The Wealthy Eldest Sister Rules Supreme

Chapter 341 - Chapter 341: Chapter 328: Misheard

Chapter 341: Chapter 328: Misheard

Translator: 549690339

Upon arriving at the academy’s gate, Zhuang Yuanzhong was indeed standing there.

The sun was fierce, leaving Zhuang Yuanzhong somewhat wilted, looking as though he had walked; his shoes were speckled with dust.

Fortunately, his attire was neat and his clothes seemed new, even though the fabric was mediocre…

“Big brother.” Zhuang Yuanzhong hurried over when he saw Zhuang Yuanren.

“Why are you here?” Zhuang Yuanren pulled Yuanzhong behind a nearby tree and glanced around, “Father and mother didn’t come with you?”

“No.” Yuanzhong shook his head, “I came alone. I need to talk to big brother about something.”

“What is it?” Yuanren was relieved when he heard that Zhuang Ruman and Mrs. Song hadn’t come. However, upon hearing Zhuang Yuanzhong saying he had matters to discuss, he furrowed his brows again.

Could it be that someone at home asked Zhuang Yuanzhong to come and ask him for money?

“Sister will marry into the Kong family in a few days. You know about that, right?”

“Mhm.” Yuanren nodded, “Isn’t it on the twenty-sixth of this month? I’ve asked the teacher for time off already, so you need not worry.”

Despite never having met the only heir of the Kong family, Zhuang Yuanren had heard how important this heir was to the family. Therefore, from the moment he learnt of the wedding day, he immediately requested leave, preparing to coordinate the marriage ceremony as an uncle and brother-in-law on the day.

“But do you know, big brother, that the young master of the Kong family is already dead? My sister is marrying a dead man!” Zhuang Yuanzhong anxiously said.

The Kong family’s only heir was already dead?

Zhuang Yuanren was taken aback, “I…I wasn’t aware of that…”

But then, a shiver of joy crossed his mind.

The Kong family’s sole heir was gone, but they are being so good to him now. Could it be…

Zhuang Yuanren didn’t dare to think on this further.

However, seeing the worry on Zhuang Yuanzhong’s face, he suppressed the joy in his heart and replied, “This isn’t something we can worry about. Marriage is the decision of parents and matchmakers. No matter how it turns out, we can only call it Qinghe’s fate.”

“Marrying a chicken, follow the chicken; marrying a dog, follow the dog. After Qinghe gets married, she must take care of her in-laws without a word of complaint…”

“But big brother, the Kong family doesn’t want sister to serve them as a widow, they want her to be buried with the young master. They want to bury her alive!” Zhuang Yuanzhong blurted out.

After saying that, he started to pant heavily, tears filling his eyes.

Ever since he overheard about this at the base of the wall that night, he had been beside himself.

He loves money, he craves it. He doesn’t mind conning others usually, even if it’s Zhuang Qinghe or Mrs Song. But this is about a life – exchanging a life for money sends chills down his spine.

He really wanted to tell someone all about this. But Zhuang Ruman approves of all of this and probably won’t want to hear any of it. As for IVIrs. Song, she wouldn’t be of any help anyway.He wouldn’t get any support from other villagers either – they wouldn’t care about his family’s problems and, given his reputation as a thief, he wouldn’t expect any help from them either.

Thinking about this over and over, Zhuang Yuanzhong felt helpless and decided to find Zhuang Yuanren for help.

Whatever Zhuang Yuanren says, Zhuang Ruman is sure to listen.

After hearing this, Zhuang Yuanren was taken aback, his face drained of color.

No wonder, it now makes sense.

No wonder Zhuang Qinghe, a regular girl, was bestowed favor by the Kong family who are wealthy beyond measure. No wonder the Kong family was willing to spend so extravagantly on her. No wonder the Kong’s heir had never appeared in public— he was already dead. Now they have chosen Zhuang Qinghe for a ghost marriage.

At the root of this lies Qinghe’s auspicious birth chart.

But this also inevitably means risking Zhuang Qinghe’s life.

“Big brother, you have to persuade father.” Zhuang Yuanzhong reminded Zhuang Yuanren, who had been in a daze for a while.

The startled Yuanren then came to his senses. Looking at Zhuang Yuanzhong, he moved his lips several times without being able to utter a word.

After a while, he managed to say, “Be careful about spreading such rumors. The imperial court strictly prohibits ghost marriages. If the officials find out, one would be flogged.”

“You must have heard it wrong. There is no such thing as a ghost marriage. How could mother and father willingly risk Qinghe’s life? Especially mother, who has always adored Qinghe, she would never allow this.”

“Besides, although the young master of the Kong family is a bit frail, he is still alive. I was at the Kong family’s house just yesterday and talked to him for a while. He looks a little weak on the surface and often coughs, but that’s about it. He even talked about treating Qinghe well in the future. As her uncle, I felt relieved.”

“How can a living person and an actual wedding become a ghost marriage? You should not repeat this, otherwise others might think you wish death upon the young master of the Kong family or that you are quite malevolent at such a tender age.”

“Anyhow, there must be some misunderstanding. You are overthinking this. Hurry back home, your parents must be worried about you.”

Zhuang Yuanzhong became more hesitant upon hearing these words.

Did he really mishear? Yuanren said he might have made a mistake, but he clearly heard everything that night against the wall…

But Yuanren also said that he saw the young master of the Kong family, and he seemed just fine.

Zhuang Yuanzhong was now confused, and looked at Zhuang Yuanren with a puzzled expression.

“Do you not believe what your big brother says?” Yuanren took off his money pouch from around his waist and found two silver taels, stuffing them into Zhuang Yuanzhong’s hands, “Go and find a carriage back home with this money. Get something to eat if you’re hungry. I have to go back to class now and can’t keep talking.”

“Listen to me and hurry back home.”

Zhuang Yuanren gently pushed Yuanzhong and quickly walked back into the academy.

Zhuang Yuanzhong stared blankly at the two pieces of silver in his hands. Really, did he mishear?

He tugged at his ear, then with heavy steps and a defeated look, Zhuang Yuanzhong turned to leave.

Zhuang Yuanren peeped out from the academy gate to watch as Zhuang Yuanzhong disappeared into the distance, sighing with relief.

A ghost marriage, huh.

Such a thing is considered unspeakably shameful.

Especially when it involves a living person, it’s absolutely abhorrent.

For their family, it’s like plunging their own daughter into a pit of fire.

But how should this situation be handled?

A girl from their family is always destined to marry eventually. If she married into a poor family, life would be harsh, and she wouldn’t be able to contribute much to her birth family.. Wouldn’t she be better off living a few days of good life then?

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