Upon hearing Su Jingyi's confession, Lu Xun was utterly stunned. He had initially planned to enjoy some verbal teasing in the future. After all, Fairy Su possessed the same level of cultivation as his sister Miao. He believed he couldn't entirely possess her with his current abilities. But he never expected happiness to come so suddenly!

After Su Jingyi revealed her secret, she was overwhelmed by shame. Her aloof countenance was now tinged with shyness, making her look insanely adorable.

"You scoundrel."

"While I have a special technique that can equalize the gap between us under the covers, allowing you to desire my body, it doesn't mean we can do it immediately. It can only happen if I'm willing. If I'm not, forget about it."

Lu Xun snapped out of his excited emotions and looked at the lovely Daoist beauty in his arms with a smile. "Aunt Su, rest assured. Your little scoundrel would never force you to do anything you dislike, especially matters of love and romance."

Hmph! Deceiver!

Su Jingyi couldn't help but roll her eyes. Just as she was about to speak, suddenly his deep voice reached her ears.

"Aunt Su, are you willing?" Lu Xun whispered gently into her ear.

His husky voice along with that expression of desire seemed to carry a special charm, causing Su Jingyi's whole body go soft. Already filled with the atmosphere of spring, that touch of enticement made her feel even more inexplicable. She lowered her head and mumbled, "Do you think I'm willing?"

"How would I know?"

"If I say you're willing, you might say you're not. If I say you're not, you might say you are." Lu Xun replied with a wry smile, paused for a moment, and then asked in the same gentle tone near her ear, "Aunt Su, quickly say whether you're willing or not."

While speaking, one of his hands discreetly roamed inside her nightgown.


A sweet and syrupy exclamation escaped her lips. The venerable Immortal Su Jingyi was so teased by her little lover that she couldn't control herself. She breathed slightly faster, replying with trepidation, "If I'm unwilling, how could I allow you to act so wantonly?"

As her words trailed off, her blushing head was buried deep in his chest. In this moment, Su Jingyi, like a maiden in love, appeared shy and sweet, entirely devoid of her usual grace. All that was left was an irresistible tide of warmth and tenderness.


"I'm not ready yet. Give me some time," Su Jingyi in his embrace said shyly. "But I won't make you wait too long. It's just that… the pace between us is too fast. I want to extend time for this love affair. Little scoundrel, you… shouldn't have any objections, right?"

I wouldn't dare to voice any objections. The initiative is entirely in your hands… Lu Xun nodded repeatedly, emphasizing, "Aunt Su, you don't need to consider my thoughts and emotions. I only need to have your affection. The matters of intimacy are just rewards after that. I pursue to possess your heart, not your body."

Facing Lu Xun's words, Su Jingyi wouldn't believe a single word. After spending this period of time together, she had figured out the little scoundrel's ways. He was a man of charm and cunning, capable of masking his ulterior motives behind a veil of sweetness. Despite his obvious provocations, she found herself drawn to his irresistible allure, willingly falling into his embrace with just a few well-chosen words. She could only say he was her nemesis, and she had no way to deal with him.

"When are you going back?" Su Jingyi asked.

"Well, I should go back early. We've both been out for a day and a night," Lu Xun said softly. "The thing is, I still need to come up with a suitable reason; otherwise, it won't pass with my Sister Miao. Aunt Su, based on your understanding of her, what reason do you think I should give?"

Su Jingyi thought for a moment and said, "As long as you don't mention me, Miao Feng won't mind. You can come up with any reason as long as it works. She'll forget it soon. But if it involves me, it might get serious."


"What exactly is going on between you two?" Lu Xun curiously asked, "Clearly, you talk about everything, but every time you meet, it's like being on the brink of a showdown."

"Fate is like that," Su Jingyi's fingers traced the contours of his chest, her touch as light as a feather, "Don't dwell on these matters. Instead of thinking about how to reconcile me and her, consider how you can survive in the future."


"At most, I can take a beating," Lu Xun smiled with embarrassment.

Su Jingyi remained silent, lying in his embrace, thinking about when to find Miao Fengxian and then tell her in person that your little lover is also my little lover now. We've already shared a bed.

However, she didn't care about this, and she didn't need to worry about Miao Fengxian hiding the little scoundrel. Wherever she hid him, Su Jingyi had a way to find him. But how would he face it?

