Chapter 403: Treasures

Liam sweated a little bit, as he looked at the ‘bill’ he had to pay.

For the last month, he decided to consider that the authority point he got was just a fluke, and not the emperor’s doing, as according to the family elder he asked, authority points could only be granted by awakening or leveling up.

That’s why he brought the men, intending to pay Vic then kicking his ass after settling the debt!

However, he quickly discovered that his assumptions were wrong when the girl gave him Vic’s letter. In his very soul, he knew it was true… For a moment he considered not paying and kicking those two out, but then he could feel it, something wrapping on his heart like a hand squeezing it slightly, It was the contract!

Damn it! So the Authority was Vic’s doing… How? Damn it!

Where the hell was he going to get those 10 Authority points from? Do they sell them online? Impossible! Let alone the owed money that would render him in debt for the next three years, he was in deep shit.

What would happen if he didn’t pay?

He would become Vic's slave…

NEVER! He had to play this no matter what!

“Master… Shall we…” one of the burly men who accompanied him as guards asked.

“GET OUT!” he ordered the men, he was not going to let them see him get humiliated. “GET THE FUCK OUT!” he added as he kicked the last of the men out of the room then closed the door and turned to face his debtors…

“So…” the masked girl who seemed to be the emperor’s envoy said in a cold voice. There was an iron bat in her hand now… Ah… This bitch was a player too! Damn it!

“One minute!” he said as he turned back again, opened the door, and grabbed the bag that one of the men had before shutting the door in his face.

“This bag has all the things I borrowed…” he decided to finish with those things first, the shield, sleeping bed, and some other things that he didn’t wish to remember.

The girl nodded, taking the things off his sweaty hand, and then putting them in her storage ring without even looking. “And the stuff on the letter?”

“Ah…I will be able to give them to you in an hour or so… Except for one that might need some more work…”

“The authority?” she asked. The bitch clearly knew!

“Yes…I couldn’t find 10 people with authority yet…” he said, this was his solution! Ten people each with 1 authority!

Sadly, semi-players are not that easy to capture as slaves.

“Why would I want 10 people? I need 10 Authority points directly!” the girl said coldly. “This is like giving me a sandwich in someone else's stomach… What the hell can I do with it?” she scolded.

“Ah… But…”

“I need the Authority points directly transferred, it is not like I have some way of squeezing them out of people… “ she said. For a strange reason, he felt that she was lying… Impossible…

“And how can I transfer them to you?” he asked. That’s the problem, he had no idea how Vic did it before.

“There are many ways…” she said, shrugging. “ I heard there is something called Authority talismans and Artifacts, we can accept those…”

“Oh… Where can those be found?” he asked as his eyes began to sparkle. He had never heard of such things.

“I have no idea… It is your problem!” she said. “Get me some worth 10 Authority points, or become a slave…”

Damn bitch… Liam silently cursed. “Ah… Can you give me some time then?” he asked directly.

“Possible, but I need the money and the owed ‘lives’ now… After that, if you do me some favors, I might give you an extension on the debt… “ she said as if she was thinking.

“What do you want?” he asked, clenching his fist.

“We will talk later, bring the owned lives first… I believe you made a deal with ‘His Majesty’ that they can be provided as other people or something…” she said as the man who was standing behind her squinted behind his mask.

“Ah… No… “ Liam hesitated. “I need your promise to give me some more time first…” he said.


“It is better this way…”

“That is not a reason…” the girl said, noticing his hesitation. “... Fine, you will have 1 year to get the authority you owe. In exchange for this delay, I want you to get me two top VIP tickets to the auction now…” she said.

“Oh… Fine…”Liam sighed, smiling as he felt the contract accept the girl’s decision.

“The goods?”

“Ah… Follow me,” Liam said, taking his visitors to the elevator that took them up to the 37th store of the hotel over the casino, where he kept the girls… He was expecting Vic to come any day now to get them.

The elevator door opened to reveal a huge suite where 40 scantily clothed extra fat and ugly girls lay on red velvet couches as they awaited their fateful young master to make them true women!

“Here they are, all young and healthy just like me… A perfect replacement!” he said.



One of the girls winked as the silk that covered her thigh fell to the ground.

The masked girl chuckled as the guy behind her gasped then immediately ran to the trash can where he began to puke.

Liam couldn’t blame him; he had the same reaction when his men got the girls for him! One or two of them were enough to give some men nightmares, let alone 40 who sat in some very revealing poses.

Throughout that last month, Liam had been pondering whether he should choose fat guys or girls to give Vic, but fat guys could be trained to go thin and be useful, fat ugly girls can become thin… But not pretty! This was his petty revenge against Vic!

“Are those the goods?” the girl who didn’t seem to care asked, smiling for a strange reason.


“This is why he wanted the promise first….” the guy who finished puking said hatefully.

“Yes… You can’t go back on your words now…”

“I won’t… Those are perfect… I am liking you more and more!” the girl said unexpectedly, patting Liam’s shoulders. “Once you become Vic’s slave, I will tell him to go easy on you!”

