Chapter 124: Is That All?

Patience’s successor?

Haverion was taken aback by Ian’s statement.

King Eloin raised an eyebrow as well.

Nevertheless, Ian shouted again with a stern gaze.

“Can’t you hear me? Strike him!”

However, the ministers and even the soldiers of the royal guard could not move.

It was only understandable.

“But the other person is…”

“If any issues arise, it will turn into a diplomatic problem…”

Haverion was not just any priest.

He was one of the seven cardinals directly under the pope, the supreme leader of the Holy Empire.

Moreover, many among the soldiers shared his faith.

‘But how do we strike him?’

‘If we defy the priests, we won’t go to heaven!’

‘He’s a priest, after all.’

Haverion’s pupils, on the other hand, were trembling violently. He could not believe what the youngest was saying.

Since childhood, he had been blessed with divine power, eventually becoming the youngest cardinal in the Holy Empire.

‘He dare accuse me of having evil intentions?’

Haverion was beyond enraged.

But the humiliation did not stop there.

The heresy inquisitor beside him urgently shouted.

“Your Eminence!”


Eventually, the royal guards began pointing their spears at him.

There was a reason for it.


Patience, which emitted a bright light like the sun, was impeccably a symbol of nobility.

‘That orange light…’

Although it seemed like a fairy tale, it resembled a phenomenon he had read about in ancient texts. It was clear that Ian had a valid reason.

Moreover, just by looking at it, it was a light so brilliant it blew away even the slightest doubt settling in a corner of their hearts.

‘Compared to that, the divine power over there is just like a firefly.’

Furthermore, the power of the Seven Virtues had the ability to eliminate the Seven Sins.

And with such a stark difference, it was clear which side to believe in.

Without a doubt, the captain of the royal guard shouted at the soldiers, his gaze cold.

“We are the royal guards who serve the Kaistein royal family.”

“We cannot let someone who insulted the royal family go like this.”

The rage of the royal guard captain was understandable.

They had even specifically authorized the heresy inquisitor to carry a sword in order to protect the cardinal.

‘How dare he drew his sword in His Majesty’s presence!’

That was an unforgivable offense.

As the captain of the royal guard, he had no choice but to follow Ian’s words, who could be considered a hero of the kingdom.

However, the ministers shouted with distraught at the sight.

“All of you, what sort of rudeness are you doing?”

“Quickly put down your weapons and apologize!”

Just dismissing the current situation as a misunderstanding would be enough.

But the moment they pointed their weapons at the cardinal, they would become a traitor to the continent.

However, in the midst of their hurried attempts to calm the situation, an unexpected voice was heard.

“Do we really have to apologize?”

“What are you talking about?”

“No, I mean, the cardinal who labeled Kaistein evil is just a priest. His Majesty Ian, however, is the successor of the Seven Virtues, not the Seven Sins.”


The ministers faltered.

After all, there was no one on the continent who didn’t know about the Seven Virtues. And the significance of the legend held in Kaistein, the birthplace of the legend, was substantial.

Not only that, but there was a legend that one of the Seven Virtues had founded the Holy Empire. And now, they were accusing Ian of evil intentions.

“So, if His Highness Ian’s power is real, wouldn’t it be the other side that should apologize?”

Having read their gaze, Haverion and the heresy inquisitor couldn’t help but despair.

It was inevitable.

“Y-Your Eminence. That power.”


It was because they could feel Ian’s mighty power.

In particular, the heresy inquisitor, who had been assisting Haverion since his childhood, groaned.

‘Cardinal Haverion was famous for his enormous divine power, to the point he became the youngest cardinal at a young age.’

He possessed such abundant divine power that the number of patients he had treated surpassed four figures in no time.

Haverion was made a cardinal solely on the basis of his power.

But if they took a look at Ian now.

‘I heard he spent his entire life as a serf. He possesses divine power that is both stronger and greater than His Eminence’s. Is that even possible?’

Even if it was Patience, one of the Seven Virtues, it made no sense.

The light, so radiant it illuminated the entire hall, reminded him of the pope’s.

‘I have heard stories of the bravery of those who inherited the power of the Seven Virtues throughout the long history of the continent.’

But that wasn’t the point now.

‘We judged the successor of the Seven Virtues to be the demon’s pawn.’

It was equivalent to tarnishing the honor that should never be tainted.

