The two sisters, who were both friends and enemies, stood at the entrances of their respective rooms, staring at each other with blank expressions. A shallow trace of awkwardness appeared on their faces. Without speaking or arguing, they silently returned to their rooms, gently closing their doors. They stood there, motionless at the door, their expressions somewhat complex.

"How did I bump into her again?" Miao Fengxian lightly bit her lip, a sense of helplessness and distress accompanying her as she muttered, "What should I do now?"

Meanwhile, in the adjacent room, Su Jingyi frowned deeply, muttering to herself in annoyance, "Why is she everywhere? But then again, what should my next move be? Should I still go and sleep with him?"

After much thought, the sisters, caught between being adversaries and friends, decided to head to his room, primarily to prevent the other from succeeding.

As they reopened their doors, the creak echoed in the darkness. They saw each other again, yet this time, neither backed down. Miao Fengxian, biting her lip, asked in a displeased tone, "Are you planning to go and accompany him to sleep?"

"Are you not?" Su Jingyi, with a stern face, asked calmly in return.

"I—I came out because I was worried you'd go to him. Do you think I'm as desperate as you?" Miao Fengxian said angrily. "As long as I'm here, you won't get your way! You... you shameless woman!"

Su Jingyi snorted coldly, "Don't act righteous in front of me when your heart desires just as much, if not more than mine."

For a moment, the sisters reached an impasse, neither willing to yield, both determined to confront the other.

"I don't want to argue with you," Miao Fengxian took a deep breath, speaking earnestly. "Lu Xun is my man, and I must be the one to be with him. At best, you're a woman he seeks outside, so you have no right to sleep with him."

"Your man? Who made that rule? Love doesn't follow a sequence, maybe... he's insincere with you and genuine with me," Su Jingyi also countered on the spot. No weakness.


Miao Fengxian, overwhelmed with anger, clenched her fists involuntarily. However, considering they were in Angara's territory and the severity of the little thief's injuries, she suppressed her anger, gritting her teeth and asked, "Su Jingyi, what exactly do you want?"

"That's a question for me to ask you!" Su Jingyi retorted coldly. "Whether you want to fight or not, I won't make any concessions regarding him."

The situation became a deadlock again. The sisters, unwilling to yield, confronted each other at their room doors, mentally prepared to stay up all night to outlast the other.

But as they persisted, there seemed to be a slight compromise.

"How about this?"

"One person accompanies him for two hours?" Su Jingyi suggested.


Miao Fengxian agreed without hesitation, urgently adding, "I'll go first."

As soon as she spoke, she hurriedly left, heading towards the room where Lu Xun was.


"You deceitful demoness," Su Jingyi said coldly, "Don't say one thing and do another. When I come, you better not refuse to leave."

"I won't," Miao Fengxian didn't linger, already at the door of his room. She gently pushed it open and went inside.

Watching the demoness enter her little scoundrel's room, Su Jingyi felt a mix of sourness, anger, and powerlessness. A surge of helpless hysteria rose within her, a feeling akin to impotent rage.

Miao Fengxian closed the door, and a quietness permeated the air. The room was pitch-black, yet, as a millennium-old snake demoness, she saw everything clearly. Especially when she saw her little thief lying on the bed, a faint smile involuntarily graced her lips.

She approached the edge of the bed with a light step, not rushing into the covers. Instead, she bent down to sit beside him, turning to look at her beloved. She gently caressed his robust body with her jade-like hand, feeling a pang in her heart as she touched his wounds.

"How I wish... those two swords were thrust into me instead," Miao Fengxian murmured with pursed lips, her eyes slightly moist.

Suddenly, she heard his voice.

"Then wouldn't I be in agony?"

Miao Fengxian paused, eyes filled with surprise. Then she heard him speak again.

"Sister, why are you here?"

Miao Fengxian replied gently, "I was afraid you'd be lonely, so I came to accompany you to sleep."

Saying this, she carefully lifted the covers, and her curvaceous body slipped under the sheets. In the past, she would have eagerly cuddled up, but now Miao Fengxian dared not, fearing her impulsiveness might tear his wounds.

Gently lying next to him, she cautiously touched the two wounds and whispered, "Does it hurt, you little thief?"

"Not much." Lu Xun squeezed out a smile, softly replying, "Sister, don't forget, this little thief is quite strong."

Miao Fengxian playfully rolled her eyes at the young man and softly scolded, "Given the circumstances, spare me your jesting."

