Su Jingyi clung to Lu Xun's embrace, her eyes misty and filled with affection. She looked like a woman who had just found love. Smelling his masculine scent and feeling the warmth of his breath…

Suddenly, her entire body stiffened, with goosebumps all over. Indescribable embarrassment welled up from within her, shooting straight to her brain. Her breathing stagnated, and her heartbeat raced. She wondered, How did I end up in his arms? What just happened?

I have to push him away! I must push him away!

The consciousness in her brain kept warning Su Jingyi that she couldn't continue like this, but her body refused to obey. There was even a hint of infatuation mixed in. No wonder the demoness liked to be in his embrace. The scoundrel's chest was so broad and made her feel so secure. It was too comfortable.

Just a little longer, just a short while, and then I'll push him away immediately, resolutely and without mercy. This time, I won't hit him. Of course, I won't hit him again, after all, he is my little scoundrel.

Fairy Su regained consciousness, trying to convince herself that everything happening now made sense. But upon closer reflection, she realized there might not even be a need for a reasonable excuse. The love and affection between them seemed sufficient.

Oh— ‘Love and affection,' I can't believe I'm using this phrase to describe me and this scoundrel.

The heart of the woman who had been lonely forever was slowly melting. The layers of chains had already been unlocked by Lu Xun. These new feelings had spilled out from the depths of her heart, flooding her entire being. Impulsiveness, desire, shyness, and a touch of excitement almost overwhelmed her thoughts.

Her spring heart was surging, filled with vitality. She kept sniffing his masculine scent, continuously feeling his strength and sturdiness. Unconsciously, her arms reached out, cautiously embracing his waist, but it only lasted for a brief moment. She withdrew her arms, not because Fairy Su didn't want to hold him but because her pride was playing tricks on her. She didn't want Lu Xun to see her vulnerable side.

I wish time could freeze at this moment so I could always have him. Unfortunately, this cannot happen. He will return to the demoness, climb into her bed, slip under her covers, hold her body, and kiss her lips.

This is infuriating!

Su Jingyi clenched her lips tightly, her eyes filled with jealousy and hatred. Sharing a man with the demoness was one thing, but the problem was that she had so little of his time, most of it taken by the demoness. She knew she wasn't inferior to her in terms of cultivation, appearance, and figure. Yet, in terms of having the man, she felt at a great disadvantage.

Fairy Su was indignant, but she had to accept her current situation. However, she thought of the future. She wasn't powerless, so why should the demoness occupy most of his time while she had to compromise? Su Jingyi was very unsatisfied!

But on the other hand, Miao Feng, oh Miao Feng, your resolute vows ultimately turned out to be empty. I wish you could see me now, how I'm clinging to him. Hmm. What was it about you wanting me to love him and not have him?

At the same time, Lu Xun, holding Fairy Su, felt incredibly proud. He had both of the world's only two seventh realm powerhouses, and both of them were mature and top-notch women. Why do I need to cultivate in the future? With Miao Fengxian on the left and Fairy Su on the right, I can take on anyone, even gods!

Um, not cultivating is not an option. I can't even manage the little demoness right now. The current situation is tricky and uncomfortable, with three demonesses in one group, but Fairy Su is fighting alone, so she's at a disadvantage. If possible, finding two sisters for her would balance the numbers. Then, finding a neutral party to be their judge, seven in total. It might strain the back and kidneys a bit, but considering that Little Guizi has seven wives and handles it well, why can't I?

Thinking of this, Lu Xun licked his lips and sneakily glanced at Fairy Su in his arms. He could only see her blurry face through the veil, but it was still mesmerizing. He started daydreaming again about finding two sisters for Aunt Su, and he realized it was highly improbable.

He decided to let go of such far-fetched dreams and hold onto the happiness he had right now. After all, his fishpond was quite small at the moment, and just having the two big sharks inside was already causing him a headache. He was considering introducing more fish into the pond but thought it might be overly ambitious.

On the spacious boat, they held each other, silent yet comfortable. Although they hadn't spoken a word, their silence was more powerful than a thousand words. The two of them gradually resonated with each other, prompting a determined thought in the slightly tipsy Lu Xun.

Next, should he lift her veil, gently tilt her chin, and passionately kiss her lips, then explore her curves and take Fairy Su to an inn? No, no, no. He was afraid it wasn't him who would take her to the inn, but her who would lead him to the netherworld to report.

