Su Jingyi looked at the woman before her, her face filled with surprise and astonishment. She never expected that this unexpected visitor was none other than Angara, the leader of the Demonic Sect from the distant Western Region. She was also one of Su Jingyi's few good friends, and, of course, the most important link between her and Miao Fengxian.

"How did you come here?" Su Jingyi quickly sat up, barefoot, and walked gracefully towards her. She gently held the arm of the Western Region beauty and said softly, "If you think about it, we haven't seen each other for almost two years. I didn't expect you to visit suddenly. I wasn't prepared for this."

"Missed our fairy a bit, so I came all the way from the Western Region. I hope I'm not disturbing your meditation?" Wei Xue smiled gently as she looked at her, gazing at the mature beauty that rivaled the demoness. She said leisurely, "I thought it was quite late, and you might have already gone to sleep. I didn't expect you to still be awake. Were you just bathing?"

"Recently, I've had a lot on my mind, and I find it difficult to sleep."

Su Jingyi held Wei Xue's arm and led her to her sitting couch. The two mature women with different styles sat side by side. Su Jingyi carefully examined the Demonic Sect leader beside her and said softly, "I've noticed that over the years, you haven't really changed."

"Of course not."

"If I showed any changes, that would be a problem," Wei Xue smiled and looked thoughtfully at Su Jingyi. "Fairy Jingyi, are you still alone every day? Is there a handsome and robust man to keep you company?"

Su Jingyi replied nonchalantly, "Naturally, I'm alone. I've always disliked men in this world, and you know that. So why would you ask me such a question?"

Tsk, tsk. Look at how stubborn you are. If it weren't for the demoness telling me, I might have almost believed your lies. Wei Xue pursed her lips and casually said, "But I can't help but feel that you've changed a little compared to the past. There's a scent of love emanating from you."

Su Jingyi frowned and said calmly, "You must be mistaken, or it's just hearsay. I've never been involved with a man."

"No, no, no! My intuition has always been accurate. In the past, you had a hint of coldness in your temperament, a distant aloofness that kept people at arm's length. But now, even though there hasn't been any obvious change, I sense a bit of tenderness. This tenderness only grows when nurtured by love."

Wei Xue paused for a moment and then continued, "I guess you must have fallen in love with a man, um... definitely not an older man, and certainly not a middle-aged man. Without a doubt, I think it's a young man, a handsome and talented one."

Su Jingyi was going crazy with all this. How could she possibly know everything?

"Nonsense!" Su Jingyi turned her face slightly, gently biting her own lip. A faint blush appeared on her cheeks, and she had a trace of shyness, muttering quietly, "How could I have fallen to such a point, seeking comfort in the arms of a young man?"

Wei Xue almost burst into laughter, and although she had known Su Jingyi for a long time, this was the first time she had seen her so obviously embarrassed. Particularly amusing was how stubborn she was. However, it seemed that the opinion of the demoness had been accurate – Jingyi had indeed fallen for the same young man as Miao Fengxian.

Hmm, what does he look like? He must be quite extraordinary, walking the path of light and shadow, having both the demonic queen and heavenly maiden fall for him.

"Is that so?"

"Could it be that my intuition is failing me?" Wei Xue didn't expose her right away but instead decided to play along, as it was still too early to reveal the truth. She wanted to break through Jingyi's emotional defenses, let her be stubborn for a while longer, and then expose her lies, which would be more interesting.

"What else would it be then?" Su Jingyi adjusted her breathing and emotions, stealing a glance at her from the corner of her eye, "You came all the way from the Western Region to talk to me about this?"

"How could it be!"

"I have a lot I want to talk to you about." Wei Xue said, pressing closer to her gently with a soft smile.

Hearing this, Su Jingyi felt a bit relieved and asked in a calm tone, "Has the demoness visited you?"


"I haven't seen her for a long time, so I don't know how she's doing," Wei Xue replied.

How is she doing?

She's spending her days and nights cuddling up with my little scoundrel. It's frustrating to think about. Su Jingyi pursed her lips and said indifferently, "I did meet her recently, and I sensed something unusual in her demeanor. Then, under my persistent questioning, I found out that she's secretly involved with a man, to be more precise, a young man."

Wei Xue raised her eyebrows lightly and asked in feigned surprise, "What! She... She actually has a man?"

"Yes!" Su Jingyi bit her lip and continued, "A somewhat handsome and charming young man with a touch of sophistication. Nowadays, Miao Fengxian spends her days and nights cuddling up to that man. It has caused a sharp decline in her strength."

