The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 374: There was no sleeping

Chapter 374: There was no sleeping

“So… Did I get the role?” Micheal asked shamelessly. He had finished his audition and then went to look for Bianca, too bad he couldn’t find her and had to go back and find his mother who was at the moment sitting at the CEO’s office with his sisters and five of Victor’s wives, Mira, Lin, Monica, Margret, and Elise.

Micheal, who, except for Margret, was meeting them officially for the first time, had to confess… He was very jealous. Super jealous.

He wanted a harem like this too! No… Not quite like this, his harem must have big breasts!

“I can’t tell you the results yet, we need to check all the recordings again before we make our final judgment,” Mira said. “Still… You have not been eliminated yet, and even if you didn’t get the pimp role, there are three minor roles that would suit you!” she explained.

“Was he really any good?” Mona asked in surprise.

“For a pimp… He was very pretty good…” Monica, who took Margret’s position as a judge after the break, said.

. Hearing her, Micheal was feeling a little conflicted about being called good for a pimp, but being good at something is never a bad thing, right? “Didn’t you watch me?” He turned and asked his mother.

“Ah… Sorry… We got a little hungry, so Mina took us to this 3 Chilling Stars restaurant nearby to try it out… We had to try everything on their menu… so… sorry…” Vanessa apologized to her son while touching her slightly bloated belly. She was not sorry at all.

Even Mona blushed a little. She didn’t want to confess it, but that restaurant was really good. If it weren't for her super rich sisters reserving the entire place by a phone call, she might not have been able to eat there or even reserve a spot on their waiting list that extended for 17 months.

“Oh…” Micheal sighed. His mother seemed to have been completely bought up by her son-in-law’s riches. Seeing how she was chatting lively with Victor’s wife, she didn’t seem to be minding this harem situation anymore. “Where is Victor anyway?” he asked.

“He is…” Before Margret could say it a side door opened and Victor who was dressed casually walked out with a veiled girl and two young girls. The ones that guy described earlier.

“Oh… you guys are already here… Did the auditions finish?” Victor asked casually as he headed to his desk.

“Yes… How were the girls?” Margret asked.

“They were a little shocked… But not bad overall… they will get used to it…” Victor said, making Mona clench on her teeth.

“You managed to finish…ah… processing them?” Margret asked again, causing Mira who was sitting at her side to start pinching her from behind. Couldn’t the girl stop phrasing things so ambiguous? Mona had already begun to look at Victor with disgust.

“Not quite, We couldn’t completely finish because there was a lot to do, we will continue after our hard-working Ruby here rests a bit!” he added, pointing to the twin-tailed girl who was collapsing on a couch. She seemed a little out of breath.

Micheal, who was feeling very jealous while imagining what was happening in that room couldn’t help but swallow his saliva looking at Ruby and then at Victor. Wasn’t she too young?

This was not his business… He reminded himself turning to look at his mother wanting to see her reaction. There was none. She only uttered a sigh, but that’s it!

She had already been completely bought. Bianca was right, money was scary!

Micheal couldn’t help sighing as he watched Victor take his seat behind the desk.

Like Mona, he didn’t like Victor a lot either, Victor felt a little too arrogant for him and made him feel too inferior.

He suddenly noticed someone inspecting him. She was one of the little girls who was with Victor. After giving him an inspector's look she began to whisper something in Victor's ear as she rubbed the jade bangle on her hand.

“I already noticed… It is Ok, don’t worry,” Victor said, rubbing the girl’s head while tapping the table five times with his fingers in a certain pattern, making Margret, who was sitting on the couch opposing Michael, casually take a bottle of air freshener and casually spray it on Micheal making him close his eyes in annoyance.

“Sorry, someone broke some wind…” she told Vanessa politely in a low voice, making the latter look with disgust at her stupid son who wanted to defend himself but decided not to, knowing that no one would believe him anyway.

“Did you want something from me?” Victor finally asked, looking at Micheal and saving him from the embarrassing situation.