There was also the matter at the treatment center.

‘The continent’s rage might boomerang to the Holy Empire.’

However, Haverion regained his composure in the meantime.

“Youngest, I think I have heard somewhere about ‘Patience,’ one of the Seven Virtues.”


“However, I don’t know where you got such a magic tool. It would be troubling if you insulted me and the Holy Empire with such false power.”

Haverion’s words greatly stirred up the crowd.

“A magic tool?”

Haverion smirked at their bewildered reactions.

He couldn’t hold himself back.

‘After all, even if they are nobles, they have no way to know if this Patience is real, right?’

The legends related to the Seven Virtues were only found in fairy tales and ancient texts.

Haverion himself only knew detailed distinctions from ancient documents passed down exclusively to cardinals.

Of course, the priests could somewhat recognize the divine power mixed with Patience.

‘Would the priests, who serve God, choose to follow you rather than me, the cardinal of the Holy Empire?’

Moreover, Haverion recalled literature that had been passed down in the past.

[Patience, one of the Seven Virtues, is the vanguard’s hammer that finds and destroys evil. Its power is focused solely on detecting and exterminating evil.]

Haverion, on the other hand, had the divine power of healing. It had a different purpose than Patience’s power, which was primarily employed for destruction.

And thus, Haverion smiled.

“A light-emitting magical tool is undeniably valuable. But can you use that power to heal people?”

Haverion gradually began to unleash divine power.

Although it was a smaller and dimmer light than Ian’s, his divine power quickly formed a sphere and floated above his head.

The ministers could tell right away.

“Th, that is…!”

“The manifestation of divine power. That’s a technique only highly devout high priests can use!”

Of course, it wasn’t perfect yet.

Therefore, Haverion poured all his divine power into the sphere.

A soft light immediately radiated throughout the audience room.

The ministers exclaimed in astonishment.

“How warm.”

“This is unbelievable! The chronic pain in my knee has disappeared!”

“My back pain is gone too.”

The majority of the nobles had experienced divine power to some extent.

However, the effect of objects that embodied divine power was bound to be amplified.

As Haverion’s already strong divine power was amplified into tangible divine power, the ministers’ chronic illnesses disappeared in an instant.

Haverion smiled as he savored the surprised looks of the ministers.

“How about that? Can your magical tool demonstrate such power?”

A warm and caring touch, like a mother’s caress.

The ministers, who had been attacking Haverion just a moment ago, were taken aback by its highly effective power.

‘Are you familiar with the power of Patience?’

‘Even if I know, I don’t know how to distinguish it.’

‘If it is indeed light created by a magical tool, then we would be defying the Holy Empire with sorcery.’


The ministers became alarmed at the thought.

Satisfied with their reactions, Haverion continued his words.

“The Seven Virtues are the power that annihilates evil. They should be capable of producing a power similar to divine power. That’s what the scripture handed down only to cardinals dictates.”

Haverion crossed his arms and spoke with a slight smile.

“So, prove it. If what you possess is truly a magical tool, then it won’t be able to imitate divine power.”

As Haverion uttered those words, he broke into a triumphant smile.

It was no wonder he felt that way.

‘Patience, the virtue that exterminates evil, is a power that cannot manifest without “evil.”’

This was because Haverion knew the conditions for Patience to activate.

In other words, it was impossible to imitate divine power with Patience without evil.

After all, evil was not something that could be easily obtained.

So, Haverion laughed.

‘In any case, I just need to get out of here anyway.’

By the time the youngest obtained evil and presented evidence of Patience, it would already be too late.

Because everything would have gone according to the will of the Holy Empire.

‘Even if His Majesty can do something in this situation, he will eventually have to pay the price for insulting me.’

Haverion chuckled.

No, perhaps things were going in an even better direction than expected.

Although there had been a slight setback, in the end, Kaistein had no choice but to follow the will of the Holy Empire.

And it was precisely at that moment.


Ian’s laughter echoed throughout the hall.

Haverion shot him a chilling glare, his face stiffened.

Ian, unable to hold back his laughter, asked.

“Is that all you can do?”


As Haverion was about to ask what he was talking about.

Without hesitation, Ian increased the power of Patience.

Not the light meant to show off to others as it had been before, but the true power of Patience itself.


Haverion and the heresy inquisitor could only gape.

It was a completely natural reaction.

