When do you plan to give yourself away?

Facing this question that touches the depths of the soul, Su Jingyi was momentarily unsure of how to answer. At the same time, her mind involuntarily flashed with those shameful scenes. The demoness was tightly embraced with Lu Xun, and then they passionately bit each other, with the demoness even playfully taking on a slightly serpentine form and licking him with snake-like kisses.

To give myself to him like the demoness, to throw myself into his strong and virile embrace, to wrap my arms around his neck just like her, and then to… to bite into him like that too? Is this giving myself too completely? If it starts like this, won't I be sharing a bed with him in just a few days?

Share the bed? No, no, no!

This is giving too quickly. She believed the demoness would've also taken it step by step. She wouldn't be so impulsive and urgent right from the start.

After all, I am also a renowned immortal. I absolutely cannot do something so irrational and absurd. Giving myself like this is a bit insulting to my dignity.

"How about it?"

"Want to give yourself but can't get past this mental hurdle, right? Come on, big sis!" The sassy mature widow Mu Qingshuang rolled her eyes, speaking without much patience, "You're already in your forties, the stage where older women court younger men. Moreover, the key is that the young man is only in his twenties. He's practically old enough to be your son. What's with the pretense? If you don't take the initiative, the opportunity will slip away."

Su Jingyi glanced at her, picked up her cup of tea, took a small sip, and calmly said, "My lifespan can no longer be measured in terms of ordinary people. Including you, although you haven't practiced cultivation, those longevity elixirs I've given you are enough to let you live for hundreds of years. What about being in your forties, for people like us with long lifespans, it's just a fraction of our lives."

"I know."

"But you can't deny that we've aged. Faced with those young and beautiful girls, at the very least, we don't have the advantage in terms of purity." Mu Qingshuang said with seriousness, "What if your young man likes young, innocent girls? What will you do then?"

Su Jingyi shook her head and replied in a calm tone, "He doesn't like those young girls. He likes mature women like you."

Mu Qingshuang was taken aback, looking at her best friend in surprise. However, she quickly regained her composure and couldn't help but smirk, "I'm not just a simple mature woman; I'm also a widow. I have more charm than a typical mature woman. I see, so you're warning me. Well, it turns out your young man has unique tastes."

Is that unique? If I told you his wife is Miao Fengxian, you'd probably go crazy.

Su Jingyi sipped her tea expressionlessly and whispered, "I'm not warning you because of that. I'm protecting you from a potential disaster. His identity is much more terrifying than you imagine. If something unexpected happens to him, half the Great Zhao Empire will die."

Is it really that exaggerated?

If he were such a remarkable figure, his name would have already spread throughout the streets and alleys. Mu Qingshuang pursed her lips and said irritably, "Jingyi, do you think I'm a fool? If your young man were really that powerful, his name would be known everywhere. The problem is, at this point, I don't even know his name."

"He's the type to leave quietly, shrouded in mystery," Su Jingyi replied with a soft tone. "People not knowing about him is normal. He stays away from the worldly pursuits of fame and wealth, only pursuing the justice in his heart."

Speaking of this, a faint blush appeared on Su Jingyi's cheeks, and she thought to herself, Why am I becoming so vain? I can't help but want to shower him with gold and silver. He's just an ordinary wanderer, but in my words, he's become a fearless hero below the immortals.

"Leaves quietly, shrouded in mystery."

"And he's in his twenties, handsome, elegant, charismatic, strong and fit, witty and humorous, and exceptionally talented." Mu Qingshuang repeated everything she had heard, and an indescribable emotion surged through her. Undoubtedly, Su Jingyi's young man seemed to fulfill all her fantasies and desires about the opposite sex. But is there really such a man in this world?

The alluring widow felt a little restless. Her heart, which had been dormant for over forty years like Su Jingyi's, suddenly became filled with desire and impulsiveness, unlike ever before. Perhaps it was due to the stimulation from Su Jingyi.

But after a brief moment of desire, she gradually regained her composure. The matter of Su Jingyi having a man was still a question mark. Of course, she wasn't doubting her beauty and figure, nor was she suspecting if she was lying. There was probably a man; however, whether he was as perfect as described, that remained uncertain.

She probably told the truth earlier, but the latter part might be embellished.


"Is it just to tell me all this that you came to see me?" Mu Qingshuang asked softly.

Su Jingyi lightly nibbled her own lips and replied gently, "I just wanted to share my thoughts with you. I haven't been able to find anyone to confide in lately, and it's been keeping me up at night. Now, I feel a bit relieved."

