Chapter 152: The Predator Duke, Part II

Translator: HunterW

Editor: RED

A black smoke soon enveloped the Duke and his soldiers. The smoke wasn’t from any of the deities or the devas, as not a single one of them had died or even got hurt. The smoke was from the liquid that was pouring out from the Duke. The Duke was still absorbing damage from the Werewolves’ attacks, but his soldiers weren’t dismayed about that.

The Duke’s appearance had changed completely. He had just lost a large amount of his fatty flesh.

-He’s never lost that much weight at once like that!-

The Duke’s entire army had never seen this happen. It was proof that Lee Jiwon had inflicted so much damage that the Duke couldn’t absorb it all.

“Wah… a single person can do that?”

“Fuck… is he actually a deva like us? What if there’s something more overpowered than devas or deities out there?”

“That might just be possible…if you consider everything he’s done so far.”


The soldiers that had stayed behind could not believe what they had just seen. They had never failed or been disappointed before. They didn’t even like the fact that they weren’t up there with the Duke. They wanted the EXP from killing the Werewolves, too. It shocked them even more that the tactic that had never failed before had just fallen to pieces.

The Werewolf Clan was equally shocked. Everything had technically gone as Lee Jiwon had planned. He attracted attention as he said he would, and the Duke had ordered his men to focus their attacks on him, just as they had expected. Then, he slipped past their defenses using Blink and attacked the Duke. This was something the Clan simply couldn’t do.

But what they couldn’t believe was that he actually managed to stop the Duke and his team dead in their tracks. Lod and his officers didn’t even think that was possible.

Both sides were so shocked that they actually stopped fighting for a moment, until the Duke began swearing in anger.

“Fuck! Lee Jiwon, you son of a bitch!” The Duke emerged from the black smoke, shrunk to half his previous size.

“Assault team 1, stand by. All other teams, ignore the Duke and attack the devas at the rear!” Lod shouted his orders; orders that would ultimately decide the fate of the battle.

The Duke and his team had put a considerable distance between them and his remaining army. In other words, the remaining 9500 devas were left undefended. There was also a chance that they could run to the Duke’s aid any second, and Lod needed to keep them occupied, at least until the Duke was taken care of.

Unfortunately, the 9500 devas were thinking the same.

“Get to the Duke!”

“It’s not over yet. The Duke can still use his Predation Curse. The longer the battle, the better it is for us!”

“Altered Equality,” I said as soon as the Duke emerged from the black smoke. Now that I had completed my first task perfectly, all that was left was to kill the Duke. This was it. I couldn’t let him get away. Failure was not an option.

==[You have activated Altered Equality – Altered Equal Stats on your opponent.

Your opponent’s base Stat points, Stat points increased by skills and items and Stat points granted by specials will all be redistributed.

Calculating all Stat points…]==

==[Your opponents Stats have been redistributed.

The effects of Altered Equality will last for the next 24 hours and you must wait that time before using Altered Equality on someone else.

Stat points received for Kiran will be set to 0 as payment for using Altered Equality.]==

At that moment, the Duke stopped in mid-tantrum and glared at me, his eyes full of rage. I could actually see his eyes now.

I smiled back. Altered Equality really was the perfect skill to piss anyone off like that. I probably just cut his entire attack power by more than half by redistributing his Stat points. Who wouldn’t be mad?

I could hear him grind his teeth in anger from all the way here.

“Lee Jiwon! I swear I’ll eat you, bones and all!”

“I’d love to see you try.” I gripped my Harrier once more and charged in. He could no longer absorb all the damage from me at once now. Lod and three hundred Werewolves of the First Assault team were hot on my heels.

I stabbed and slashed at the devas blocking my way.

“Gah! Shit!” One deva fell after only two hits. They all had lower DEF as they were mainly archers and mages. It was impossible for them to withstand any more than two hits.

“Shit. Stick as close to the Duke as possible!”

“The rest of our army is on its way. Once these dogs get caught in the Duke’s curse, it’ll only be a matter of time. We’ll win as long as we hold!”

The four deity guards formed a circle around the Duke.

“You’re not the only ones with an AoE debuff!”

“You guys oughta see for yourselves, dumbass!”

The Werewolves’ morale was higher than expected. Even though one died after the other, they died smiling.


“What’s wrong?”

“Right now, we’re…within the area of effect of the King-Emperor’s Grand Dignity? What is this?”

“All of our Stats are being lowered by 12%.”


They were all shocked as they realized they were under the effect of a powerful debuff. They turned their attention to the spear-wielding Lee Jiwon. It could only be from him!

It was then they realized that Lee Jiwon could actually turn the tide of this war. It had already started when Lee Jiwon broke through the Duke’s fleshy armor. All the while, Lee Jiwon’s battle prowess shone brightly, almost to the point that they wanted him on their side instead.

“Shit! Do something about him!”

“Fuck! His normal attack just knocked off half of my health. This can’t be happening!”

Lee Jiwon ignored the cries of his enemies and spun his spear faster. There was no time to show mercy.

“Grrr! Move! I’ll deal with Lee Jiwon. The rest of you deal with the Werewolves!” The Duke decided that he could no longer sit back. He was losing this battle and it was all because of Lee Jiwon. The Duke had no idea that Lee Jiwon was this powerful. Lee Jiwon’s results during the Time Attack were all thanks to Absolute Destruction. While everyone else trembled in fear of that overpowered ability, the Duke didn’t care. He was confident that his fleshy armor could absorb whatever damage that came his way. After all, Absolute Destruction needed at least one point of damage to be inflicted.

It also shouldn’t have mattered that he was an Unrivaled deva. No other Unrivaled or deity had ever been able to hurt the Duke. Lee Jiwon should have been the same!

“Son of a bitch!”

“Fucking fat pig!” I swore back. We began fighting one on one when the Duke stepped forward and sent his guards away. We were left alone as his soldiers tried to escape Grand Dignity and the Werewolves tried to escape Predation Curse.

“Flesh Whip!” The Duke formed a whip out of his flesh and lashed it at me. His attack wasn’t strong enough to break through my DEF, but it was annoying when his attacks kept draining my HP. I turned my body to avoid the whip.

“Flesh Ball! Link 1. Sticky Flesh. Link 2. Exploding Flesh!” Several blobs of flesh flew right at me. For someone with crazy high DEF, the Duke really preferred ranged combat. It was obvious he was being too careful. It was all the better for me, I could take advantage of it.

“Blink 2.” I Blinked right behind him and stabbed at his back. This battle was going to take a while. It wouldn’t be long until Blink 1’s cooldown would be up.

“You slippery bastard!” Every time my spear pierced his skin, more and more black liquid poured out of his wounds.

“Summon: Giant Exploding Flesh Doll!”


“Gah!” I couldn’t avoid the Doll’s explosion, as it appeared right under my feet. I lost quite a bit of health from that attack. In fact, it dealt by far the most damage I had ever received!

“Kekeke!” I could hear the Duke laugh as he saw me get flung away by the force of the explosion.

Well, it’s not like I expected this to be easy. Everything was fine. What pissed me off was that the Duke’s flesh had expanded again when I took damage from the Exploding Doll. He must have regenerated some HP.

All I could do now was to just keep up the pressure and connect as many attacks as possible. I just needed to shave off all of that fat!

“I’m going to force-diet you real good!”

“Don’t make me laugh!”

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