Chapter 188: Evil Class

The first one to enter was Beta who was a little nervous.

“You got back your memories?” Victor asked,

“Um..” She nodded… “My name was Triss…but if possible… I don’t want to use it ever again…” She said while keeping her eyes down.

“I don’t mind. But the past is the past, just remember that… And if you have any unsolved problems, tell Alpha or Lily when you feel ready.” Victor said with a soft smile, those girls all had dark pasts, “Now, what’s your class?” He asked, although he already knew.

“I am a Sharpshooter.” She replied, making him smile. Ever since Hilda began to train the girls in firearms, he had noticed that she was a little too trigger-happy as if she found her calling. And that was quickly reflected in her class.

“That’s good, I am dividing the girls into many teams. I will assign you to work with Theta to create a guild. Are you ok with that?” Victor asked.

“Um..” Beta nodded quickly. “As long as I stay with my sisters.” She added with some embarrassment.

“That would be up to them, but I think it is a good idea for all of you to form the core members of this new guild,” Victor said as he wrote something on the file in front of him then took out a ring and gave it to her… Making her freeze for a second.

“This is a gift for you… It is a storage ring like the one Alpha and Theta were using…” Victor said, making her a little ashamed of misunderstanding. “It is also a sign that you are mine from now on.” He said, making her blush as she realized that she didn’t misunderstand at all… She didn’t mind as she quickly took the ring and put it on her finger. She wanted him to do it but was too embarrassed to ask with the girls smirking at her.

“That’s all. Unless you want to tell me something?” Victor asked.

“No. young master….”

She quickly bowed and left the room with a flushed face… She wouldn't be able to sleep tonight, none of the girls will.

Ruby watched nervously as the girls entered the room one by one and then left with a blush and a ring on their fingers...


She tried to ask a girl she knew well, but that girl only blushed with a dreamy look, telling her that she would know once she entered. Would she also get a ring? If it were from that hot young master she didn’t mind at all. But can he really take care of all the girls? Was she really worthy of him? Wh… What was she thinking?

“Ruby…” A voice called “Ruby… RUBY…. Why are you so absent-minded? it's your turn.” A girl who left the room with a broad smile poked her arm startling her. Ah, it was her turn.

She got a little nervous as she straightened her clothes then pushed the door and made her way inside, where young master Victor was sitting at his desk sipping on a hot cup of coffee. He looked dashing!

“Let’s see… Ruby right?” Victor asked with a smile that made her little heart skip a beat.

“Yes…” She said,

“Your class?” He asked,

“A… A Healer.” She said as she noticed something wrong… He seemed a little injured… Was it her imagination?

“Can you tell me about your past?” He asked

“I… I don’t know my parents. I was raised in an orphanage. I met Rob… Theta there. We were sold to that Baron then I had to work at that place for six months when mistress Alpha came and saved us…” She quickly summarized.

“Oh. How many customers did you service there?” Victor asked rudely as he inspected her. She should have been angry as he was using the same gaze those filthy men used, but she was not!

“A lot…” She said as she looked down in shame.

“Don’t get me wrong… I am just curious why you are lying to me.” He said making her freeze and then look at him not daring to speak as the girls who surrounded him looked at her with some hostility.

“What does the young master mean?” She asked, a little ashamed.

“An Eldritch Healer is a very peculiar class.” He said as he gestured to Alpha who was about to slit Ruby’s throat to step down.

“I… I didn’t use it against any of the girls, I just healed them normally!” She said as tears welled in her eyes as she looked down. When she saw her class and skills in the dungeon she instinctively knew how evil they were.

“It’s ok… I know.” Victor’s voice sounded this time next to her. As in the next moment, she felt her head buried in a warm chest… “Just don’t lie to us again, we are your family from now on.” He said, making her eyes tear a little more, wetting his thin shirt making it transparent, and revealing his firm muscles behind it. She quickly stepped back in embarrassment as she noticed that.

He smelled nice though...

“Still no skill ha…” He murmured as he appraised her.

