The World Turned into a Game After I Woke up

Chapter 143: This Has To Be A Bug! Part III

Chapter 143: This Has To Be A Bug! Part III

Translator: HunterW

Editor: RED

“Huh?” Two Sunbin Guild members were standing guard in the underground training room, waiting for the return of the sixteen-man party. They would need to report once the party returned, as both the Sunbin and Myth Guilds were completely focused on this raid.

The guards had been leisurely waiting when the party had emerged after two hours and twenty minutes. The guards had thought that the party had given up, as they were told to expect the raid to take at least three and a half hours.

“See, I told you. It’s not possible. I knew that would happen.”

“You punk. You were just saying that they were going to set a crazy record.”

“That…that was just…”

“Whatever. Just hurry up and report that they’ve returned.”

“Tsk, fine.” The guard picked up his Comm Link and contacted the command center. When he finished, the other guard spoke up.

“By the way, if we take Lee Jiwon’s abilities into account… finishing in just over two hours isn’t that far-fetched.”

“Yeah, right. I know he’s strong but he can’t do that with a sixteen-man dungeon. If he actually did, I’ll give you the 35,000,000 golden rings I’ve been saving up for items.”

“You’re serious, right?”

“Damn right, I am. If I’m right, though, drinks are on you tonight.”


At that moment, Song Daechul, Shin and the other officers burst into the training room.

“They’re already here?”

“They didn’t give up, did they?”

“Something could have gone wrong.”

Even they felt that the party had returned to quickly. Song Myungsoo stepped forward to the officers and spoke. “Open Saved Records.”

==[You have 5 records saved.

16-man dungeon: 02:15:57 – Sunbin Guild

16-man dungeon: 06:19:37 – Sunbin Guild


5. 16-man dungeon: 06:31:21 – Sunbin Guild]==


“Two hours…”


The Sunbin Guild’s conference room…

‘Leave the flanks to me, oppa!’

‘Got it.’

‘You do whatever you think is best, Jiwon. We’ve got your back’


The guilds’ officers were going over the video of the recent raid while Lee Jiwon took a breather before heading out with the Myth Guild.

“That’s quite the wall three Unrivaled devas make.”

“Agreed. That wall has perfect defense and attack capabilities.” A few were watching in amazement and made a few comments at how quickly the party was able to trek through the dungeon.

Then, as they watched the party arrive at the boss room and how the Lich died before it could use its trademark dual shields, the entire room fell silent. They couldn’t find the words to describe how they felt as they watched the Lich that usually took a few hours to kill die from a single skill.

-This has got to be a cheat!-

-None of this makes sense!-

-This has got to be a bug of some kind. There’s no other rational explanation for this.-

Those that just watched the video were all thinking the same thing. They had all encountered numerous devas and deities, and not a single one of them ever came close to having anything as overpowered as Absolute Destruction.

-Can we really leave Lee Jiwon alone like this?-

-Will Lee Jiwon’s solo play end up hurting us in the future?-

-There’s a limit to how strong someone can be. But this… this is just insane. He keeps growing and growing.-

-Can we really just let him grow like this? Don’t we need to stop him somehow?-

Everyone had the same thoughts, but no one could bring themselves to voice their opinion. Should it seem that they were being jealous of their best ally, they could end up losing that relationship over to the other side.

-We just need to make sure he sticks with the Sunbin Guild.-

-We just need to make sure he sticks with the Myth Guild.-

After that, my job was the same. I would help the Sunbin Guild and the Myth Guild in rotation and help them obtain records of different times.

“Mr. Lee, I think we can stop here and rest for a couple of hours.”

“I understand. Let’s do that.” We came to a stop right in front of the boss room. Our goal for this raid was to get four hours and ten minutes.

Each guild could only register one record in its name at a time. The plan was to record times of varying speeds and to register the best record at the last second on the last day.

Since I already agreed to help them five times each, I agreed to help them with this plan as well. It wasn’t going to be that difficult, anyway.

Meanwhile, at Komosomolets Island, Russia…

There was a red mansion in the middle of the snow-covered island that didn’t look like it belonged there.

“Hmm…Lee Jiwon is it…” Dorofei Krutikov, the owner of the mansion, sighed as he looked over a picture of Lee Jiwon.

Dorofei was known as The Information Hunter and the owner of the Troll Market. His fame wasn’t enough that he was known by mortals, but plenty of powerful people knew who he was and that he wasn’t one to be trifled with.

Dorofei had the ability to gather unobtainable information and items that were normally hard to come by.

