Su Jingyi looked at the awkward expression on Lu Xun's face and her eyes gradually became sharper. Her already cold demeanor took on a more intimidating edge as she said, "If you're unwilling to show it, it implies you have something to hide. You don't want me to discover your little secrets."

Lu Xun smiled awkwardly, silently complaining that even the women in this world had the habit of checking cell phones.

"No, of course not. How could I?" Lu Xun gathered himself and spoke earnestly, "Since Aunt Su doesn't trust me and is full of various doubts, then I can only do as you say. But, if I didn't have those things, Aunt Su, what would you do then?"

"If you don't, then you don't. What else can be done?" Su Jingyi naturally knew what was going through his mind. She said coldly, "Don't try to negotiate with me, or else don't blame me for being ruthless."

With that, she reached out and said, "Give it to me."

Lu Xun summoned the spiritual mirror, but he didn't hand it over immediately. He gazed at Fairy Su with a serious expression and said, "Aunt Su, if you doubt me so much, and if the truth reveals that I'm innocent, I will be very hurt. That kind of hurt is not easy to console."

Su Jingyi raised an eyebrow and said softly. "Little scoundrel, are you threatening me? Huh?"

"What's called a threat?" Lu Xun rolled his eyes and looked at Fairy Su beside him. He said gently, "Aunt Su, right now, it's just you and me in this secluded place. You… why don't you take off your veil and dispel the concealment spell on your body?"

Su Jingyi rolled her eyes at the cheeky young man. She gently lifted the veil from her face and then removed the concealment on her body. In an instant, her stunning beauty and graceful figure were revealed to Lu Xun, once again making him imagine the wonders that lay beneath the gown.

"Stinky little scoundrel," Fairy Su said as her peripheral vision caught him looking at her in amazement, and she couldn't help but feel a hint of satisfaction. She said leisurely, "Speak. What conditions do you want me to agree to? If the conditions are reasonable, I will consider them."

"Hehe," Lu Xun said, "In fact, this time coming to the capital, aside from visiting Zhao Yueyan, most of my time was meant for you, Aunt Su. I initially planned to give you a big surprise, but I never expected things to escalate to this extent. The key is that I managed to convince my wife to stay in the capital tonight. I'll go back tomorrow."

Hearing that he was staying here tonight, Fairy Su's heart trembled suddenly. She instantly felt a strange surge of emotions, a bit of anticipation, excitement, as well as a hint of anxiety. She turned her face slightly, replying coolly, "Whether you stay or not has nothing to do with me."

"True," Lu Xun sighed and said ruefully, "I've been overly presumptuous."

Hearing his words of disappointment and helplessness, Su Jingyi's heart was touched ever so slightly. She bit her lip softly and muttered, "This matter… we'll discuss it later. First, tell me what kind of conditions you want."

"Facing you, Aunt Su, I have no conditions," Lu Xun smiled as he handed her the spiritual mirror. He spoke softly, "You can try it. I have a clear conscience."

After receiving the mirror, Su Jingyi looked at the mirror that was identical to the one Zhao Yueyan had. She suddenly felt a hint of regret; Have I been too nervous? I doubted him in various ways and even resorted to threats to find any signs of his involvement with other women.

When I doubted him, I must have hurt him deeply. Faced with suspicion from someone close to him, that feeling of powerlessness must have left him emotionally drained. I might really have been wrong. But I'm also afraid of any romantic connection between him and Yueyan.

"Aunt Su?"

"What's wrong?" Lu Xun watched Su Jingyi holding the mirror, her face filled with sorrow as she gazed absentmindedly. He asked curiously, "Why are you daydreaming about?"

Su Jingyi returned to her senses and looked at the young man beside her. She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something but held back the words that had been on the tip of her tongue for a long time and instead said calmly, "You being so straightforward probably means that the situation isn't what I suspected. Speaking of that mirror Yueyan has, it was a gift from your wife, right?"


"I'm destitute. Other than having you and my wife, I have nothing else. But having both of you is like having the whole world," Lu Xun answered with a smile. "You two are my everything."


"You always bring up Miao Fengxian and me. Are you trying to soften the conflicts between me and her in this way?" Su Jingyi saw through his scheme with a single glance. She said indifferently, "There will inevitably be a great battle between me and her, so you don't need to spend any more effort on it."

Oh, It's a pain for a lady to be too smart. She can see through all the little secrets in my heart. Fairy Su is like this, Miao Fengxian is like this, and that little fox may seem naive, but she is the most cunning of all. My little demoness Xuan Yin is the best; although she was aloof the first time I met her, she has become more affectionate lately.