; ;


CLASS: Eldritch Healer


Strength: 25

Agility: 25

Intelligence: 26

Luck: 13

Charm: 27

Order: 10


Status Absorb, A

Eldritch Heal, C

Minor Soul Absorb, C

Fear, D

Pain Tolerance, D

Flesh Eating, E

Charm, E

Sexual Arts, E

Spear Arts, F

Kissing, F

Dagger Arts, F

Minor Curse Arts, F






“Skill?” She asked, but he ignored her and changed the subject.

“Are you feeling fine now?” He asked.

“Um…” She kept her head down, not realizing how overpowered her class might get if she were groomed the right way.

“Don’t worry, from now on you will work for Theta. Is that ok with you?” He asked as he glanced at Theta who smiled sweetly at him.

“Yes…” She nodded. She liked Robin, she was her first and only friend.

“Then take this… You are now mine.” He said, as under the girls’ envious eyes he took a ring and personally placed it on her finger, making her almost faint of happiness as she looked at it. She always dreamed of such a day when she was at that place… Not like this, but she didn’t mind.

“Now…do you know what the Eldritch heal means?.” He asked softly… waking her up and making all the girls listen carefully, except Alpha, who knew what it meant.

“Um… The system says it allows me to heal any damage on the target, but I have to sacrifice something of equivalent value…” She said.

“Exactly, a normal healer uses his Mana, but that limit’s him to his level. You are different, you can use anything with energy… Even living beings… Your level will affect just your speed.” He said, “You must promise me though, never use your own health or soul for that…” He added as he patted her head softly.

“Um…” She said as she enjoyed the feeling of his hand.

“Take this…” He said handing her a bag of gems… “Try to use them in exchange for healing my soul, I was injured a few days ago.” He said, making the girls look at him again. Is this why he felt strange today?

“Would you trust her like that? She already lied to us!” Alpha suddenly asked angrily, she knew quite well how scary eldritch classes were, all of them had some pretty evil soul powers.

“ I trust her… She is already mine… She would never betray me. Would you?” Victor asked Ruby casually, the reason he didn’t fear her was due to his Authority. Any status skill affecting skill or curse would need his approval, so she can’t hurt him… He was also very curious about her, what kind of suffering did she have to go through to get such a class?

“Never... Young...Master…” She said with a blush as she felt a strange warmth in her heart… Hopefully, he will not betray her too…

Malcolm’s bloodied fingers slid from the throat of the now dead boy in front of him, he didn’t want to kill him, but he would never risk having mercy on his enemy again. Never again.

He sighed as he looked at the corpse under the dim light coming from the candle that was slowly burning on the floor.

He first thought that the kids those evil assassins girls brought were like him, orphans who only got into crime life by sheer bad luck. But he couldn’t be more wrong. Most of those are fiends in human flesh. They were the worst of the worst.

He helped a girl who was bitten by a snake yesterday, but that b*tch not only did not thank him, she almost stabbed him with a screwdriver when he finished bandaging her leg. Thankfully, the screwdriver hit the practice book in his abdomen, giving him a good chance to step away from the girl whom he left and ran away… She was one or two years younger than him, when did she have the time to get this evil?

This morning the boy who was now dead at his feet tried to kill him too by tricking him. But he was ready this time when the boy tried to stab him and strangled him… This was his first kill. But after staying here for three days, he didn’t feel remorse as he rummaged through the boy’s clothes for food. He was starving.

Thankfully he found a chocolate bar that the boy was saving… He quickly ate as he retreated to his hideout, a small hidden chamber in the cave that can only be entered through a well-hidden passage.

He sat there then took out a candle that he got from that kid in addition to the now damaged practice book and began to practice the shadow steps explained in it… He will need this to survive. One of the girls gave it to him before throwing him in the cave. She told him that he was the weakest one here, and this was her gift for him as her first disciple… He didn’t feel any compassion for her. But still, he needed to learn this.

How long would the evil girls keep them locked up in here? What if they forgot about them? He really wanted to wait by the cave's locked entrance, but that place was the most dangerous spot.

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