The World Serpent

Chapter 89 - 89-Another One

As the Golden Bright Sun rose from the Horizon, Its bright sunlight shone over the Everlasting Plains of the Korr Region. The Azure Blue Skies revealed themselves as the sunlight illuminated the World. The Breeze of Wind carried the White Fluffy Clouds in the Heavens and rustled the Tall Slick Grass of the Plains. It was the start of a new day, A Peaceful Day within the Realm of Piksyon.

The sunlight pierced through the window as it revealed a Simple Bed with a Figure under its slumber. The Figure had a Hair that rivaled the Great Silvers, and she seemed to be in a Deep Slumber. The bright sunlight illuminated her face as she finally began moving her body. The Figure was about to wake up as she opened her Eyelids which revealed the Golden Amber Eyes.

"Hmm..." The Figure grumbled as she began erratically moving her body around the Simple Bed. It was a long bustling night, and the Figure never had the chance to enjoy it. She spent her time in a lonely spot to remember something or someone important to her. Though, she gave up after hours of skimming through her mind. The Figure then rose from her bed as she stretched her beautiful body.

"That was a long night..." Persia yawned as she got out of her bed. She looked around the room and walked towards the Bathroom. It has been a while since she formally took a bath. The Word relaxing was foreign for someone like Persia. As Persia entered through the Bathroom, she began cleaning herself and exited it within 5 minutes after entering. She instantly created clothing for herself and finally opened the door of the room.

Persia looked around the hallway as she couldn't find anything but silence. The People must have been tired during the Bustling Time yesterday. "Well, At least they enjoyed it." Persia chuckled to herself as she walked through the hallway and arrived at the kitchen. Entering the kitchen, Persia could see Ego preparing for their breakfast.

Ego instantly noticed Persia and turned her head towards her Sister. "Good Morning, Sister." Ego spoke with her monotone voice while Persia was in silence. Ego was wearing an apron which made her look strange. Especially when she highly resembled Persia herself. Persia then shook her head and replied to Ego. "Good Morning, Ego..."

Persia then walked towards the Table and sat upon the chair near it. She looked at Ego, who was peacefully cooking in the kitchen. The Crescents were sleeping within their rooms as they had their time during the night. It must have been their first time meeting with a race that didn't try to kill them. Ego noticed Persia's gaze and looked back to her Sister. "Is there something wrong?"

Persia smiled as she shook her head and replied. "Nothing is wrong... I'm simply thinking of something." Persia's voice had a tinge of curiosity and sadness. Ego wondered what her Sister had in mind. "Are you sure about it, Sister?" Ego asked once again with her monotone voice. Despite speaking in a monotone voice, It had a tinge of worry and care.

Persia was about to say no until she remembered Statera's situation. She chucked at her idiocy as she was about to make the same mistake as Statera. 'Problems tend to appear when you least expect it. Your Actions will either make your Problems Weaker or Stronger. So each choice is important, and one should be careful in choosing their fate.' Persia thought to herself as she looked at Ego with her Golden Amber Eyes.

"As you can see, Ego. I seem to have forgotten something." Persia replied with a calm and soothing voice. Ego nodded as she mumbled to herself. "Something?" Persia could hear Ego's mumble and shook her head as she replied. "That is correct. I forgot something important." What was the importance of the forgotten memory? That was a question that kept plaguing Persia's mind.

"Hmm... I found it hard to believe that Sister forgot a memory." Ego completed cooking the breakfast and began preparing it. She thought about the words spoken by her Sister, and she couldn't find anything connected to it. "Is there more info about the forgotten memory?" Ego asked with her monotone voice.

Persia thought about it for a while and instantly remembered her conversation with Statera. "I have one piece of info about the forgotten memory. I seem to be speaking about a Man that I had forgotten." Ego stopped moving as the doors in all the rooms within the House opened at the same time. Crescents began flooding in like a mob of white silver people and stood in front of Persia.

"A Man?" "Master has a man?" "As expected of Master." "How unfortunate...." There were different reactions between the group of Crescents. Ego raised an eyebrow as she couldn't find any memory about a man. Persia shook her head after seeing the Crescents and decided to stop the misunderstanding from growing.

"I'm not talking about a lover. I don't feel such a thing. Speaking about the man makes me feel like speaking about Ego." Persia spoke with a calm and soothing voice as the sighs of disappointment kept echoing within the House. Though, one of the Crescents managed to find something within Persia's words.

"Hmm... It seems that the Master has a Familial Love towards the man." The Young Crescent mumbled to herself. The Crescents around her quickly understood what she meant and released one single Word at the same time.

"Brother." Such Word echoed within the House as Persia felt her beating heart getting stronger and stronger. "Brother?" Persia mumbled the same Word as the Memories within her mind wanted to remember such a forgotten Word. "Brother? This. Sounds familiar." Persia mumbled to herself once again. Something was blocking the memories within her mind. She could notice the blockade within her consciousness. She didn't know who tried to mess with her memories, but there was one thing she was sure about the current info. She needed to open them back up.

"Ego..." Persia spoke towards Ego as Ego immediately nodded. As she prepared the breakfast on the Table, Persia stood up and looked towards the Crescents. "Eat your breakfast, and don't let me see a single food left on the table," Persia said with a calm and soothing voice. It had a tinge of seriousness which made the Crescents nod at the same time. Persia smiled after seeing their nods as She and Ego walked out of the House.