“I will never become his slave!” Liam said directly.

“We will see… Let them dress up and meet me after the auction!” she said. “Oh, and prepare the cash you owe, we will be using it all tonight!”

“WHAT?” Liam gasped. “You want to use all that money in the auction…. AH…. But…”

“Is there a problem?” the girl asked, frowning.

“Ah… not for me….” he said sneakily. “This way please…”

Victor slowly and carefully descended onto one of the corpse mountains and began to look around, wary of any attack. This place felt extra weird.

Did someone place those corpses here? Was this Gorge some kind of giant lab for demons or something? Probably not, many of them had clear signs of broken bones that penetrated their skin. They clearly fell from above.

He slowly looked at the corpse under his feet, it was of an elderly elf… No, he was not old, just mummified. It seemed like dried fish…

Touching the corpse Victor began to check it. It had a big stab mark that clearly penetrated its chest and appeared to have reached the other side where a trace of dried blood could be seen all over its shiny metal mythril armor…

Wait… Was this an artifact?

; ;


Victor quickly tried to take it off the corpse, and it was hard, as the moment he applied a little force, the corpse’s arm broke off like a dried twig. It gave him a good view of the insides that although red, were totally dry.

This guy must have been dead a long time ago, but other than drying up, there were no signs of decay at all… Was this the effect of some poison?

Wait, that’s it... It is Death! Decay was the process in which microorganisms devoured the corpses….

Could it be that the death energy here was killing all living things, including bacteria?

Victor quickly checked multiple other corpses to affirm his guess. Elves, dwarves, humans, and some strange-looking ogres. There were animals too, some looked familiar like elven horses that fell with the broken wagons that they were dragging, and some were strange like some huge bird-like creature that had an elf riding it.

He was right. All the corpses' blood and skins had long dried, and were somewhat brittle, others were rock hard, like the corpse of a strange horned beast.

This place seemed to be completely a work of nature, there was no proof of someone tampering or placing things here.

Now, the question was what should he do? No, this was not really a question.… This place was a treasure trove, and treasures needed to be excavated.

The question was whether the corpses only existed here under the bridge or all along the gorge?

If it was the latter, he would need a few years to grab everything as this place was huge and stretched all across the continent according to the rumors in town.

Victor quickly flew up and traveled a few miles along the gorge, and as he expected, it contained traces of every battle that ever occurred above, but thankfully the corpses seemed to be concentrated only a mile or two under the bridge, and the further he traveled the corpses slowly become sparser and sparser. Most of them seemed to be either flying creatures or some beasts who slipped and fell down.

It seemed that they were concentrated where battles were usually fought!

As for the dead energy, it showed no signs of disappearing, on the contrary, it grew stronger as he moved to the south… The change was minute, but he could detect the change in his Stamina and Mana bars.

Well, he didn't have much time at the moment, but he did hear there were some other bridges, so he decided to leave the task of checking them and pinpointing the death energy’s origin until later... He should also check if any major battles happened near the gorge, this place was perfect to dump a few corpses.

With these thoughts, Victor returned to the area under the bridge. He quickly took out his trusty cauldron and then chose one of the uninhabitable zones inside, the desert region, to fill it up with corpses.

He had decided to take everything here first and dismantle them later as this was far more efficient!

Many of those corpses were wearing intricate armor and had some very impressive weapons that needed care when ‘extracting’. And whether he could still extract something extra out of those, after all, would remain to be seen. Hopefully, he would be able to use the cauldron’s effect to get some useful bloodlines. Authority and Skills were not an option as those guys were long dead.

Sighing at all the work he had to do, he began to just grab the corpses and then throw them in the cauldron one by one.

An elf…

An old dwarf…

A pretty elf archer... Her corpse was well preserved and not dried like the others. It was due to a ring she had in her hand.

Eternal Ring, SSS

Another eternal? maybe Alpha would like it, that girl had been avoiding taking things from him lately.

Whatever... She was the type that needed to be cooked in some special method, he just needed to find a good opportunity...

Another elf...

A dwarve...

A cat…

A barrel full of some metals… He had no time to appraise around.

Why were there no demons? He wondered as he worked tirelessly.

Ah… Then he noticed it, under a dead elf. It was a skill book. Being small it seemed to have slipped in between the corpses.

; ;

Victor quickly got an idea and began to dig in one spot instead of randomly grabbing from the surface. The more he dug the more skill books and strange artifacts he found.

; ;

Energy Drain, F

Quick Steps, D

Fireball, D

Steel Balls, A

Telepathy, E

Disappearance, D

Triple Dodge, B

Reflect, A



The place was filled with all kinds of skill books and random trinkets…

Damn… Victor could slowly make a conclusion. It seemed that the demons who fell here died then disintegrated just like what happened on the surface. They left behind their skills as treasures!

He he he…


Victor began to laugh like a maniac. It seemed like he could fully fund his plans now! From now on, all he needed to do was to get enough toys!


He was rich!


He had no time to laugh… He would do it later! He had a ton of work to do for the next few days!

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