"Little scoundrel."

"Does Miao Fengxian want to put Yueyan on the throne?" Su Jingyi placed the spiritual mirror on the table and stared directly at him, saying calmly, "To place Yueyan on the position of the Empress and then seize the two remaining pieces of the Heavenly Dao Diagram belonging to the Zhao royal family, is that her plan?"

Ah, how does she know everything?

Lu Xun felt embarrassed and awkward. He replied, "I don't know anything. Don't ask me. If you're curious, you can ask her yourself. In any case, don't ask me."

Su Jingyi suddenly felt a bit annoyed. Her eyes revealed her displeasure as she asked irritably, "When you're with me, you show so much favoritism towards her. Why did you come to the capital to find me? What's the point?"

Huh? Why is she suddenly jealous? A woman's temper can change so easily, even someone like Fairy Su can't escape this.

"Aunt Su, it's a misunderstanding," Lu Xun moved his chair closer, gently took her hand, and held it tightly in his own. He spoke tenderly, "I just didn't want to be too partial to anyone. If my wife asked me, I wouldn't say a word about you. Right, that's the end of the matter."

With that, Lu Xun gazed deeply at Su Jingyi and said, "Aunt Su, I miss you, miss you very much."

In an instant, all the resentment vanished, leaving only longing and affection. Su Jingyi's body couldn't help but lean into his arms, once again feeling his strength and the indescribable sense of comfort, leaving her body and mind were on the verge of melting.

Su Jingyi nestled in his embrace, savoring his scent, her thoughts slowly overflowing. Her eyes became extremely hazy as she mumbled, "I miss you too, little scoundrel. I thought I'd have to wait for some time to see you, but I didn't expect us to be together again so soon."

As the words fell silent, there was a brief pause before she continued, "Don't provoke Zhao Yueyan. I have a teacher-student relationship with her, and even a trace of mother-daughter sentiment. If you were to fall in love with her, how would I handle that? How would I ever face her in the future?"

I see, no wonder Fairy Su was so nervous, and even a bit flustered. Lu Xun nodded repeatedly, saying, "Don't worry. Although Zhao Yueyan is beautiful and well-endowed, she's too young. I only like women who are older than me, women like you, Aunt Su."

Su Jingyi frowned slightly, suddenly becoming cautious of Mu Qingshuang. That attractive widow seemed to be tailor-made for my little scoundrel. No, no, I absolutely can't let him meet Mu Qingshuang, and I definitely can't let her meet him.

"Since the mirror is with you, have you been in regular contact with Yueyan?" Su Jingyi asked.

Lu Xun shook his head and earnestly replied, "Actually, this is the first time I've used this spiritual mirror."

Su Jingyi carefully recollected and realized that Zhao Yueyan's spiritual mirror was dusty, which conveniently corroborated that Lu Xun was telling the truth. She couldn't help but pout her lips slightly, "I suspected you had something going on with Yueyan. Are you feeling uncomfortable about it?"

"I'm used to it."

"Who made me so handsome and charming? Your little scoundrel is like a fire in the winter, burning the hearts and minds of all unmarried women in the world," Lu Xun sighed and mumbled to himself.

Su Jingyi chuckled, "Conceited and cheeky boy."

Facing Fairy Su's enchanting smile, Lu Xun was in a daze, and he couldn't help but reach down.


Su Jingyi froze for a moment, her cheeks blushing and her breath growing rapid. She pursed her lips and warned him, "Let go!"

Lu Xun withdrew his hand and gently embraced Su Jingyi's delicate waist, whispering, "Aunt Su, now that the issue at hand is resolved, should we discuss the matter of me staying over tonight?"


"Who said it's resolved?"

Su Jingyi broke free from his embrace, coldly glaring at him and said, "First of all, I am very dissatisfied with Miao Fengxian and Yueyan secretly joining forces. Secondly, Miao Fengxian's goal is very clear. She wants to steal the two fragments of the Heavenly Dao diagram to defeat me. Now the choice is in your hands. Are you going to continue to side with her, or are you ready to side with me?"

Oh my God!

This is going to drive me crazy!

At this moment, Lu Xun was in great pain, feeling as though his body was about to shatter.

Fairy Su's sharp gaze remained fixed on him, waiting for his answer, while Lu Xun was racking his brain, trying to figure out how to navigate this situation.

The atmosphere on the scene began to become tense.

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