Just as Lu Xun was hesitating, Fairy Su suddenly struggled and pushed him away. She turned her face toward the shore. The beauty behind the veil seemed icy and ruthless, but the faint blush on her cheeks betrayed her true emotions.

"Aunt Su."

"Your body is so soft," Lu Xun moved closer and tried to hold her hand, but she skillfully evaded him. He gave up and said softly, "Holding you feels like holding a cloud. It's almost too comfortable for me."

Su Jingyi remained silent, facing him with a silent demeanor, but her tightly clenched hand gripping her dress exposed that her inner state was not as composed and calm as it seemed.

Faced with this indifferent Fairy Su, Lu Xun suddenly felt a sense of a first love, helpless, confused, and a hint of excitement. He took a deep breath and softly asked, "Aunt Su, where are you going later?"

Aunt Su, Aunt Su, do you really like calling me Aunt Su so much?

Su Jingyi was a bit displeased. Compared to "Aunt Su," she preferred "Fairy Su" or "Fairy Sister," which felt closer to her. Especially "Fairy Sister" felt more intimate, while this "Aunt Su" made her feel like an older woman pursuing a younger man, even though that's indeed the case.

"I'm going back."

"You can wander around on your own," Su Jingyi replied coldly, reverting to her past persona as a distant fairy.

However, Lu Xun didn't give her a chance. Ignoring Su Jingyi's resistance, he firmly held her hand in his own, softly teasing her palm. That sensation of gentle tingling surged through Su Jingyi's body and mind.


Unable to hold back a sweet, muffled sound in her heart, Fairy Su endured this strange feeling. She said with a hint of urgency, "Let go!"

"I won't."

"I won't let Aunt Su escape from my hand in this lifetime. I'll hold you tightly like this forever, no matter if you hit me or scold me. I won't let go." Lu Xun stubbornly declared, expressing deep affection with these straightforward words. It left Su Jingyi moved, helpless, and annoyed. The resisting hand gradually lost strength, allowing him to continue holding it.

"You rascal." Su Jingyi dropped her arrogance as a fairy, and her majestic demeanor took on a tone of annoyance. "You have no respect."

Lu Xun smiled foolishly, and he couldn't help but get closer to her. At first, Fairy Su resisted, but with Lu Xun's thick skin and persistence, she eventually gave up her reservations and leaned against him, shoulder to shoulder.

Amidst the bustling street, with vendors shouting on both sides, Lu Xun strolled alongside Su Jingyi. He wanted to hold her hand, but for certain reasons, he refrained. The two of them rarely spoke, aimlessly wandering.

However, while they walked, Su Jingyi suddenly stopped, looked at the pastry shop selling sesame candies next to her, hesitated for a moment, and then followed. She didn't say a word or mention it.

"Do you want to eat sesame candy?"

"I'll go buy some for you," Lu Xun said, leaving Su Jingyi with these words, and silently walking towards the shop.

Su Jingyi was momentarily stunned, and feeling strange satisfaction in her heart. She stood quietly in place, watching him as he went to buy the candy.

Lu Xun returned shortly, carrying a bundle of sesame candy wrapped in wax paper. He came back to Su Jingyi's side and softly asked, "Aunt Su, do you want to eat this now?"

Fairy Su hesitated for a moment and gave a faint reply, "There are too many people here. Let's go somewhere less crowded."

The two of them went to a nearby alley. Lu Xun opened the wax paper and took out a piece of candy. Instead of handing it to her, he gently lifted her veil and offered the appropriately-sized sesame candy to the corner of Fairy Su's lips.

"I can feed myself." Su Jingyi turned her head slightly and softly said.

"I want to feed you," Lu Xun replied simply. "Aunt Su, open your mouth."

You're so meddlesome, you scoundrel!

Su Jingyi couldn't resist him and quietly opened her mouth. The piece of sesame candy was slowly placed into her mouth.

As she chewed the candy, she found it to be sweet and crunchy, but it was more than just sweet and crunchy.

At that moment, Lu Xun suddenly extended his hand and used his index finger to wipe away some candy residue from her lips. He then brought his finger to his own lips and lightly tasted it.

"Mmm, it's really sweet!"

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