"Ever since you came to me that day and said those things for no reason, I knew you might have a man." Mu Qingshuang said with a mischievous smile. "But I didn't expect you to admit it so quickly, acknowledging that you're courting a younger man. Well, well, it seems even immortals need love."

Su Jingyi said lightly, "I'm still a woman."

"Indeed, you are a woman, but you're different from us. You're Su Jingyi, a renowned immortal of the era, on par with the thousand-year-old demoness, Miao Fengxian." Mu Qingshuang said thoughtfully, "In the eyes of the world, you don't need a man, and you've indeed lived that way."

Su Jingyi opened her mouth but didn't know what to say. She silently swallowed her words. "That's just what you think. In reality, I… I…"

"Enough, enough."

"I understand your point." Mu Qingshuang reached out and held Su Jingyi's hand, gently pinching it. She playfully said, "You should indeed find a man, comfort your lonely heart and body. But are you sure you won't show him to me? I can help you assess him."

"I'm worried you'll seduce him into bed," Su Jingyi glanced at her, casually saying it, but in her heart, she felt strange. The demoness said the same thing to me, and now I'm telling Mu Qingshuang something similar.

The sassy mature widow released her best friend's hand, reclined on the bamboo chair, her simple sleeping gown accentuating her generous bosom, quite spectacular and eye-catching. With a mischievous smile, she said gently, "Are you not confident enough in yourself?"

"This has nothing to do with confidence. I'm here to protect your safety," Su Jingyi said coldly. "In any case, I won't let you two meet. Let go of that idea!"

Holding on so tightly, it's like you're afraid I'll steal your man. Mu Qingshuang clucked her tongue in annoyance at her best friend's response. She said, "Next time you have love troubles, don't come to me. Deal with it yourself. You're not even willing to introduce me to your guy."

In the face of Mu Qingshuang's complaints, Su Jingyi directly ignored her, sipping her green tea self-indulgently.

Seeing that Su Jingyi was dismissive of her, the sulking widow was about to explode. But considering that her friend had this kind of personality, she could only hold in her anger and pout, muttering to herself with her small mouth puckered, "I can't help but wonder why such an excellent young man as him would be attracted to an older woman like you, who's cold, stubborn, and lacks any sense of fun, except for being good-looking and having an exceptional figure. Those are your only two strengths."

As she finished speaking, something felt off. From the perspective of these men, weren't they just looking for a good-looking woman with an exceptional figure?

At the same time, Su Jingyi was also pondering. After her best friend's reminder, she realized the key issue. However, Fairy Su's train of thought was slightly different from the sassy widow's. She was unsure if Lu Xun had similar thoughts.

Maybe he is interested in me. While his words may not have directly addressed love, each one was brimming with warmth. The straightforward longing and attachment he expressed – can't that explain everything?

If he loves me and is filled with affection for me, then why is it so? Is it because of my looks? My exceptional figure? Or is it because of the task given to him by the demoness? To make me fall in love and then heartlessly abandon me?

Fairy Su's heart was troubled, filled with anxiety, uncertainty, and a touch of embarrassment. She wanted to find Lu Xun immediately and ask him about his feelings. But she was constrained by her dignity and social status, along with the lurking presence of the demoness.


"Where are you going?"

Mu Qingshuang saw her best friend stand up, and with a wave of her hand, she summoned her flying sword. She asked curiously, "Are you going to find your young man?"

"It's none of your business!"

With a stern expression, Fairy Su swiftly flew away, leaving the pretty widow behind, appearing bewildered.

"What's going on?"

"Suddenly feeling lonely?" Mu Qingshuang pouted and muttered to herself.


"My wife is truly remarkable!"

Lu Xun was still soaking in the warm pool, feeling utterly exhausted. His lower back was especially sore.

This was almost unimaginable. His wife who had reached the mid Innate Realm possessed such extraordinary strength. When he had the world-class one-hour performance, he now only had the endurance of a mere incense stick burning.

If she's already this powerful in the mid Innate Realm, what about the big demoness and the fairy who are in the seventh realm? Wouldn't that shake the heavens and the earth? If the big demoness and Fairy Su joined forces, wouldn't it lead to cataclysmic events?

"Well, not to that extent."

"The degree of mutual hostility between them would only lessen when the sun rises from the west," Lu Xun mumbled, looking thoughtful.

Just as he finished speaking, his chest suddenly warmed. Without any surprise, Fairy Su had sent a message again.

Lu Xun summoned the spiritual mirror and casually glanced at the message.

Fairy Su: Can you sneak out? I want to have a heart-to-heart conversation with you.

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