“Ah…What… Ah… Can’t I come to see my brother-in-law without needing something?” Micheal asked with a dry smile as Mona looked at him with disgust. She knew her brother better than anyone, and he wouldn’t be here if he didn’t want something.

“Oh… I didn’t mean it like that… I just heard you ask about me when I entered the room!” Victor explained. “I figured you might want something…” he added.

“Oh...Well… I just wanted to ask you about Crimson Pearl,” Micheal asked directly, not noticing the looks Victor and Margret were shooting at each other.

“Are you a fan or something?” Margret asked as she inspected Micheal from head to toe. Casually pointed her phone in his direction and asked.

“YES! A SUPER FAN!” he confessed.

“Really?” Margret asked as she bent over the coffee table between them to look at him and pushed her phone on his chest.

“YES!” Do you know his identity?” he asked as Margret slowly lowered her phone and then retracted.

“I never truly met him…” Margret shook her head. “Victor is the one who communicates with him usually! They are best buddies…” she added as she retracted her phone, looked at it then began texting.

“Ah… Really?” Micheal turned and asked Victor.

“Yes… we met by chance during a friend’s birthday, and hit it off directly as we had many things in common!” Victor shrugged. “It was later that I found out about Crimson Pearl’s ‘talent’ when we ended up spending one summer night in the same bed… It was a very eventful and special night… In the morning we began brainstorming for some projects to do together and the idea for the movie was born!” Victor explained as a wretched smile appeared on his face.

“Ah… In bed?” Mona was the one who asked as her face turned red.

“Yes,” Victor said.

“Did you two?… You know what….” Mona asked. For some strange reason, her voice felt a little strange when she asked.

“Know What?” Victor asked innocently as if he didn’t get what she was talking about.

“...Did you sleep together?” Mona asked after some hesitation, not knowing how to frame it.

“Ah… Not really, there was no sleeping… Back then we didn’t close our eyes all night…” Victor said after some thinking, deciding to play with her a little.

“... She meant to ask if the two of you f*cked each other…” Micheal, who woke up from his shock, had to correct his stupid sister despite already figuring out the answer.

Neither he nor his sister noticed that the way they were talking was a little too unreserved.

“Of course not! ” Victor scolded, surprising everybody. “Not that night anyway,” he added. Making Vanessa who almost sighed in relief hiccup.

“Ah… Then you did it eventually?” Mona asked as if she was expecting something, making Vanessa look at her daughter strangely. Why was her reserved daughter asking about those things?

“Yes, But only I did the f*cking part…” he explained, making his wives who were listening almost giggle out loud as Victor looked at Mona to see her reaction.

Unlike Vanessa and Micheal who couldn't help weirdly looking at him. Mona’s face became more red with the blush reaching her ears as she began to secretly inspect Victor and some weird thoughts began to float in her mind.

“Oh… Ah… Ok… Can I meet him?” Micheal finally asked, deciding not to delve deeper into Victor’s weird hobbies. This conversation had already become very awkward.

“You want to sleep with Crimson Pearl too?” Victor asked. Seemingly a little offended.

“Ah no… Not at all…. I only wanted to ask him some questions and get his autograph!” Micheal quickly clarified.

“Well… ehm… He is usually very busy, but I can ask him, I guess… He would never refuse me, I am his sugar daddy after all!” Victor said casually, giving Margret a wink as he took his phone and sent a message. The response came pretty quickly as if the other side was waiting for him.

“What did he say?” Micheal asked as he watched Victor put down his phone.

“He will be in Vein City in two days… He doesn’t mind meeting you!” Victor said. “I already sent him your phone number, he will contact you when it is time… That guy always likes to be secretive for some reason…”

“Ah… THANKS!” Michael said as his eyes began to look around nervously. “Can I bring a friend?” he finally asked.

“Who?” Victor asked, seemingly worried.

“It’s not like that… She is a girl that I met today and I am planning to bang her you know… She is also a ‘huge’ fan!” Micheal said, stressing the word ‘HUGE’ and making his mother look at him with disgust for the third time today. Did he have to state it like this?

“If it is for that reason, I am okay with it!” Victor said casually, smiling for the first time as he shot Micheal a knowing smile.

