The World Serpent

Chapter 108 - 108-The Supremes

Within the Temporary Town found within Everlasting Plain of the Korr Region, Numerous Crescents gathered together within the Wide Platform of the Town. The Crescents looked upon a wooden stage as they saw Three Figures standing upon them. The Three Figures were Luna, Capita, and Marx, The Strongest Crescents within the Inquisition. 

Luna looked upon the gathered Crescents as she slightly coughed. Hearing her silent cough, The Crescents stopped releasing any noise as they started to salute Luna. Luna nodded towards the Crescents as they stopped saluting towards her. She then spoke with a calm voice. 

"A Problem has arisen. The Spirit Lords, Astral Spirit Lord, Our Teacher, and Our Master are currently missing. We have received information that they have traveled into our Master's Soul Core. What that was, is currently unknown as even the Spirit Nobles didn't know what a Soul Core was. Our only order is the protection of the town, but we have another problem after the current problem." 

"The Supremes are heading towards the town, The known Supremes of the Elves, Dwarves, and Beastfolks. The Spirits and the Inquisition currently lost their higher echelons. The command tree is chaotic, especially for the Spirits. The Spirit Nobles are currently stopping any signs of Chaos. After having Met with the Spirit Nobles, We have concluded. With the help of the Spirit Clans and Nobles, we would take care of the problem if it arises." 

"The Spirits and Inquisition will be under a small alliance to protection the Occidental and Korr Region." Luna stopped her explanation as she gazed upon the Crescents in front of her. "Are any of you dissatisfied?" It was a simple question released by a cold tone. The Crescents shook their head as they agreed with everything Luna said. 

"Well, then. If you have questions, Raise your hand." Hearing Luna's words, A Lot of Crescents raised their hands as Luna sighed and pointed towards one of them. The Crescent nodded and asked with a calm voice. "Does the Supremes have hostile intentions?" Luna thought about it and shook her head as she denied it. "For now, they have no hostile intentions against us." 

Luna then pointed towards another Crescent. It was a Crescent Man, which was rare. Almost all Silver Wolves' men died at the hands of the Ork, which meant they were only about 5 of them within the Hundred Crescents. Luna raised an eyebrow as she spoke. "Have you completed your training, Older Brothe- Ehem, Yato?' Luna coughed as Yato nodded and answered. "We have completed our Recovery and Training. And about my question, Is the Pentagon Union that breakable?" 

"A Good Question. We aren't talking about the Supremes but their Subordinates. Spies are a severe problem. Some of the subordinates are also nationalistic and prideful. The one stopping a civil war within the Pentagon Union is the Balance between the Rulers. The moment the Higher-echelons of the Spirit Nation of Astra disappeared. It will create a power vacuum that might destroy the Pentagon Union." Luna answered as Yato nodded in agreement. 

"Anyway, our current mission is to appear strong. The Inquisition is the representative of the Occidental Region. The Spirits had already approved of our ownership of the region. The only ones we need are the approval of the remaining Supremes. Appear strong and let them know the power of the Inquisition. We will wait for our Master and Teacher to return and make them proud." After Luna's words, the Crescents began clapping as Luna smirked and spoke. "Prepare yourselves." 

The Crescents scrambled back to their rooms as they were currently on their Ordinary Clothes. They started wearing their Dark Military Uniforms and Weapons for the meeting with the Supremes. After the Crescents scrambled, Luna sighed as she looked at her friends who stood beside her. Marx had a smirking expression plastered on her face as she spoke with an excited voice. "I hope there won't be war." Capita facepalmed and replied. "Then why do you sound excited?" 

"I'm simply excited about the Supremes. I heard that they were supposedly equal to our Master. I want to see for myself because if they were simply weak bastards. I'll crush them." Marx answered as Capita raised an eyebrow. "The world doesn't work like that. Only those with Pure Power can rise to the top. Wealth and Social Power is useless against Pure Power." 