Saying so, Su Jingyi lightly kicked Wei Xue with her jade-like foot and whispered, "You're close with her; you should go advise her. Tell her not to spend all her time with that man. Get her to break up with him sooner, I don't want to lose her as my rival."

You'll have the demoness throw away that young man, and then conveniently pick him up for yourself, won't you? Goodness, to what lengths women go for men!

Wei Xue was a bit shocked by this scheme, but she hid her amazement and calmly responded, "I can't persuade her. That demoness is quite stubborn, just like you."

"And," Wei Xue continued, "Miao Fengxian has been lonely for a thousand years, and now that she's finally found love, if I forcefully try to break them apart, she'll hate me for a lifetime. There's a saying in your Central Plains, right? Something like, 'It's easier to destroy ten temples than to break up one marriage.'"

If you don't break them apart, what do I do? She's been lonely for a lifetime, but so have I! Thousand years or forty years don't matter.

Su Jingyi pouted and felt a bit resentful, but she couldn't express her dissatisfaction. She just whispered, "A man can affect her sword-drawing speed."

"Why don't you talk to her yourself?" Wei Xue asked.

"I..." Su Jingyi coldly replied, "I can't be bothered. I don't want to deal with her."

Is it that you don't want to deal with her? Or is it that you're just too embarrassed? Wei Xue stared straight at her, looking at the mature woman acting like a little girl, "Jingyi, even Miao Fengxian found a young man. Shouldn't you find one too? Both of you used to argue fiercely about trivial matters, and now, in the matter of love, you're falling behind her. You must be feeling quite unsatisfied, aren't you?"

"If it were something else, I would definitely compete fiercely, but in this area," Su Jingyi bit her lip and replied indifferently, "I don't care."

"You really don't care?" Wei Xue asked with a meaningful tone. "Are you sure?"


"You seem to be setting a trap for me," Su Jingyi frowned and looked at her warily, "Continuously guiding me in a certain direction, is it about whether I have a man or not? How about it? Haven't you given up after I told you so much?"

Wei Xue smiled and said, somewhat exasperatedly, "You're always so cautious, but it also suits your character. However, this time, I might be overly suspicious."

As the conversation paused for a moment, Wei Xue curiously asked, "Have you met Miao Fengxian's young man? What do you think of him?"

"Didn't I already say?" Su Jingyi replied nonchalantly, "He's somewhat handsome, charming, and literate. Plus, he has a way with words."

Wei Xue rolled her eyes and said with a more serious tone, "Give me your honest opinion of him."

An honest opinion? Of course, she couldn't marry anyone else but him. Su Jingyi hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice, "He's a man worthy of entrusting your life to, but he possesses a pure Yang body, which is like an emotional aphrodisiac to women. Any woman who meets him will have an infinite fondness for him. So he's definitely a fickle guy. If not strictly controlled, he'll cause a lot of trouble."

"Is that so?"

"I didn't expect he had a pure Yang body," Wei Xue murmured with her lips pursed. She teasingly asked, "Has the 'emotional aphrodisiac' influenced you?"

"Influence me?" Su Jingyi responded calmly, "How could a mere pure Yang body affect me?"

Wei Xue smiled radiantly, her eyes filled with unfathomable naughty intentions. She playfully said, "I think you're just putting on a tough front. You're actually smitten with him, eager to snatch him away from Miao Fengxian's hands and monopolize him day and night, comforting your deep-seated loneliness."


"Why are you so vulgar?" Su Jingyi scolded her, giving her an annoyed look. "You're the leader of the Demonic Sect, can't you maintain your dignity?"

Wei Xue rolled her eyes, slowly letting go of her arm, and stared meaningfully at her, softly saying, "Jingyi, do you know the common trait of people who are stubborn with their words?"

"I'm not stubborn with my words, so I don't know." Su Jingyi stubbornly claimed she knew nothing, resolutely replying.

"It's actually similar to drinking. People who are drunk always claim they're not, and similarly, people who are stubborn claim they're not stubborn," Wei Xue explained with a smile.

Su Jingyi remained silent, feeling a sense of unease in her heart. Had this person already figured out everything?

At that moment, Wei Xue leaned in close to her ear, and with a hidden meaning in her tone, she asked, "Jingyi, is that young man named Lu Xun making you feel a bit... burning with desire?"

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