings break through the soil and grow into towering trees, the Will of Fire will also be reborn from the ashes!

"The exercise is now over. Everyone passed! Starting tomorrow, Team 7 will officially commence missions!"



Team 7 is officially assembled! 

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