Chapter 274: True Blood Pill

Late in the morning, Yin stepped into the dining room following behind Lara and El. They have just finished taking a shower after their morning exercises. Lara had been making El and Yin tag along.

In the last few days, Yin managed to get familiar with everyone around this mansion, and to her surprise, it was not as bad as she expected it to be. It was like a big family.

To tell the truth, she really liked it here. Everyone treated her nicely, and took her shopping, buying her all kinds of pretty clothes.

And the girl, Lara, really needed someone to take care of her. Yin was amazed by how sheltered and naive a girl her age could be.

No wonder Victor asked her to protect his sister. And no wonder he made that little girl El her servant. She really knew how to guide her mistress by the nose!

“Big brother!” Lara was flustered when she saw Victor who was eating his breakfast surrounded by his harem and Alex.

“Welcome back!” She said as she quickly saluted by bowing politely.

“Come on in, have some breakfast….” Victor said casually as he continued to enjoy his meal.

“Um…” Lara nodded then quickly grabbed a seat followed by her entourage. Victor was carefully observing her, and as he expected, although her symptoms had subdued, she didn’t have much energy. He needed to fix her bloodline fast.

Yin was looking at him as if she had something to say. He just gestured to her to wait until later then looked at Hilda.

“Hilda, did you finish ‘redecorating’ the basement?” he asked.

“Mostly, you just need to wait for the paint to dry…. ” she said with a sigh. Rushing this cost a fortune. But money really did make things go fast.

“Good, Hana!” Victor nodded then looked at Hana who was enjoying her meal too.

“Yes?” She asked. Was it time for work at last? For the last few days, she was literally in heaven enjoying the best treatment. In the Immortal Abode sect, she had to live a hermit lifestyle, they didn’t even have electricity or running water. But here, she was really enjoying her time. Victor was treating her as a guest. If only he didn’t force her to work for him.

“Follow me to check on your new lab after the meal… I will show you something interesting…” Victor said with a wretched smile that thankfully Lily didn’t see, she was ordered to get some sleep, or she would have made sure to stuff a couple of eggs in his dirty mouth.

“I understand…”Hana said, she looked worried.

Victor nodded and continued to eat. Theta was taking care of feeding him this time.

“Esteemed brother….” Lara suddenly spoke.


“I…”Lara hesitated, but El held her hand under the table encouraging her. “I want your permission to invite my friends here for a sleepover…” she said not daring to look at her brother.

“How many friends?”

“Ah… Seven…” she said.

“Good… I am fine with it, just let Hilda perform a security check on them…”

“Already done, young master, they are clean!” Hilda responded.

“Then do it!” he said with a smile.

“You come too…” Victor told Yin as he dragged the reluctant Hana toward the basement.

“Yes, Young master…” Yin said as she quickly followed.

Reaching downstairs, Victor began to inspect the changes. As he instructed, the basement was divided into multiple sections, including a vault, a dungeon, and a lab. With various other preparation rooms.

“Is this lab your design?” Victor asked as they entered the Alchemy lab. It was relatively empty, but Victor did notice the tables arranged in a way that they would later be filled with many instruments.

“Um…” Hana nodded, she always dreamed of having such a lab, but her sect was very old-fashioned, preferring old Alchemy methods over new ones.

“It’s not bad…” Victor said as he sat on a wooden chair. “Yin close the door, we have something to talk about…” he added, making Hana flinch as she watched the little girl block her last way out. She shouldn’t have asked Hilda to make this door soundproof, she already began regretting her design choices.

“Sit down, we need to speak…” Victor commanded as he looked at Yin, “First, Yin, what did you want to tell me?” he asked.

“Ah… that girl, Monika… she …she had a demon smell on her… it was faint, but I could smell it…”

“Is she a demon?”

“Negative, just a trace!” Yin shook her head.

“I will talk to her later, I have an idea what this is about…” he said. “Good job…”

“Um… Lady Margret also had a strange smell today… her soul seemed to have become brighter…”

“A demon?”

“A remnant….”

“Oh… I understand…” Victor didn’t have a chance yet to talk to Margret, he knew she wanted to speak with him privately though, and he planned to do so when they go out today.

“Then I will take my leave…” Yin said intending to leave the awkward atmosphere here.

“No…. You should hear this too.” Victor said, “Now, Hana… Did you notice anything strange about Lara?” he asked.