Above Ian’s hand, a giant hammer of light had manifested.

The divine power mixed with it lit up the surroundings, sparking a sensation of exhilaration in their hearts.

Thump. Thump.

Ian spoke to the nobles, who were staring at him with contemplative looks.

“The symbol of Patience is a hammer. And it is the weapon of those who annihilate evil.”

The standard of evil was not solely about primordial evil.

‘A person with deep darkness in his heart can be regarded as evil.’

Like Haverion right in front of him.

Despite his dazzling smile, the terrible darkness lurking within him was burning strongly.

No, it wasn’t just that.

Patience, unlike Faith, possessed a great deal of divine power as it defeated evil.

“L, look. Look over there!”

“Isn’t that similar to divine power?”

A warm breeze swept through the hall, and the withered small flowers began to bloom.

Even the priests were slightly shaken by the sight.

“Isn’t that an impossible feat without divine power?”

“That power seems closer to divine power than any magic tool.”

Only divine power had the power of life.

The sight made even the heresy inquisitor, said to have a heart of steel, break into a cold sweat.

Sure enough, Ian looked at them with raised eyebrows.

“The power of the Seven Virtues is imbued with divinity. Isn’t that enough proof?”

Ian spoke coldly to Haverion, who could no longer afford to smile.

“If you still won’t admit your guilt…”

Ian would personally smite his head.

Haverion closed his eyes tightly at Ian’s cold words.


After a while.

Once the situation in the audience hall calmed down, King Eloin spoke up.

“All envoys of the Holy Empire shall retreat. I will personally handle this affair with the pope.”


Haverion simply bowed his head at the king’s words.

No matter how much he did, there was nothing he could do anymore.

He had no choice.

“I will not detain Cardinal Haverion. However, your sincerity is highly questionable. Stay at the place I have chosen until the pope’s reply comes.”

He was allowed to continue the treatment activities, but it would be under the thorough surveillance of the king.

In other words, he couldn’t do anything.

‘If this continues, the pope will come forward himself.’

Moreover, his position as the Fifth Prince was not even properly acknowledged.

“I will treat you as a cardinal until this matter is over. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Haverion had no other choice but to leave the audience hall with his lips slightly pursed.

This felt similar to the humiliation he felt when he was forced to leave this country years ago.

In the place where all the people of the Holy Empire and the ministers had left.

King Eloin gestured toward Ian.

“Come closer.”


Ian slowly moved his feet without saying a word.

While he appeared to be obeying the king’s command, there was a hint of him scrutinizing the king.

His gaze seemed to demand confirmation of what the king was thinking of sending him to Duke Garcia.

Whether the king knew about it or not.

The king whispered slowly, ensuring that no one else could hear.

“Since when?”

“What do you mean?”

“Since when did you become the successor of the Seven Virtues, Patience?”

It wasn’t a simple question.

His voice sounded as if he was reprimanding Ian.

Nonetheless, Ian answered casually.

“I obtained it during the conquest of Bahara. It was hidden in the throne room.”

The king was lost in thought at Ian’s words.

But it was only for a fleeting moment.

“The throne… Was it hidden there? I see.”

King Eloin nodded and waved his hand dismissively. His curiosity had been satisfied. He gestured for Ian to leave. However, Ian remained in place.

“Is there anything else you want to say?”

“I have yet to receive my reward.”


Ian did not hesitate at the king’s question.

“I prevented the Holy Empire’s scheme and re-established the status of the royal family. I demand a reward befitting that, Your Majesty.”


It wasn’t wrong.

If Ian had not stepped forward, the king would have had to helplessly hand over the observation rights of the Garcia family to the Holy Empire.

Moreover, if the rumor spread that Ian was the successor to Patience, the kingdom’s status would also be elevated.

King Eloin smiled.

“Very well. What do you want?”

“Can you give me anything?”

“Is there anything I can’t give you other than this crown? Of course, the opinions of the elders have not yet been unified regarding your successor position. I guess I can’t give you a definite answer.”

But that wasn’t what Ian wanted.

Much less gold, treasures, or the king’s knights or soldiers.

There was only one thing Ian wanted.

“Then, please tell me one thing.”

“What is it?”

“Why did you, Father, despite possessing the power of the Seven Virtues, not intervene earlier?”


King Eloin’s gaze immediately sharpened at the completely unexpected question.

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