“Thanks, brother-in-law!” Micheal said. Maybe Victor was not that bad after all!

“Did you find out who pushed him?” Victor asked as soon as he got into the car with Margret, Lily, and Elise. The other girls were divided among the other cars.

“It was a girl calling herself Bianca Young. She seemed to have accidentally met Micheal outside the venue and they stuck together after all” Lily said as she checked her phone. “They stayed together until Micheal began his audition according to the surveillance tape… She seemed to be really interested in CrimsonPearl! “

“I see… What was she auditioning for?”

“A minor player role of a maid… She didn’t get it…” Lily replied.

“Her background?” Victor asked.

“According to the audition application she filled out, she is an actress from TopTree City, she is an orphan who graduated from the art school there,“ Lily said. “According to Kai, her data matches the family database…Still…”

“Too clean?” he asked.

“Yes!” Lily nodded, “There are too many empty slots in her history… She is too clean for someone who could easily sneak in and plant a high-tech listening device so casually.”

“A listening device?” Elise asked in surprise. She noticed that Victor and Margret were sending each other all kinds of signals, but as she was playing being blind, she couldn’t really investigate freely.

“Yes, our conversation in the office was getting recorded,” Victor said, “If it were not for Theta’s bracelet, we wouldn’t have noticed… “ he added. “Did you analyze that device?” he asked Margret.

“I couldn’t really get to look at it, as it was some kind of a sticker stuck into Michael’s back pocket, that girl must have put it in when she hugged him!” Margaret replied. “Still I did a full scan, and the scanner in my phone was barely able to pick it up when I almost stuck it in Micheal’s ass…it is made of plastic and doesn’t match any standard devices!” she said. “It is like some kind of new tech…” she added as she focused on the road.

“True… The standard anti-surveillance around your office failed to pick it up, so I guess it must be just some kind of recording device. Someone would definitely come pick it up later… “ Lily asked.

“YOU WANTED THEM TO LISTEN?” Elise asked as things began to fall into place.

“Of course I did… When Theta notified me, I immediately deactivated the latent speech concealing talisman I kept on my body at all times… Or else they would only be able to hear random noises in the recording…” he explained. “I Didn’t want to startle whoever is behind this…”

“Ahh…” Elise was surprised. She had no idea that Victor was always prepared.

“If my guess is right, Micheal will call that girl right away and meet with her… She will retrieve the recorder!” Lily said. “I already notified our agents to track him, but I don’t think it will be too useful, as those guys seem to be good at hiding their trail… I already sent all the data we got to Alpha, she will do a deep analysis and cross-referencing and then get back to me tonight…”

“Good…” Victor nodded.

“What is the story about CrimsonPearl?” Elise suddenly asked.

“Oh… Didn’t you figure it out already?”

“I can already tell she is Margret!” Elise said, blushing a little as she remembered one of the published stories she read when she was investigating. “But why are those guys interested in her? Corporate espionage?” she asked. “I mean…Crimson Pearl is not that big of a name to cause such a sensation…”

“Oh… Well…” Victor chuckled and looked at Margret who was busy driving. “What would be the first thing someone who traveled in time would do?” he asked.

“AH!” Elise quickly figured it out. “GET MONEY!”

“Exactly… “ Victor said, chuckling a bit again.

“YES! I needed money! OK!” Margret defended herself. “I couldn’t really remember the number of winning lottery tickets like those in stupid novels, and I had no money to do some sports betting or go into the stock market. So the only thing I figured I could easily do was to rewrite some of the most successful web novels of the future in an attempt to get some money… The ones I remembered anyway…” she explained.

“Oh…” Elise nodded.

“Ever since I met Victor I was no longer in need of such little money, but after Victor told me that he suspects that there were other time travelers beside us, we decided to use a Crimson Pearl as one of the many lures we set to get to them!”

“OHHHHH!” Elise finally got it.

“There were many false alarms during the last month as some horny fans tried to locate Margret, but hopefully this time we just got some real fish!” Victor said in a cold voice.

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