“Other than her pale complexion, nothing strange…” Hana said.

“That’s exactly what I meant! What I will tell you here is a secret!” he said, glancing at Yin who nodded. “Don’t tell anyone no matter what!”

““I understand,”” The girls replied.

“My family is not that harmonious you see… Lara, she was the victim of a scheme… A family scheme. Let me phrase it like this, one of my stepmothers wanted to hurt her!” he added, making Yin gasp as Hana frowned.

“Did they poison her?”

“No, that would be too foolish even for them,” Victor said, “You might not know this, but the Von Weise has a very unique bloodline. All the children in the family would practice a certain art that would help strengthen that bloodline… Lara, like me, has a very pure bloodline from birth.” he said.

“They hurt her bloodline?” Hana, who knew better, asked.

“Kinda, My stepbrother, who was supervising Lara’s training, fooled her by changing some of the art steps… Practicing it, caused her to unconsciously burn her pure blood…” he explained.

“Didn’t your family notice something?”

“No, the changes in the art must have been done by a master who taught it to Rex, my stepbrother… The art does not hurt directly, on the contrary, it makes the practitioner stronger but in exchange for their potential and bloodline purity!”

“Oh… I see how that can be done!” Hana totally got it. She had some knowledge about such arts in the memories her family gave her. "Did you tell your family elders?" she asked.

"No... I plan to fix this silently!" he didn't elaborate.

“Young master…. The art Miss Lara was practicing in the morning….” Yin suddenly interjected.

“Don’t worry, it is something I taught her. I already wanted her not to practice that art, but it was too late. Her potential was nearly exhausted.” he said smiling at Yin, he really liked this girl, she took her job seriously. That awakening scroll was totally not wasted on her. Maybe he should try teaching her some business knowledge to test her.

He needed to help Lara build her team before her awakening. That girl was too naive for her own good.

“You want me to craft a drug to heal her?” Hana asked after pondering for a moment. “I don’t have that knowledge…” she began to complain when Victor suddenly took three sealed barrels and put them in front of her.

“Blood!” Hana immediately recognized the smell… “Baby’s blood!” she yelled, making Yin frown.

Hana looked at Victor with anger and disgust. Making him surprised, she was more knowledgeable than he expected.

“It’s not mine, I took it from a bad guy who was secretly murdering babies in my family! That’s why you need to be perfect with it, I don’t have a lot!” he explained. “I want you to make a pill with it… It is called the True Blood Pill,” he said, taking out a small booklet and putting it on the barrel. This recipe was very simple, yet very complicated.

Hana quickly snatched it and began to leaf through it.

“Do you have all the ingredients here?” she asked.

“Yes!” he added, taking out another sack and throwing it to the table.

“It would be very complex….” she said finally after reading through the entire recipe.

“I know, let Theta help you…. “ he said, “That girl has some really good luck!”

“Oh… I understand!” Hana said coldly, but her eyes began to sparkle. She really liked doing alchemy. Especially this kind that saved people's lives. And Victor was really taking care of her according to their deal… No, her pride would not let her work for free!

“What would I get as my payment?” she suddenly asked as she watched him walk toward the door… Although she was his slave now, she wanted some payment.

“How about a book of super rare Alchemy recipes?” he asked.

“Isn’t that benefiting you?” she said coldly. She was very tempted though!

“Don’t worry, the things I plan to give you later would benefit you greatly!” he said mysteriously with a smile as he walked out. Yin quickly followed after nodding to Hana.

Tom, who was having an omelet for breakfast in Isabella’s apartment, froze as he read the news feed on his phone… It was there in bold print.

Tom’s hand began to shake as he read the first article carefully. He then began to scroll around reading the other disturbing news.

“VICTOR!” He spat coldly just as Isabella walked into the kitchen with another girl.

“Tom, this is Naomi, she wanted to meet you….” she paused as she noticed Tom’s pale white complexion, “Tom, Are you alright?” she asked. She was a little worried about him, last night he kept mumbling incomprehensible things and wasn’t even able to finish the job!!!

“I…. I need to go!... Call you later…” He took his jacket and then walked out, bumping into Naomi on his way out, completely failing to realize that she was naked. That’s how much he was distressed!

“TOM!” Isabella yelled after him, but he didn’t reply as he closed the door behind him.

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