Thinking of this, she quietly raised her head, sneakily looking at him from the corner of her eye. Her gaze lingered on his face, taking in its every detail, from the mischievous twinkle in his eyes to the playful curve of his lips. With a soft pout, she leaned forward and asked, "When do you plan to confess to her?"

"Confess? Confess what? Confess what's happening between you and me?" Lu Xun hesitated for a moment and whispered, "I haven't thought about it yet, but I promise you, Aunt Su, this situation right now is only temporary. It's definitely not the future norm. I will surely marry you properly and make you my wife."

Su Jingyi stared at him for a while, then wrapped her arms around his neck, simultaneously lifting herself on her tiptoes. Her lush, crimson lips went straight for his mouth, without any hesitation or coyness. She only expressed endless love and desire for him.

"Back to bed?" Lu Xun asked.

"Yes," Su Jingyi replied softly, her voice filled with shyness. "Hold me."

With those words, Fairy Su was carried horizontally by Lu Xun and gently moved toward the bed.

In the hushed stillness of a grand mansion, the mature and attractive widow was feeling very lonely and miserable.

"Sigh… Lately, I've been feeling… full of desires. It wasn't like this before," Mu Qingshuang lightly bit her lip, with a hint of distress in her tone. She rested her chin on her hands, her eyes losing focus as they drifted towards the empty space, mumbling, "Even that reclusive old lady has found a man, and I… Oh God, if you're up there, send a talented and handsome young man my way. I'm ready."

The beautiful widow kept silently yearning for something like this. However, it remained a secret longing because she was a woman of talent and virtue from a prestigious family. She was a model of a proper lady from a respectable family and wouldn't easily reveal how she felt.

She stood up slowly and walked to the door, shouting to the maids in the house, "Prepare some hot water; I want to take a bath."

After some time, Mu Qingshuang, clad in a flowing robe, walked gracefully towards her private bathing pool. Since there were only maids in her household and no men, Mu Qingshuang's attire was quite casual. She had a waistband that should have been tightly fastened, but she simply tied it loosely. As a result, each step she took emphasized her curvaceous figure, adding a touch of allure to her already mesmerizing beauty.

Arriving at her private bath, Mu Qingshuang lifted one of her exquisitely sculpted feet and gently dipped it into the water, creating ripples. She then untied the silk ribbon from her waist, and with a light shrug, the robe instantly slid down.


When she immersed herself in the warm pool, the sensation swept through her entire body. It was so comfortable that she couldn't help but let out a sweet, mellow sigh.

After an unknown amount of time, suddenly, a woman's figure appeared nearby. She wore a Daoist robe, and her cold and unfeeling face faintly revealed a touch of spring.


"Why are you here again?" Mu Qingshuang opened her eyes and, seeing Su Jingyi leisurely approaching, asked helplessly, "Why do you always come to me instead of staying with your man?"

Su Jingyi didn't respond, pinching a belt with her delicate jade fingers and lightly pulling it. It fell to the ground, then she removed the Daoist robe and stepped into the warm pool, saying casually, "I was afraid you'd feel lonely, so I came to keep you company."

"Thanks," Mu Qingshuang rolled her eyes and said sarcastically, "I think you're the one who's lonely."

After saying that, she carefully examined her best friend and detected a subtle hint of youthful exuberance in her expression. She couldn't help but exclaim, "I didn't expect you to also have such an expression on your face."

Su Jingyi bit her lip and whispered, "I spent the night with him yesterday."


"You slept together?" Mu Qingshuang asked in surprise.

"Yes," Su Jingyi lifted her jade hand, lightly paddling the water surface, and said softly, "We shared a bed."

"This… doesn't seem right!"

Mu Qingshuang looked at Su Jingyi's delicate eyebrows and seriously said, "Your eyebrows still look so smooth, clearly indicating you're a virgin."

As soon as she said that, she silently negated herself, whispering, "But… you can't judge it this way; you can't grow a frown in just one night."

Su Jingyi raised her head and gave her a side glance, saying with a hint of frustration, "To you, does sharing a bed mean something has to happen?"

With that, she paused and then whispered, "I just spent the night cuddling with him, nothing more."

"But… but…"

Su Jingyi endured the shame in her heart and said hesitantly, "Qingshuang, I feel like I'm about to toss my pride aside and give myself to him completely."

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