The World Serpent

Chapter 69 - 69-The Calm Before The Storm

The Three Young Girls looked around the Empty Forest and found no trace of their current Teacher. The Golden Bright Sun illuminated the Heavens and the Earth as they looked back at the Books given to them by their teacher. They remembered the name of the Books. They were called Attribute Books, and each of them had information about a specific element. With this in mind, Luna took a deep breath and spoke with a cautious voice.

"From what Master and Lord Ego said. We can conclude that the Attribute Books contained Information about our Elements. The Attribute Book is probably important as its Info might help Beings, who have a hard time controlling their Elements." Capita and Marx nodded at the same time after hearing Luna's words. They agreed with what she said as the Attribute Book was comparable to a golden treasure for those that control a certain element.

"Should we take a look at it? Lord Ego had given us the Books to learn our Elements and increased our strength." Capita said with a calm voice as Marx replied. "I don't know about the whole scheme of things, but if the Books increased our control and strength. I will use it without any hesitation." Marx raised a knuckle with her Arm while smirking.

Luna and Capita shook their head as Marx was too simple-minded. But her words continued to linger on their minds as they couldn't help but agree on it. The Attribute Books finally got handed to their new owners, Luna, Capita, and Marx. They owned the Space, Time, and Void Attribute book. The Rarest of the Attribute Books within Existence.

However though, despite knowing the importance of the Book. They heavily underestimated its value in the Realm of Piksyon. Ego already knew the value of the Attribute Books as warnings already got plastered upon it. Persia, on the other hand, didn't care about the warning. The Inquisition was currently at the First Stage of its Development. It meant that they were training for whole months to be the pillars of the Inquisition.

The Attribute Books of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth were enough to move Armies within the Realm of Piksyon. One would wonder what would happen if the word about the Void, Space, and Time Attribute Books got out. Such events were for the future as it was the Foundation Stage of the Inquisition. One of the Future Best Forces within the Realm of Piksyon.

After receiving the Attribute Books, The Young Girls separated from each other. They went back to their homes to study on their newly received book. Studying was something they had already done during the Magic Training Regiment. Marx, who hated studying Magic, already developed a strange habit of studying something that gave her an Unknown feeling. It was quite a strange changed, but it was good for the Beings that control Mana. After all, Within the Realm of Piksyon and Mana. Knowledge is Power.

A Kilometer away from them was Ego leaning on a simple tree on a hilly peak. She looked at the Young Girls heading back to the Inquisition Settlement. "It seems that they already concluded to study the book for about 5 minutes after being left alone. They even have a good idea on the importance of the book, which is a good thing to have."

"I should continue observing them..." Ego nodded to herself as she felt someone standing right beside her. Ego sighed and turned her head, seeing a Beautiful Young Girl with White Silver Hair and Golden Amber Eyes. The Beautiful Young Girl looked at the Blue Azure Skies with a smile as Ego spoke with a calm voice. "Is there something wrong, Sister?"

"There's nothing wrong. Storms are simply forming in the Horizon. They seemed to be planning on entering this Forest." Persia said with a calm and soothing voice while smiling towards Ego. "Ehem... It seems that there is something about to go wrong in the forest." Ego coughed as she knew from her Sister's words that there were problems about to happen in the Forest.

"Does Sister know the Storms that would hit the Forest?" Ego asked as she had a bit of information about her Sister's skill. One was a Good Skill that had a little bit of relation with observation. It was called the Origin Skill World Eye. Seeing everything from the World's Perception. Persia looked at Ego and answered the simple question.

"Approximately three Storms are forming outside the Forest. They would probably hit the Forest in about a month. I have full information about the First Storm, but the Second and Third Storm, which are the most powerful ones, are currently unknown." Persia said as her eyes got colder and colder. A Slit slowly formed on her pupils as her Golden Amber Eyes glowed in coldness.

Ego felt a strong wave of aura escaping from her Sister's Body. Ego didn't feel anything, but the effect of the Aura distorted the Air. Persia continued her words with a cold and serious voice. Her Soothing and Calm Voice disappeared. "The fact that they can somehow stop me from looking into the Storm means that they are quite strong. Fortunately, They would only come after the First Storm."

"Eh? Can Sister give me the information about the First Storm?" Ego asked as the Information of the First Storm might help them prepare themselves. Preparation of the Storm was the best way to survive through it. Persia turned her head as the Aura of Dominion disappeared. The Distorted Air calmed down as Persia answered Ego's question.

"It is a piece of simple information. Though the results would not change even if you have more information about the First Storm." Ego nodded, and a serious expression got plastered onto her face. Persia seeing the serious expression, released a soft chuckle as Persia continued her words. "Well, It's simply a green pest from the Outside attempting to invade with their puny army."

"The Ork Nation who controlled the Subjugation Group. They are planning to invade the Forest, and it seems that they are planning on a Mass Exodus." Persia looked at the skies once again. Ego, on the other hand, was shocked. Ego didn't know how the Origin Skill her Sister had, learned so much information without moving. She then heard her Sister's soothing voice echoing through her mind.

"No one can escape the World Eye."

It was a simple sentence, and it was a powerful one. It implicated that the moment Persia sees her opponents and who they were. She would observe them no matter where they hid. The Second and Third Storm got out as Persia had no information about them. The First Storm already had given themselves up when they invaded the Forest.

"Let us say that this simple month is the Calm Before the Storm. So let us give the Crescents the time they needed to train themselves and get stronger to be the pillars of the Inquisition. We would also have to start a Festival to give the Crescents a chance to release the results of their training to the World around them." Persia said as she faded away. She planned to do something during the month.. What she was planning to do was unknown, but time will tell.

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