"Where are we heading, Sister?" Ego asked with her monotone voice as Persia replied. "We'll look for Statera." Since Statera was one of the highest beings within the Realm of Piksyon, She might be able to help find the problem within Persia's mind. Hearing Persia's answer, Ego nodded as the two of them continued walking towards the House where the Astral Spirit Lord and Spirit Lords were staying.

The two of them arrived at the House of the Astral Spirit Lord. It was a Temporary House for the Highest Spirits. Persia stood in front of the door and kicked it with her leg. She knocked it down like a brute as the door got slammed to the ground. It found itself broken into pieces. Persia entered through the House and shouted with her soothing voice. "Statera, I need to ask a favor." Statera then revealed herself. Persia looked at Statera as she found Statera covered in a towel. Statera's hair also seemed wet.

"Persia, Why do you have to break the door?" Statera asked with a curious voice as Persia shrugged and replied. "I have an emergency." Hearing Persia's words, Statera raised an eyebrow as she instantly transformed back to her Common clothing. The Spirit Lords walked down through the stairs from the second floor of the House. They then saw Persia standing on the broken door. 'Why?' The Four Spirit Lords had the same question within their mind.

"Someone like you having an emergency? Are you sure?" Statera thought that Persia was joking, only for Persia to shake her head in disagreement. Statera sighed as she signaled Persia and Ego to enter the House. The Two of them entered as the broken door instantly repaired itself without any problems. "The fact that you had to knock down the door of my Simple House. It must have been quite an emergency." Statera sat on the couch while Persia and Ego sat on the opposite.

The Spirit Lords, hearing the Word emergency, got Serious. They immediately wore their Common clothing and stood behind Statera. Statera then continued speaking with her seductive voice. "Is there an Army trying to invade the Occidental Region? Is a Ruler planning something bad? What is the problem you have, Persia?"

"I can solve those problems on my own. But there is one problem that I can't solve." Persia spoke with an aloof voice on the first sentence, but her voice got Serious on the second one. Statera raised an eyebrow as she waited for Persia to continue her words. Persia then took a deep breath as she spoke with her serious voice.

"There is a memory blocked within my mind. I might need your help to free it." Persia finally released her emergency as Statera's face got serious. "Blocked Memory? From your words, The Blocked Memory isn't natural, which means someone blocked it." Statera concluded as Persia nodded in agreement. Statera sighed as another problem arose within the Great Forest.

"I cannot sense any foreign intervention within your mind. It seems that the one that blocked it is a master. It might be even its Origin Skill to temper onto one's mind, which might be dangerous." Statera continued as Persia nodded once again and spoke with her soothing voice. "I might be able to find a solution though I would rather have you by my side before doing it."

Statera raised an eyebrow after hearing Persia's words and smirked. "Isn't that interesting... Well, then. I will help you as a Favor for helping me." Statera spoke with her seductive voice as Persia smirked as well. The Spirit Lords had one thought within their mind. 'They aren't going to cause destruction once again, right?' Fortunately, They were correct.

The group then walked out of the House as they instantly disappeared. Within the Everlasting Plains. Numerous Figures appeared within such lands as they waited for the Figure with White Silver Hair to begin the operation. "What was the operation about again?" Mayon asked as Persia answered. "I don't know, but I'd like for more people to help me in case something went wrong."

Persia then stood in the grassy field as she thought to herself. 'System... Begin troubleshooting.' After thinking such words, Persia felt something warm within her body as a notification echoed within her mind. She then saw a notification window instantly appearing in front of her.

[Troubleshooting will begin...]

Persia calmly waited as the area around her distorted. Statera and the Spirit Lords looked at Persia with a surprised expression. They couldn't feel Persia's energy which meant that it wasn't Persia causing the distortion. Ego looked at Persia as her Golden Amber Eyes glowed in anticipation. A Hidden Memory must have been an important one. It must have been something that defined the life of her Sister and maybe herself.

[Troubleshooting completed.]

[Soul Memories, Sealed.]

[Mail with unknown origins, Sealed.]

[Abnormalities within User, Zero.]

Persia looked at the notification and thought. 'Find ways to solve the seal Mail and Memories.' After such a thought, The System began finding ways to unseal the problems. A Notification then echoed within Persia's mind. She looked at the notification window and started reading it.

[Answers found. For more information, Please traversed through the Soul Core of the User Persia.]

[Soul Core traveling will begin in 5 seconds. Beings within the Circle will get transported, and those with hostile intentions will get deported.]

A Spell Circle formed on the ground with Persia as the center. Statera and the Spirit Lords noticed the Spell Circle, but they didn't try to avoid it. Persia looked at Statera, Ego, and the Spirit Lords as she smirked towards them. "Prepare yourselves... A Small Adventure awaits us."

The Spell Circle shone with a Silver White Light as it created a pillar of light that pierced through the Heavens. The Group disappeared from the spot as they finally got transported onto a strange place within Persia's soul. It was the Soul Core. A Place where Ego got born. Mysteries hidden within such a small realm will open as the Secrets within Persia's core will unveil.

The Forbidden Residence will finally open once again.

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