“I knew for a fact that Lee Jiwon’s potential power was at level 19. I even checked myself three times by going to Korea and Egypt.” Dorofei also had the ability to see someone’s potential power. He didn’t need consent to see it, but regardless, he could see the person’s potential to grow. Level 19 was too low to even care about.

On average, the potential of powerful people he met was at level 50. Anything lower could be considered trash and he had seen a lot of trash among devas who couldn’t adapt to their new power and couldn’t make headway, no matter how hard they tried.

“But Lee Jiwon is completely different. No, he’s beyond different.” At first, Dorofei thought it was all a coincidence, like a worthless person was getting so lucky almost all the time, but it shouldn’t have mattered. No matter how much treasure a worthless person had, he should still remain trash. Dorofei thought that was the case with Lee Jiwon, but he was wrong.

Every time he started to forget Lee Jiwon’s name, there would always be some huge issue involving him. Luck could no longer explain his success, especially after what had happened in India.

“Muskan’s potential was level 147, Lagus’ was at level 112, and Lee Jiwon’s was still at level 19. But how did the Destruction God’s strongest ability go to Lee Jiwon? He was only the Second Comrade, not the First!” Dorofei scoffed. He just couldn’t believe it.

Dorofei picked up the report on the Time Attack display boards that was given to him less than a minute ago. “The Sunbin and the Myth Guilds’ records have to be because of Lee Jiwon.”

It wasn’t really awkward for the Sunbin Guild to be in top five rankings, but that didn’t go for the Myth Guild. Furthermore, their records were too similar and were both two hours ahead of third place. It had to be because of Lee Jiwon; there was no other explanation.

Lee Jiwon was special to both guilds; it wasn’t weird for them to help each other out.

Someone knocked on his door. “What is it?”

“I have news from Europe, master.”

“Come in.”

The large door opened, and a butler entered.

“So, how are things over there?”

“The Predator Duke and the Werewolf Clan are still fighting to the death, but it seems the Duke is gaining ground. Here’s the full report.” The butler handed Dorofei a folder.

“That fat, greedy pig…” Dorofei accepted the folder while insulting the Predator Duke and read through the report. Dorofei’s eyes opened wide. “Lee Jiwon?”

“Yes sir. The Werewolf Clan has asked Lee Jiwon for aid. Lee Jiwon was the one to defeat the Blood Prince, one of the Seven Monarchs, after all.”

“That isn’t all, is it?”

“No sir. The Duke seems to know about the Werewolf Clan’s request, but isn’t doing anything to stop them.”

“The pig’s getting hungry.”

“Yes sir. It would seem that he wishes to eat not only the Werewolf Clan, but Lee Jiwon as well.”

“Gahaha. That fat pig wanted Muskan, as well. He actually wanted to eat the God of Destruction. But do you know what happened instead? He couldn’t make a single move. He was too scared of her power.” Dorofei laughed out loud as he recalled the Duke’s confused expression. Then, Dorofei quickly put on a serious face. “But Lee Jiwon won’t be able to do anything against the Duke. He has the Destruction God’s strongest ability, and yet he’s still at level 19.”

“Are you going to leave them be?”

“Hmm…” Dorofei closed his eyes and leaned back on his chair. After about an hour, Dorofei opened his eyes again and looked over at his butler. “Leave them. Lee Jiwon still managed to take down one of the Seven Monarchs. I’m sure he can do it again, even though he has less than 0.1% chance of succeeding. Something… unexpected could happen.”

“Yes, master. I understand.” The butler bowed before leaving the room.

The Sunbin Guild’s headquarters…

“Thank you, Jiwon.”

“I’m extremely grateful as well, Mr. Lee. If it weren’t for you, the Myth Guild could never have hoped to make it to the top ranks.”

“It was nothing. I just wanted to thank you for all the help you’ve given me.”

“The,n what will you do now?”

There were still ten days left until the end of the Time Attack quest. We would have to wait until the quest ended in order to get the rewards.

(TN: I know that more time should have passed, according to the previous chapters. I’ll check the raws and let you know.)

“I was planning to do some easy hunting until the quest ended.” Since I didn’t get to hunt at Pharos’s dungeon, I was planning to take it easy for the next ten days and wait for the reward to come out.

“Then why don’t you stay with the Sunbin Guild for the time being? If you ever want to go to any dungeons, we set up our own Teleport Zone. You can use it as much as you like,” Song Myungsoo said as soon as I finished.

“Thank you.” That was a fine offer that I decided to accept, even though the Myth Guild seemed a little bummed out.

And so, I decided to wait out the Time Attack quest with the Sunbin Guild.

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