Chapter 237 Gains!

“[Pandora’s Box]”

“Level: Mythical Grade (Iridescent)”

“Special Feature: It can release something that can destroy the entire world. However, before it can release the item truly contained within it, the world will first be destroyed by the additional item. The consequences will be worse than death!”

“Description: This is a treasure that only God can truly control! What is it? Oh, that’s not something you should know. Return it, Adventurer!”

What did this mean?

Why did it seem different from the legendary item?

Also, from the description, it seemed that the box contained something more important than plague, jealousy, and so on/ What secrets were hidden inside?

That legend… The moment he obtained it, Chen Feng felt the [Sea Calming Scepter) in his body begin to violently tremble!

“This is what I’ve been looking for!”

Chen Feng suddenly thought of something.


陈风记下了这一次的奇怪感觉没有在意,现在的自己不 是担忧这些东西的时候!

Chen Feng remembered this strange feeling and did not mind it. Now was not the time to worry about such things!

陈风召唤出自己的神器「定海权杖]放在右手,而将刚刚 得到的潘多拉魔盒]放在左手之上,

Chen Feng summoned his divine artifact (Sea Calming Scepter) and placed it in his right hand. He also placed the Pandora’s Box he had just obtained in his left hand.


Then, they slowly approached each other, and both of them let out a violent tremor!

那个声音在陈风的心里继续大声的喊着,将他们两个 合在一起,

The voice continued to shout loudly in Chen Feng’s heart, bringing the two of therm together.

面对这不知是从哪里传来的声音,陈风无法探查但即便 是根据自己的本能,他也知道,接下来自己已经到了一个 十分重要的时候了!

Facing this unknown voice, Chen Feng was unable to detect it. However, even with his instincts, he knew that he had reached an extremely important moment! 自己本来具有的「定海权杖]就是一件神器,而这件新获 得的潘多拉魔盒]理所当然的也是一件神器,那么两件 神器的结合体,会是什么呢?

The Sea Calming Scepter that he originally possessed was a divine artifact, and this newly obtained Pandora’s Box was also a divine artifact. Then, what would the combination of the two divine artifacts be?

Chen Feng was extremely curious.

凑近了些,只见[潘多拉魔盒]之上开始冒出一些七彩的 光芒,而同样的[定海权杖]也从权杖顶端开始冒出同样 的光芒,

As he got closer, he saw that the Pandora’s Box began to emit a rainbow light, and the same light began to emit from the top of the Sea Calming Scepter.


Subconsciously, Chen Feng used his SSS-rank skill [Omnipotent Adaptation]!

不得不说,这个陈风三十级觉醒的技能简直就是神技,他 能做到的事情太多了!

It had to be said that Chen Feng’s Level 30 Awakening skill was a godly skill. There were too many things he could do!

那两团七彩光芒开始缓缓的靠近到了一起,而这时陈风 的技能也产生了未知的作用,它们直接融合到了一起!

The two seven colored lights slowly approached each other. At this moment, Chen Feng’s technique also had an unknown effect. They directly merged together!

就像是两团铁水在合适的渠道下终于融汇到了一起一 样,

It was like two clusters of molten iron had finally merged together under the right channel.

陈风脑海中突然冒出了这么一个念头,随即甩了甩头,将 这样古怪的想法赶出了脑袋,

This thought suddenly appeared in Chen Feng’s mind as he shook his head, chasing away this strange thought.


At this moment, the system notification that he had not heard for a long time sounded in his mind again.


“Players, please choose the main fusion direction of the divine weapon!”


由于神奇之间的融合具有未知性,所以融合之后 的结果是完全随机的,玩家仅能选择以即将融合的神器 之中的某一件物品作为主体,请玩家注意!

[Prompt! Due to the unknown nature of the fusion between the magical items, the result of the fusion is completely random. Players can only choose one item from the fused magical equipment as the main body. Players, please pay attention!]


“Prompt! Players, pay attention!”


“Prompt! Players, pay attention!”


The system broadcasted it three times before it stopped.

陈风犹豫了一下,是选择自己的已经熟悉的「定海权杖]? 还是未知的,刚刚获得的[潘多拉魔盒]?

Chen Feng hesitated. Should he choose the familiar (Sea Calming Scepter]? Or the unknowm, newly obtained [Pandora’s Box]?

现在我的战斗风格也基本已经搭建完成了,具体的回复 以及防御技能都有了更好地替代物,似乎「定海权杖]不 再具有必要性了?

My battle style has basically been completed. I have a better substitute for my specific recovery and defensive skills. It seems that the Sea Calming Scepter is no longer necessary?



Then, let’s not try out the new item. What magical characteristics does he have?

