The Wealthy Eldest Sister Rules Supreme

Chapter 305 - Chapter 305: Chapter 292: Can’t Stand It

Chapter 305: Chapter 292: Can’t Stand It

Translator: 549690339

“Cheng, let me handle this.” Mrs. Meng agreed.

While the couple was talking, Zhuang Qingsui had already tried on her new clothes and emerged.

A moon-white blouse, pea-green pleated skirt, adorned with embroidered orchid grass on a cinnamon-coloured waistband. Zhuang Qingsui’s face looked delicate and adorable. Two ribbons on the side of her hair buns make her even more lively.

“She looks lovely.” Unable to resist, Mrs. Meng nodded and hugged Zhuang Qingsui, who looked as delicate as a carved jade, “The more I look, the more I like her.”

Mrs. Meng has two children, both sons and no daughters.

It is true that sons bring solid support to the family and carry on the family line. But the lack of a sweet and lovely daughter does leave some regret.

Mrs. Meng likes the capable and strong-willed Zhuang Qingning just as much as she likes the lively and adorable Zhuang Qingsui. She just can’t love enough of them.

Flattered, Zhuang Qingsui blushed and thanked Mrs. Meng and Zhuang Yutian.

By noon, they all had a meal at Zhuang Yutian’s house. In the afternoon, they hired a carriage to head home.

After seeing off Zhuang Qingning and Qingsui, Zhuang Yutian and Mrs. Meng were planning the marketing of the herbal medicine. When Zhuang Wencheng found a moment, he shared his ideas and plans with them.

At first, Zhuang Yutian was worried that Zhuang Wencheng might be hit hard by the misunderstanding that led to his departure from the pharmacy, possibly leading to a setback. But knowing Wencheng had his own ideas, Zhuang Yutian immediately felt relieved and joined in planning for the future.

The century egg business is booming day by day.

Also booming is Ruyi Pavilion.

With Chef Zhang Yongchang, the raw materials from Zhuang’s Tofu Shop, coupled with Zhuang Qingning’s previous guest-welcoming methods, the new dishes Chef Zhang Yongchang has developed, Ruyi Pavilion has been busier recently than Fushun Tower.

Who would have thought his Ruyi Pavilion would have such a day?

Chai Zhengzhen was pleased with his restaurant’s success, welcoming guests in and out with a bright smile on his face.

“The business of Ruyi Pavilion is really good.” At the door, seeing the crowds in and out of Ruyi Pavilion, Ma Tong couldn’t help praising it. His envious gaze kept sneaking towards Ruyi Pavilion, and he had been calculating in his mind.

Since Qi Changfu and his apprentice ran away with swindled money, Fushun Tower was constantly harassed by creditors. There were no customers coming any more. Fushun Tower’s business could be described as deserted.

Unable to find Qi Changfu and Tong Fei, the instigators, the creditors were not willing to give up. The matter finally went to the County Government Office.

Finally, Ding Gaochang judged that Feng Yongkang should first compensate the creditors for eighty percent of the silver, and the rest would be dealt with after finding Qi Changfu and his apprentice. If they couldn’t be found, the rest would be paid a year later.

Even though it was only eighty percent, it could be said that it nearly drained the entire Fushun Tower. Without savings and needing to live, they naturally had to rejuvenate and continue to earn silver.

Feng Yongkang wanted to find a cook as soon as possible to revive Fushun Tower and reopen it as soon as possible.

However, he couldn’t find anyone. The common cooks in town couldn’t satisfy Feng Yongkang. But the cooks in the county town didn’t want to come to this remote town. Moreover, the incident at Fushun Tower had been reported to the County Government Office and many people knew about it, fearing that it would be difficult for such a restaurant in the future. They were afraid that they wouldn’t be able to get their wages, so they didn’t want to come.

As a result, Feng Yongkang couldn’t find a suitable cook, and Fushun Tower has been closed for business so far.

As business was bad and there was no more money in Fushun Tower, the employees wages couldn’t be paid on time. They said they had to delay for half a month.

But without paying wages, people couldn’t be idle. Even though Fushun Tower wasn’t open for business, the places that needed cleaning couldn’t be neglected, especially the storefront, which had to be spotless.

As Feng Yongkang put it, they had to keep up appearances because the god of wealth didn’t enter a dirty door. They couldn’t let this affect their business.

Not much work was done without paying, but ever since something had happened to Fushun Tower, Feng Yongkang had been in a bad mood and often found fault with his employees, scolding them unnecessarily. In just a few days, he had already scolded two waiters away. Now, there were only him and another worker left who could actually work.

Watching Ruyi Pavilion’s booming business, Ma Tong had been calculating whether to quit here and ask if Ruyi Pavilion needed more help.

After all, he had given due respect to Chef Zhang before. He thought that if they really needed help, they wouldn’t refuse him.

As Ma Tong was weighing his options, he felt a chill at his side. He glanced over and saw the cold-faced Feng Yongkang standing by, which startled him, and he almost threw his broom on the ground.

“S, s, shop manager.”

Ma Tong was lowering his head, not daring to look at Feng Yongkang.

“If you think the business at Ruyi Pavilion is good and want to straddle both sides, just go!” Feng Yongkang spat and said, “A restaurant that has no face, always knows to pick up things that others don’t want, now has some luck and thinks they’re on top of the world!”

“They’re proud for a few days, sooner or later they will regret it! Nothing more than a crappy restaurant. Wait until Fushun Tower rises again, see if there is a place for you to stand in this town!”

“What are you looking at? Why aren’t you going back to work?”

Feng Yongkang glared at Ma Tong, “You’re lazy, you eat a lot every day, but work so slowly. I really don’t know what it’s worth feeding you!”

“It’s better to breed a dog than to feed you!”

Feng Yongkang was spitting saliva while scolding. Ma Tong frowned tightly.

“Shop manager.” Ma Tong raised his head, undid his apron, and stuffed it along with the broom in his hand into Feng Yongkang’s hand.

Feng Yongkang was stunned at first, and then burst into anger, “What are you doing, are you trying to usurp me?”

“I dare not usurp your authority. The reason I’m here is to make a living, I will work if I can, if I can’t I won’t. I’m your hired help, I work for money, but that doesn’t mean you can trample on my dignity.”

Ma Tong straightened his back, and said, “I can’t bear this kind of insult, so I quit.”

With that, Ma Tong turned around and went to the backyard to pack up his things.

This was the first time he’d ever encountered an employee turning his face and walking away.

Feng Yongkang couldn’t keep face. He felt even more that people on the street were watching him, and even heard some murmuring and snickering.

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