"People can change their behavior, but not their nature."

Lu Xun chuckled innocently and then pretended to be weak, saying, "Sister, about me and Su Jingyi..."

Before he could finish, Miao Fengxian gently covered his mouth, mumbling, "Don't mention her right now."

Afterwards, she lifted one of her jade-like legs and placed it on his crotch, then slowly moved...

"Little thief."

Miao Fengxian bit her lip, her eyes glazed as she looked at him, tenderly saying, "Now I finally understand how important you are to me. When I saw my sword piercing through your chest, I... I felt devastated, only wishing to follow you."

"In the future..."

"Please, never act so recklessly again." Miao Fengxian raised her head, gazing straight at him, whispering, "Thankfully, neither Su Jingyi nor I hit a vital point. If it had deviated slightly, I dare not think of the consequences."

Lu Xun nodded gently, "Sister, rest assured, I'll be more cautious in the future."

Miao Fengxian leaned in close to him, resting her head on his strong arm, and leisurely said, "Don't I know you by now? You're obedient just with your words and not actions."


After laughing, Lu Xun hesitated for a moment, then asked carefully, "Sister, about Xuan Yin..."

"Don't worry."

"I told her that it would take some time for you to come back," Miao Fengxian spoke softly and gently, suppressing her inner desires, "Don't worry about these matters. What's most important for you right now is to heal your body. Leave the rest aside for the time being."

As the words trailed off, slowly propping herself up, she pecked his lips a few times, affectionately saying, "I really wish you could devour me now. So that a certain someone won't keep pining after you."

Though Lu Xun appeared slightly embarrassed, his heart surged with waves of emotion. Hearing the words of the big demoness, it seemed like co-sleeping was a possibility!

"Little thief."

"Are there other women outside?" Miao Fengxian touched his chest, casually inquiring, "Honestly, confess now, so I won't get angry later."

Oh, should I just confess since she can't do anything to me right now?

No, no, no! Trap! Definitely a trap!

Lu Xun lingered at the crossroads of the path to death, then quietly retreated, shaking his head and saying, "None."

"Sure about that?"

Miao Fengxian pouted and said lightly, "If I find out later, I won't be lenient."

"Sure, absolutely, and definitely!" Lu Xun solemnly replied.

"Alright, I'll trust you for now."

Miao Fengxian bit her lip, a faint trace of distress on her charming face, huffing, "I know you're naturally flirtatious, but I never expected that even Su Jingyi would fall for your charms. You mischievous little thief, you've caused me so much frustration. You knew how bad things were between her and me, yet you did it anyway."

Lu Xun didn't dare to interrupt, fearing that a careless word might ruin this beautiful scene.

Of course, he couldn't stay completely silent either. At this moment, naturally, he had to resort to a little drama.

Cough cough

Lu Xun feigned a couple of light coughs and then, determined, bit his tongue again, letting fresh blood trickle from the corner of his mouth, mumbling, "I'm sorry for ultimately disappointing you."

Miao Fengxian lifted her head, witnessing a few words from him followed by blood trickling from his mouth. Seeing this sight pained her deeply. She gently wiped away the bloodstain from his lips with her delicate hands and softly said, "You're weak right now, don't talk. Actually, I... I was simply upset. Just take it easy."

"It's late, let's sleep." Miao Fengxian spoke softly, "Sister will stay with you."

Lu Xun obediently closed his eyes and soon drifted into dreamland, while Miao Fengxian beside him quietly observed her beloved, witnessing his extremely weakened and exhausted state, her emotions overwhelming her.


"What a troublesome little thief you are."

These two hours were torment for Su Jingyi. Every time she thought of the demoness sleeping next to him, a wave of sourness engulfed her. However, now it was finally her turn.

The door of a certain room opened slowly, and a voluptuous and graceful figure slipped out stealthily. She then proceeded towards another room.

Upon reaching the door, she slowly pushed it open. Although the room was pitch-dark, she could vaguely see the little scoundrel and the demoness on the bed. Frowning her brows, she approached the edge of the bed and tried to nudge the slumbering Miao Fengxian.

"Hey, wake up!" Su Jingyi bit her lip, changing from nudging to pinching, pinching her arm and becoming annoyed, "Wake up! Don't sleep anymore!"

After a moment, the sleeping Miao Fengxian stirred awake, groggily looking at her.

Seeing her wake up, Su Jingyi said somewhat urgently: "You need to leave now!"

"It's my turn to sleep with him."

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