Faced with this sudden sweet talk, the demoness's heart trembled, and an indescribable fluttering sensation surged through her entire body.

Each of his words seemed like nimble hands, deeply penetrating her inner world, skillfully plucking at a fragile heartstring. The feeling of shame was like a huge wave, eroding the dam of rationality she had built.

This damned little rascal… he's teasing me again!

The demoness crouched beside Lu Xun, her mature and enchanting face burning with embarrassment. Waves of shame surged from deep within her, making her forget that he was still holding her hand. She quickly turned her head away, gritting her teeth and saying, "I am not Xuan Yin… these words have no effect on me."

Is that so?

Oh my, her face looks like a monkey's butt, so red.

Lu Xun grinned innocently, not exposing the false facade of the demoness. He lightly traced a finger across the palm of her hand.


"When… when did you grab my hand?"

A mixture of shock and sweetness escaped the demoness's lips, and she immediately pulled her jade-like hand from his grasp. She stood up and took several steps back, her cheeks flushed like she was drunk. She glared at him fiercely and scolded, "Dare to touch me again… I… I'll kill you!"


Lu Xun sat up, facing the deadly gaze of Immortal Miao Feng, he muttered under his breath like a mosquito: "I've touched you before… besides, a couple of touches won't make you pregnant."

"What… what did you say!"

The demoness held the sword, its blade pointed directly at him, exuding a murderous aura. "Say that again if you dare!"

"Alright, alright."

"You're making a fuss over a few words. You're just like Xuan Yin." Lu Xun stood up from the ground, lightly brushing his fingers against the blade facing him. He spoke with emphasis, "Sister… I understand that this matter may sound absurd, and it may be difficult for you to accept."

Immortal Miao Feng snorted coldly and said irritably, "You also think this matter is absurd? Then why even consider it?"

"What you taught me…"

"There are so many wonderful things in this world. Shouldn't we try and experience some of them?" Lu Xun brushed off the dirt from his body and spoke calmly, "Life is short, and we encounter various people and situations. It's all destined. And for me… what I need to do is to live without regrets….while cherishing everything in front of me."



Immortal Miao Feng had her mouth open, hesitating to say the words that lingered on her lips. The layers of emotional barriers buried deep within her seemed to loosen slightly. She didn't know how to explain this strange feeling, a mixture of anticipation and resistance, but mostly it was anxiety and unease.

"Absurd! Shameless! Despicable!"

Taking a deep breath, Immortal Miao Feng looked at the sly little rascal in front of her and said coldly, "Even if you rack your brain, you won't get anywhere with me."

As her words fell, the demoness turned with her sword and left. Her shapely and pert buttocks were especially alluring with each brisk step.

Absurd little rascal!

Shameless little rascal!

Despicable little rascal!

Damn it… I wish I could just cut him down with a sword.

On her way back to her room, Immortal Miao Feng's brow was furrowed with turmoil. She continued to curse him in her mind, but the more she cursed, the more ridiculous the images in her mind became. Like the three of them sleeping together, getting jealous over Xuan Yin, and… and…

No! No!

I absolutely won't allow such things to happen.

Immortal Miao Feng took a deep breath, pushed away the distracting thoughts in her mind, gently pushed open the door, and entered her room, immediately closing it tightly.

The sun set quickly in the mountains, and soon it was dark.

After lighting a few candles, Lu Xun waited quietly for his wife to arrive. In a little while… he heard a creaking sound, and when he turned around, he saw his wife standing at the door, holding a matchstick in her hand.

Lu Xun looked at the little demoness, his face already conveying his understanding.

"Xuan Shi kept pestering me to come, and I… I had no choice." Xuan Yin pursed her lips and answered helplessly.


"I just wanted to see if you two are studying properly or not… if you're using studying as a cover for making little babies." Xuan Shi walked straight into the room, then sat across from Lu Xun, giving him a stern glare and a warning, "You better show some real ability, or else… or else I'll smash you!"

Oh my…

This little girl has some spunk.

Clearly not my match, yet she's threatening to kill me. These three demonesses are quite alike.

In the time that followed, Lu Xun continued as usual, diligently teaching the little demoness some ancient poems, paying attention to the structure of words, and inside and out, it was explained to the little demoness multiple times, and she listened in a daze, practicing calligraphy in a state of confusion and bewilderment.

On the contrary,

The little fox who came to listen and supervise was thoroughly engrossed. While Xuan Shi's cultivation wasn't half as good as Xuan Yin's, when it came to studying… even ten Xuan Yins couldn't match Xuan Shi.

It's like…

It's like she has some talent.

The little fox stole glances at the man across from her, and her perception of him changed slightly, but it still didn't change her desire to chop him up.

"What are you looking at?" Lu Xun unexpectedly asked the little fox.

"Who's looking at you!"

"Don't flatter yourself." The caught-in-the-act little fox didn't blush at all. She rolled her eyes at Lu Xun and said with irritation, "I thought you were so knowledgeable, but it turns out… you're just like this, not even better than me."

With that said, she turned to Xuan Yin, who was copying ancient poems, and said, "Sister… let me teach you instead? My knowledge is much deeper than his."

Xuan Yin gave this mini madam a scornful look and continued copying poems without saying a word.

Silly girl…

Do you think I'm so eager to study?

Isn't it just to be openly with him?

Seeing that she was being ignored, the sulking little fox pouted her cherry-like lips, propped her elbows on the table, rested her cheek on her palm, and swung her short legs back and forth. She looked lonely as she watched Xuan Yin copying poems.


"Have you heard of Journey to the West?" Lu Xun smiled and asked the little fox.

"Journey to the West?"

"What's that?" The little fox looked puzzled.

"A folk story about a master and his four disciples, along with a white horse, embarking on a journey to the West to retrieve sacred scriptures. Along the way, they face hardships, subdue demons, endure ninety-nine trials, and ultimately become enlightened." Lu Xun explained with a smile, "If you want to hear, I can tell you."


The little fox's curiosity was piqued, mixed with a hint of hesitation, and finally she resolutely said, "I don't want to hear!"

After saying that, she purposely turned her head to the side, looking at a corner of the room, her cute face showing a touch of stubbornness.


"I want to hear, go ahead and tell it." Xuan Yin raised her head and blinked at Lu Xun.

At the same time, a trace of joy flashed across the little fox's face, and then she perked up her ears.

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