What would happen after two divine artifacts fused together?

He was looking forward to it!

Chen Feng clenched his teeth and finally made up his mind!

“System, construct new items with the (Sea Calming Scepter] as the main body!”

“I’ve received your orders. Please wait…”

从之前修罗王的话语之中,陈风已经明显能够感觉到,自 己即将接近这个世界的终极秘密的一部分,而这时候,贸 然的选择一部熟悉的物品替换自己的习惯,

From the Asura King’s words, Chen Feng could clearly feel that he was approaching the ultimate secret of this world. And at this time, he had chosen a familiar object to replace his habit.

那自己的战斗习惯,以及与队友们的默契岂不是也要重 新培养了?

Then wouldn’t his combat habits and tacit understanding with his teammates be re-cultivated?

这如果遇到了其他的危机情况,岂不是有可能导致无解 的结局?

If they encountered any other crisis, wouldn’t it lead to an unsolvable outcome?

Pfft! It would not be worth it!

想明白问题的关键所在之后,陈风便没有什么值得犹豫 的了,果断选择了以[定海权杖]为主体!

After figuring out the crux of the problem, Chen Feng had nothing to hesitate about. He decisively chose the Sea Calming Scepter as his main body!


The light in front of him was sometimes strong and sometimes weak. It seemed like it would take a while before it ended.

陈风下意识的想到,那队友朴云墨,施耐德,芬恩他们,怎 么样了?自己已经在这房修罗世界战斗了不知多长的岁 月,它们应该已经出去了吧?

Chen Feng subconsciously thought about his teammates, Park Yunmo, Schneider, Finn, and the others. How were they? He had already fought in this Asura Room for an unknown period of time. They should have already left, right?

这一刻,随着陈风这样的想法出现,他的面前突然一阵诡 异的黑红,青紫色光芒聚集!

At that moment, as Chen Feng thought this, a strange black-red and cyan-purple light suddenly gathered in front of him!

What was that?

陈风惊奇的观察着这突如其来的变化,下一刻,它们便已 经在陈风的面前,凝聚完毕,

Chen Feng watched the sudden change in surprise. In the next moment, they had already gathered in front of him.

这是一块晶石,是棱角分明的三十二面体,有着极浓郁的 紫色为主体,

This was a crystal. It was an angular thirty-two-sided body with an extremely dense purple main body.


This looked like something I need to touch?

陈风自我感觉了一下,没有什么危险,于是走进了过去, 对它伸出了自己的右手,

Chen Feng felt that there was no danger, so he walked over and extended his right hand.

轻轻地覆盖其上,下一刻,大量的信息如同瀑布一样不由 分说的涌进了陈风的大脑之中!

Gently covering it, a large amount of information poured into Chen Feng’s brain like a waterfall!

“六道分支之一–修罗道” “One of the six branches, Asura.”


“The geographical situation is as follows. The Asura path is divided into three parts. It is

“修罗口情况如下,修罗道目前拥有的修罗数量为.. “The situation with the Asura is as follows. The Asura is named after

” 自然资源情况如下,拥有科尔璨晶体.”

“The natural resource situation is like having kohl crystals.”

“历史情况如下,修罗界自世界诞生以后便已经诞生,截 止到目前,


“The historical situation is as follows. The Asura World was born after the world was born. We have experienced it until now.”


“Man, man, man!” cried the other, “man!”


“The water ratio is

大致的总体信息在哪大量的信息流中没有存在半秒钟 的时间,就被刷了过去,紧随其后的,是无穷无尽的大量 的具体信息!

The general information did not exist for more than half a second in the large amount of information before it was sent over. What followed was an endless amount of specific information!

小到每一个修罗界中的修罗的具体位置,自身的六维数 据情况,他们所属的具体的修罗种族,它们个体的目前进 化情况,他们从出生开始每一时刻都做了些什么..

It was so small that the exact location of every Asura in the Asura world, their own six-dimensional data, the specific Asura race that they belonged to, and the current evolutionary situation of each of them, from the moment they were born, they would do something like this.


每一座山脉矿产资源一击每一处 矿脉的具体特性以及相应的用途,作用,每一处地理情


It was so big that every mountain, lake, mountain, mineral resources, the specific characteristics and corresponding uses of every mineral vein, every geographical situation, every geographical situation, every function… Chen Feng had never seen such complicated and clear information before!

它们是那样的具体而专业,陈风觉得,如果自己前半生的 时候的学生时代具有这样的知识量,那轻轻松松的都能 做任何一个领域一个专家教授!

They were so specific and professional. Chen Feng felt that if he had such knowledge in his first half of his life as a student, he could easily become an expert professor in any field!

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