Within the Gigantuan Patch of Land with a Lake at its Core. Wooden Walls were at its outskirts with Wooden Spikes pointed to the Forest. Humanoid figures were seen within the Land as they calmly adapt to their new bodies. The Humanoid Figures had Silver White Hair. They had White Fluffy Tails, and they had Wolf-like Ears. They were called Crescents, The Humanoid Form of the Lunar Wolves. The Tails and Ears seemed to be retractable, but it seems that the Crescents wanted their Wolf-like Creatures to be on their Humanoid Body.

The Crescents were practicing moving their Bipedal Body. It was quite strange for them to move in such a manner, and sometimes they even would crawl due to their subconscious engraved with a Beast-like Manner. It took a while for all of them to adapt. The Adults had a hard time while the Children were the fastest ones. The Crescents Lives were blooming, and they were at peace within this Small Settlement of theirs.

Near the Lake of the Settlement was a Simple Cabin. It was the Cabin of their Master and Lord. The Cabin of Persia, The Recently evolved Demonling Serpent. In the Cabin were Two Figures sitting on their Chairs while looking at each other. It was Persia and Ego. Persia had her Golden Amber Eyes staring at Ego's Eyes that was the same as hers. It was time for the lesson to begin. The Lesson about something called Magic.

"Are you ready for the Lesson, Sister?" Ego asked with the same monotone voice. Persia thought that Ego's voice would change after gaining a Humanoid Form, but unfortunately, it was the same voice that she always hear within her head. Hearing Ego's words, Persia nodded and spoke with a calm voice. "I'm ready."

Ego then began the explanation of the Arts called Magic. The Information came from the Books that Ego got within the Ancient Library. She had a lot of books that she copied, and she was still gaining information within them. The Language also took a lot of time to decipher as it was harder than what Ego thought. There were Layers within the Ancient Language, and it seems that the books got ranked according to the Layers of the Ancient Language.

"Well, Let's start our Lesson about Magic. I will begin with the Three Requirements needed for Power System like Magic to work." Ego said with a confident tone as Persia nodded without any hesitation. Ego then continued her words. "The Three Requirements are Energy, Vessel, and Authority." It was a simple sentence about the Three Requirements. Persia nodded once again and waited for Ego to continue.

"Energy comes from many sources. The Main Source is Mana. There are other sources such as Divine, Karma, Lifeforce, and Many more. The Main Source is Mana because it is everywhere. The same could be said with other sources, but the Mana Source was something that has been refined for millenniums. It was a widely accepted source of Energy." Ego explained the First Requirement, which was Energy.

"Vessel is the Holder of the Energy. There are many kinds of Vessels from Biological or Inanimate Objects. The Main Vessel is one Physique as the stronger the Physique. The Stronger and Bigger the Vessel, The More Energy it could hold. The Magic System doesn't require the Physique. It needs a Core as its replacement. A Core is a Vessel created within one's body and refined to be better and stronger. It is the only thing that could hold Mana as Mana is external energy, unlike Lifeforce, which is internal." Ego finished explaining the Second Requirement of Magic called Vessel.

"I see. From your explanation, It seems that there is a lot of Power Systems other than Magic." Persia said while nodding at Ego's explanation. Ego, hearing her Sister's words, nodded and spoke about the Power Systems. "There are some Power Systems within the Book, and they are quite useful." Persia raised an eyebrow and looked at Ego with her Golden Amber Eyes.

"Continue..." Persia said with a calm and soothing voice. Ego nodded and continued her words with a confident expression plastered on her face. "There is the Lifeforce System, Karmic System, Faith System, and many more Power System." Persia had an intrigue expression after hearing the words of Ego. Before Persia could speak, Ego already continued. "Other Power Systems will be for later."

Persia nodded in agreement as she wasn't impatient about the Power Systems. It was time for Ego to explained the last requirements. Ego then continued her explanation about the requirements of Magic.

"The Last Requirement is Authority. It is the Authority of a Being. The Control over an Energy. These will be the defining requirements that are the most important for someone to use a Power System. Authority couldn't be increase which means that Authority is more or less like Talent. The Greater Authority you have, the Easier the Power System will be." It was quite a simple explanation about the Authority Requirement. The Defining Requirement for a Power System to work. It was the words Persia remembered.

"Now that the explanation about Requirements is complete. How about the use of Magic. I saw some strange circles created by the Shaman. They seemed to invoke the Elements and order them with the use of Mana. They can even alter something into a different state which is a useful ability." Persia said as she remembered the Shamans or the Magus Orks that she fought against. Although she couldn't kill them personally, She could still see their weird circle alternating the Elements.

"Oh... What you mean is the Spell Circle. The Spell Circle is like a Program. It tells Mana what to do. It is hard to create but easy to memorize. Spell Creation is incredibly hard as one failure might destroy something or someone. It might even harm the Magus creating the spell. The only ones that can create the Spell were High-ranking Magus. Most Magus only Buy or Copy the Spell and Learn it." Ego explained as she pointed her finger towards the Window.