"I understand that simple fact, but it's quite surprising for someone like you to speak like that." Marx looked at Capita in disbelief as she couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Maybe something is wrong with my ears?" Marx shook her head as Luna chuckled at seeing her two friends' interaction. 

"Though I do wonder when our Master and Teacher would come back." Luna had a saddened expression plastered on her face. The disappearance of her Teacher and Master was like her Main Pillars fading. But Luna knew that she had to be independent and shouldn't always rely on her Master and Teacher. Luna was a Former Leader. She needed to act like one, especially when her People were leaderless. 

"Well, as Disciples. We need to protect our and our Master's home." Marx answered as Luna smiled after hearing Marx's words. They walked out from the wooden stage as they saw a Group of Spirits Nobles heading towards him. Luna raised an eyebrow as a Spirit Noble walked out of the group and reported with a calm voice. 

"Three Motherships currently heading towards the town got detected. The Estimated Time of Arrival is unknown, but the Spirits have already prepared everything needed for the meeting of the Supremes. Have your forces prepared themselves, Lord Luna?" 

Luna nodded after hearing his report and replied. "The Inquisition is now preparing their force. We will meet you in the designated meeting spot." The Spirit Nobles nodded after hearing them and returned to the Spirit HQ. After the Spirit Nobles disappeared, Luna sighed once again and muttered. "I hope there wouldn't be any problem." 

"A Problem is an Obstacle in Life that helps you grow. Wishing for it not to appear is the same as Wishing not to grow. Just like Wishing for problems to appear is the same as Wishing yourself to grow." Capita spoke with her emotionless and calm voice. Luna couldn't find any counter and shook her head. 

"It took me a while to realize, but it seems that they are here," Marx spoke while pointing in a random direction towards the Heavens. Capita and Luna turned their head towards where Marx pointed her finger as they saw a Giant silhouette within the Heavens. The Supremes have finally arrived. The meeting between the Supremes and the Inquisition was about to start. 

Three Gigantic Capital Ships hovered over the Clear Field. The Ships came from the Supremes of the Pentagon Union, also known as the Four Great Rulers of the Great Forest. They arrived within the Korr Region with an expected reason. The trouble caused by the Duel wasn't something that would go away without any problems. The Great Rulers had to deal with the Chaos that ensued upon the scene of the Falling Continent.

The Capital Ship of the Nation Bestia looked like a Giant Mobile Flying Island with a Temple on its top. It had Numerous Cannons scattered around the Ship, and it was known to be the most buffets ship in the Great Forest. It was a Capital Ship that was hard to take down. Such Ship was a Good Capital Ship for taking damage against Enemy Fire. The Temple above the Ship created a Force Field that made Capital Ship a lot harder to destroy.

The Capital Ship of the Nation Elda looked like a Futuristic Scifi Ship powered by Mana. With the Great Magical Technology of the Elves. The Elves effortlessly built a Giant Ship powered by Mana. The Ship looked like a Spear with Numerous Mana Cannons plastered on its deck. It had a lot of Armaments, and it could also carry ships within itself. The Ship was also not expensive as its Power Source was Mana, which was the Cheapest Fuel within Elda.

The Capital ship of the Nation Dwarven resembled a Steam Punk Airship. Without any Magic Talent, The Dwarves built their nation based on science. Discovering numerous fuel sources, They created a Steam Punk Ship with their Technology. The Ship released a Lot of Steam while hovering in the skies. The Steam made it look like a Giant Cloud floating through the Heavens. It was not an expected cover for the Giant Ship, but the Dwarves gladly accepted it and called it the blessing of their Emperor.

Such Gigantic Ships hovered on Top of the Clear Field. The Spirit Nobles looked at them and quickly understood their reasons.

"Well, That was fast..." A Spirit Noble sighed while looking at the Gigantic Ships within the Heavens. "Their speed is expected." Another Spirit Noble replied as the Nation Astra wasn't the only superpower with the Great Forest. "The meeting will now start, transmit a message towards their Motherships and let them know of the Meeting Spot.." An Older Spirit Noble ordered as the Spirit Nobles nodded in agreement. 

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