Persia stared intently at Ego's Finger as a Spell Circle slowly formed in front of her Finger. A Water Ball formed in the Spell Circle as it flew through an Open Window and fell to the Ground outside the Cabin. Ego looked at Persia, who was staring at the Window. Persia then spoke with a confused tone. "How did you do that? I thought that Spell Creation was hard?"

"Sister, I hope you don't forget what my Core Existence is. I always calculate everything, including the use of your Ability. Creating a Spell isn't that hard, especially with the information I got from the Books." Ego said with her Monotone Voice. It had a tinge of confidence resounding with her Voice. Persia nodded in understanding and thought about something.

"Ego, Is my Abilities weird?" It was one of the questions Persia wanted to asked. It seems that Abilities were strange within this World. After all, from Ego's words. Ego made it seemed like Spells, Techniques, and Power Systems were the only things to power. Ego, hearing Persia's question, sighed and spoke with a Calm Monotone Voice.

"Abilities in the Realm of Piksyon borders on Bloodline and Race. Unlike Sister, who can get any Abilities she wanted, The Abilities are limited between Race and Bloodline. A Good Example would be a Firefox and a Water-Ox. One has the Ability that controls Fire while the other has Water. No matter what the Fox or Ox does. They can never gain anything other than their current abilities." Ego explained as Persia began thinking about it within her mind.

"I seemed to have gained Two Special Skills, which were Loot and Bestow. One can Steal an Ability while the other can Give an Ability." Persia said with a calm voice as Ego began coughing. She looked at her sister, who had a confused expression. 'My Sister might as well be God.' Ego didn't know what to say after hearing her Sister's words. Persia looked at her and answered. "I'm far from God."

Ego coughed once again and thought within her mind. 'I forgot about her Origin Skill. I should train myself to stop being surprised.' Persia nodded at her as if she agreed as if she heard what Ego thought. Ego shook her head as she smiled wryly. Ever since Ego gained her Humanoid Body, It was getting hard on keeping track with her Sister. She somehow missed the good feeling of being with her Sister Mind.

"Ego, After my Evolution. It seems that you have also change into something better. It was unexpected but a good one. I never thought that you would change into a new Creature entirely." Persia began speaking about the current Evolution of Ego. She remembered while skimming through the Notifications about the Evolution of Ego that shocked her.

It was unfortunate that most couldn't keep track as they lack the System within Persia's Mind. But despite lacking the System, they gained Leveling Ability which was important. Ego raised an eyebrow after hearing what her Sister said and signaled her Sister to continue.

"Hehehe... The Current Monster Form of Ego is Demonling Phoenix which is the same as my Monster Form, Demonling Serpent. The Demonling Phoenix has the Demon Skills as my Monster Form. As expected of my partner, who came from my body." Persia's last words were strange, but Ego shook her head and began thinking about her Monster Form.

"Can I use it?" Ego asked as activating her Monster Form without warning would cause problems which would be a headache for Ego. Persia thought about it and shook her head as she answered with a calm and soothing voice. "Not for now. Our Monster Forms is quite powerful." Ego nodded after hearing her Sister's Words and replied. "Understood... I will wait."

Persia then spoke about the Crescents, which were under her care. "Ego, I would like you to teach them about using Weapons and Magic. It should be useful for them as it has only been Hours since their Evolution." Persia said while pointing towards the Window. The Crescents could be seen practicing and adapting to their New Humanoid Body, which was a little bit funny.

Their Movements somehow resembled a toddler or a baby. Ego looked at the Crescents and nodded without any hesitation. She then spoke towards Persia with a tinge of respect through her Monotone Voice. "I will accept Sister's Orders and teach them until they became a Good Force for Sister to use."

Persia shook her head and thought about Ego's words. Most of Ego's words were correct. Persia wanted to build a good force within the Realm of Piksyon. Especially after discovering that Nations exist. Judging from their current location, Persia already expected that some Nations saw the Pillar of Light. It might have caused some attention, and Persia wanted to be ready for that Attention.

'The Subjugation Group of Orks should be a Small Force of an expected Ork Nation. Since blood has been shredded, I guess I would have to eliminate them. The only problem I have would be the Nations around the Forest. They would notice the destruction of the Ork Nation if I decided to make a move.' Persia thought to herself while thinking deeply about her Next Moves.

Persia didn't want to move recklessly as she wanted to Build her Force a good Foundation before waging destruction. She also didn't want the other Nations to think of her as some Evil Demon Lord that destroys everything on her path, so she would have to stop the Operation of destroying the Ork Nation.

"If I want to destroy an Enemy Nation and receive no repercussion. I would have to raise my Reputation and lower the Reputation of the Enemy Nation to the Mud. Then I would wait for them to strike me first before striking them back with a Power that destroys mountains. This should be a good idea, and I should make a plan with it.." Persia mumbled to herself as an Evil Smile appeared on her face.

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